Any time a large organization undergoes a rebranding change, one of the extreme challenges is to find all occurences of the old logo. For example, there is still signage on campus for ITD, Netcom, and OIT. As such, Marcomm has created a tool in ServiceNow for collecting all instances of old library or IT logos:

This link is a web redirect which, upon authentication, will take the user to a ServiceNow application where you can enter any example you see where old logos are in use. The tool also allows users to submit photos of the items that need to be changed, which would greatly help the identification process. Also be aware that this includes electronic naming conventions, such as server names and URL paths.
Because of the expected work load of this effort, Norman Hulme (Integration) will be handling all of the IT items and Holly Crenshaw (University Libraries) will coordinate the Library items. They will keep track of each logo instance that need changing/remediation and estimate total cost and work effort, and schedule the removals/changes.
The team knows there are a plethora of examples on campus, ranging from mouse pads to vehicular signage. Obviously some things like old coffee mugs or old shirts won’t necessarily need to be changed, but it is good to identify these instances so that management can determine if employees who happen to be customer-facing should receive paraphernalia with the new LITS logo (pictured at the top of the page).
According to Kim Comstock (Business and Administration), electronic versions of the letterhead with the new logo are already available. As for business cards, she asks that folks use up their old business card supply before ordering new cards. “And in our increasingly paperless workplace,” says Kim, “I would suggest that business cards are somewhat wasteful. I know I won’t be ordering any!”
The Marcomm team will honor the employee who enters the most logo corrections at the end of this rebranding effort. Perhaps with some leftover OIT coffee mugs!
So don’t delay! Start looking today!
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