[Ed. Note: The following message was written by Linda Nodine.]
Recently you should have received an email from Central Human Resources about the 2014 Award of Distinction and nomination process. As in prior years, all nominations for an Award of Distinction in LITS must be approved by Rich Mendola in his role as Enterprise CIO and Senior Vice Provost for Library Services and Digital Scholarship. Also note that the LITS division can put forward a maximum of 8 nominations based on our staff FTE count. Since we’ve had several prior recipients, and since we have a large number of long-term employees, we may or may not utilize our maximum allotment of nominations in any given year. The number of awards will depend upon the contributions noted in the submissions received.
This award represents an opportunity for our division to recognize the significant contributions of key staff members and you are therefore encouraged to carefully consider the programs, initiatives, and innovations that have had the greatest impact in the past year and the staff members most responsible for their success. To ensure the integrity and prestige of the award, we ask that you put forth only those nominations that truly meet the spirit and intent of the award as well as the criteria established for the various award categories. Please note that librarians and faculty are not eligible to be nominated as this is specifically a staff award.
If you have an interest in submitting a nomination for a LITS staff member, please complete the form listed on the website link below and forward as a Word attachment to Linda Nodine via email (linda [dot] nodine [at] emory [dot] edu) by the deadline listed below.
The deadline for submission is Thursday, January 30, 2014 by noon. This deadline precedes the Central HR deadline as sufficient time will be needed to compile the nominations and present them for review and approval by Rich. Please contact any member of the LITS Human Resources staff if you have questions about the program.
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