Access to Lynda.com, one of the world’s leading online learning companies, has been dramatically expanded for all Emory faculty, students, and staff, according to an article written by Maureen McGavin.
The company, which was purchased by LinkedIn in 2015, offers a broad mix of instructional content, including business, design, 3-D and animation, audio and music, education and e-learning, IT, marketing, photography, video and web work.
There are also classes on various types of software and digital tools, such as Photoshop, Excel, Office 365, AutoCAD, InDesign, Blender, Linux, Tableau, Java, Python, After Effects, Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Bootstrap, WordPress, Flash Professional, and more.
“It’s the most cohesive set of technology training of any service out there,” said Lee Clontz, LITS manager of Teaching & Learning Technologies. “And whenever there is a new software version or a new application, the Lynda.com staff is right on top of it with up-to-date training. There’s a constant flow of content.”
To read the article in its entirety and learn more about the exciting opportunities, go to: http://news.emory.edu/stories/2016/01/er_take_note_lynda/campus.html.
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