In August, Christeene Alcosiba assumed the role of Manager of Operations in Public Programming for the Rose Library (MARBL). For this position, Christeene splits time between managing administrative services and coordinating communications and event management for Rose. As such, she reports to both the Rose Library and Campus and Community Relations.
Christeene began her Emory career nearly six years ago as a graduate student working part time in the Rose Library. Upon receiving a degree from library school, Christeene became the administrative services coordinator. With her recent promotion, she is happy to focus more on programming and communications, in addition to her core duties in administration. She also spent two years as an English teacher.
Christeene received her master’s degree in library and information science from Valdosta State University, with a focus in preservation and library management. She also has a bachelor’s degree in English and journalism from Georgia State University.
Born in Castro Valley, CA, Christeene lived for a short time in Ohio then went to high school in Atlanta. Her passion is for writing poetry and she recently joined a group called Deer Bear Wolf in which she will help curate a reading series called “Transgression.”
“Upon taking a tour as a student, I got to see a first edition by Jane Austen and knew right then that I had to work in this library,” said Christeene. “I am a poetry dork so it is really cool to work in this place. I’ve had some amazing experiences working here.”
You can reach her at christeene [dot] alcosiba [at] emory [dot] edu.
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