Month: May 2013
Managing Up and Across
Psychology Today defines “managing up” as the high art of handling bosses, parents, and other authority figures. Some believe managing up is the art of getting what you want from your boss. Others contend that managing up is simply doing your job and getting good results. Yet another description includes minimizing “interference” or micromanagement. All…
OIT Streams Commencement 2013!
This day is like no other on the Emory campus. It is a time when over 14,000 graduates, their families and friends converge first on the Quadrangle and then to other campus locations for diploma ceremonies and celebrations. The sea of chairs alone is staggering and to watch it all unfold, beginning at 4:30 a.m.,…
Kim Braxton, Faculty Services Manager, Academic Technology Services
Effective June 1, Kim will be the Manager of Faculty Services for UTS. She will be coordinating faculty support initiatives in ATS, which includes leading Blackboard outreach initiatives and service enhancements, working with the Library’s new Center for Digital Scholarship, and expanding the world of Coursera. Kim previously held the role of Manager of Student…
Tony Shiver, Student Services Manager, Academic Technology Services
In his role as Coordinator of the Computing Center at Cox Hall, Tony Shiver has guided the day-to-day operations of the Computing Center for nearly 10 years. On June 1, he will assume the role of Manager of Student Services, the team on which he’s worked since its inception. Tony will manage several services that…
Diversity Through Storytelling
We hear the word “diversity” nearly every day, but what are we really talking about? Race, gender, age, nationality, or maybe all of these? Or is the real question: how can we all work effectively within a diverse environment? Diversity is around us, on every side and in every conceivable combination. We must respect that…
Composting – Full Circle!
We have a new Food Services Director, David Fuhrman and he is bringing new enthusiasm, energy and awareness into Emory’s food; where it comes from, how it’s served and where it goes when it’s done. He’s going to roll out a “Meatless Monday” concept for healthy eating choices (it’s an option), he is working with…
Haynes Chewning, Desktop Support II, Academic Technology Services
As part of the Library reorg, Haynes will be helping to manage the Learning Commons in the Woodruff Library as well as in the Math and Science Library. He spent the last year as a wireless support specialist as part of the wireless redesign team in the Library. Haynes helped with the wireless layout design…