Over the next few weeks, over 100 LITS employees will be moving to new locations on Emory’s campus. These instructions should help you survive the process.
Remember, change is good for the soul. According to philosopher Alan Watts, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” Ready to dance?
“The first step toward change is awareness,” said psychotherapist Nathaniel Branden. “The second step is acceptance.” Added the Borg from Star Trek, “Resistance is futile.”
Moving Steps
Step 1. Know your move date. Once you have received your move notice you will be expected to move within that move window. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have general questions, contact your admins:
- NDB 2nd and 3rd Floor – Linda Richardson – lrichar [at] emory [dot] edu
- NDB 5th Floor – Michelle Crawford – mglass [at] emory [dot] edu
- 1762 – Sebreanna Echols – swill22 [at] emory [dot] edu
Step 2. Your crates have arrived. Fill them. You will get your crates three days before your move. They must be packed PRIOR to your moving day. DO NOT TRY TO PACK ON THE DAY OF THE MOVE. It is a good idea to label your crates with a sticker that says “<insert name> Crate 1 of 5 to <insert new building/cube#/office #>”.
Step 3. You are packed. Now clean your old office/cubicle. Regarding the moves, there is no housekeeping staff that will clean your old cubicle. Take personal accountability. This is part of being a part of the community. The people who come in behind you must have a clean spot.
- There will be cleaning stations where you can check out materials and gloves
- Spray and wipe down every flat surface – leave no traces you were there
- Make sure you remove all food items
- Take your plants
- If your new space is filthy, you should tell your admin and they will get the previous occupant to come back. DONT BE THAT PERSON THAT MUST COME BACK.
Step 4. Moving Day. What goes and what stays? Morning moves MUST BE OUT by 12:00 on the day of your move. Afternoon moves cannot start moving in until 1 pm. Be respectful of the person moving in.
- Campus Services will move…moving crates, chair
- You will move…computer, phone (with cables), trashcans, plants (your crates and chair if you are moving in the same building)
- What stays…name plates (but you can pull out your name and take it with you), old keys (leave them in the locks), guest chair, whiteboard (if you need a new one, tell your admin).
Step 5. Move is over, now what? Unpack your crates as soon as you can. They must be placed outside of your new office to be picked up within TWO DAYS after your move has been completed. Someone from Field Services will be by to set up your phone. Make sure it is out and on your desk and that you have already set up your computer. Also, it is a good idea to talk to leadership about norms and being good neighbors in your new space.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a big release date for the day Susan says I have to move. What if I cannot move on that date?
- Let Susan Greene (greene [at] emory [dot] edu) know immediately if you think you have a valid business reason for rescheduling. Many of these moves are being performed in parallel and we cannot hold up the stream.
I need help moving because I have a bad back.
- Contact your admin to get assistance. If you have a large piece of equipment that needs to be moved, contact Susan Greene today (greene [at] emory [dot] edu).
What if I have too much stuff and my new cube is smaller?
- This is a great time to throw out your useless stuff. There will be trash and recycling bins in your area. Also, you may want to ask your admin if there are any available bookshelves.
I don’t know how to configure my computer, what do I do?
- Really? Open a ticket, if you must
I see my new cube is clear, can I go ahead and move in?
- NO…you must wait for Susan.
Will my badge work in my new building?
- Yes, but if it doesn’t, contact Kim Comstock (kcomsto [at] emory [dot] edu).
How do I get on the NDB or 1762 parking list?
- Contact Emory Parking at 404-727-7275 or parking [at] emory [dot] edu.
How do I get my email added to the BizHub in my area?
- Open a ticket. A job aid for this service is in the works.
We hope this has helped. Happy moving…
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