Photo of Stephen Wheat

Mark your calendar: Emory Mobile App Catalog seminar June 29

Photo of Stephen Wheat
Stephen Wheat, Chief Information Technology Architect.

A reminder that Stephen Wheat‘s seminars on the new Emory Mobile App Catalog begin on Monday, June 29, in the Goizueta Business School, room 231, at 10:00 AM. To sign up, you must RSVP by contacting Linda Richardson at lrichar [at] emory [dot] edu. Anyone in the Emory community can attend these presentations and see a demo of the service.

The sessions will be led by Emory IT Architecture and Apperian, the vendor whose mobile app distribution platform implements Emory’s Mobile App Catalog. The session will also be available as a webinar for those who cannot attend in person. Sessions for Information Security and LITS support teams will follow the general presentation. If you have a special interest in security and support topics and would like to attend those sessions, please consider attending. You can learn more about the event at and in the article, “Mobile App Catalog ready for broad Emory use.


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