Georgia Power is beginning construction of a new substation at the north end of Burlington Road (closest to Emory). This area substation is needed to serve growth and increase reliability in the Clifton Corridor. Below is a link to some information and photos.

In terms of impact to OIT staff, there will be no parking on Burlington Road, with occasional closing or reduced parking in the surface lot next to NDB. The construction on Gambrell Dr., the road that bends in front of NDB, should not cause congestion for NDB because the work is being done at night. The overall project should last about 18 months.
Currently, the Clifton Corridor is served exclusively from two Georgia Power-owned substations located on Oxford Road. These stations and the circuits that distribute the power are configured to supply a highly reliable service. The projected large increases in peak electric demand will create overloads on the existing substations and distribution circuits unless preventive measures are undertaken.

Georgia Power has spent several years researching a number of possible solutions including expanding the existing substations, transporting power into the area from other nearby substations and constructing a new substation. Constructing a new substation was determined to be the only solution that was both practical and long-lasting.
The overall timeline is to begin construction in May 2013 and have an energized substation by December 2014. Once construction begins, Georgia Power will provide regular communication regarding the progress and activities related to this project. Georgia Power is committed to communicating updates on this project throughout construction. Please contact Tony Rogers, Georgia Power project manager (phone 404-506-6381/email awrogers [at] southernco [dot] com) with questions.
Construction Activities During the Summer of 2013
Gambrell Drive construction:
- On May 20, roadwork and construction began on an electrical duct bank in Gambrell Drive that will serve the new Emory University Hospital Expansion. This work will last about nine months. This work will occur at night between the hours of 7 p.m. – 6 a.m. to minimize traffic conflicts. At least one lane on Gambrell Drive will remain open during this project. Shuttle service will not be impacted.
Burlington Road sitework:
- Toward the end of August, grading and wall construction will begin on the substation site. This work will continue until December 2014. Most site work will be conducted Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Additional work may be scheduled on weekends. Before the substation construction begins, around the second week of August, Georgia Power will begin removing the trees that are affected by the substation and the underground lines feeding the substation. These trees will be replaced at other locations around Emory campus per the Emory “No Net Loss” Tree Policy.
Parking On Burlington Road:
- Starting around the end of August, there will be no parking on Burlington Road. One lane of Burlington Road will remain open at all times. The east parking lot at the North Decatur Building will be closed beginning January 2014 through May 2014.
- The substation construction will require dump trucks hauling off dirt and bringing in fill material. Georgia Power will limit dump truck traffic on the substation work to the hours of 9am-4pm to help with area traffic flow.
- The greatest impact to NDB parking/traffic flow will occur February-April, 2014. This is when Georgia Power will be digging the underground lines that feed the substation. This digging will occur on Burlington Rd. and through one-half of the NDB parking lot. Daily/weekly communication with the appropriate contacts at Emory will occur to minimize parking issues at all times during construction, but especially during this timeframe.
[Ed. Note – article was co-written by David Payne, Emory Sr. Director of Business & Admin Operations.]
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