R25, Emory’s enterprise scheduling, publishing and registration system, is undergoing a significant and expansive upgrade that will add a multitude of features and improve the overall user experience.
The system is now called “25Live” and its infrastructure is housed in the data center of CollegeNET, an Oregon-based business partner that will provide security, capacity and disaster recovery capabilities.
One of the major features of the new system is a strategic partnership between Trumba, Emory’s online events calendar, and CollegeNET. This partnership allows CollegeNET to provide a more robust and modern calendar interface, which many Emory users have mentioned was sorely needed.
While there are differences between R25 and 25Live, the core functionality will remain. The ability to view and request space can still be controlled by the space owner, and all modules, including X25, Opus integration, and Schedule25 will continue to be available as they were before the upgrade.
“Today’s R25 application is one of the unsung workhorse systems, handling volumes of departmental calendaring needs across Emory,” says Brett Coryell (University Technology Services). “What the new 25Live application will bring is a real uplift in usability, with a modern interface and a host of new features. Literally thousands of people will be enjoying greater performance and convenience in their calendaring.”
The upgrade began on June 21 and should be ready on July 1. During the transition period, all R25 data will be frozen in order to cleanly transfer the information to the new infrastructure. Users are still able to read the data, but cannot add any new items. On July 1, users will be able to access the new 25Live and resume normal scheduling activities.
Users should continue to read the Web Viewer Login Alert page to receive the latest instructions regarding the new system. Although CollegeNET has made 25Live as intuitive and user-friendly as possible, the interface is completely new and will require users to become accustomed to the new steps.
The project team, led by John Wilson (Enterprise Applications), is developing several different kinds of training materials, including reference documents, knowledge articles and “how to” videos. The 25Live support team will also be available to respond to area-specific questions.
Notes project manager Graydon Kirk (PMO): “Even though the new 25Live system is in Portland, the Emory enterprise support procedures have not changed.” Wilson’s team will serve as the conduit to the vendor.
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