Soma Chaganti is the newest project manager to join the Project Management Office (PMO). Prior to coming to Emory, he was a project manager/business analyst for over two years at Georgia Pacific. Soma also has 25 years worth of experience on applications related to supply chain, warehouse management, and finance and has held job titles such as programmer, systems analyst, senior software engineer, and IT manager.
Born in India, Soma holds master’s degrees in mathematics and computer science from Osmania University and the University of Hyderabad, respectively. Both universities are in India. Soma also has a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the PMI, as well as Certified Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Master, Six Sigma – Green Belt certifications.
Soma is married to Malathi Chaganti and they have two daughters – Praneetha, who is a pediatrician living in New York, and Sharanya, who owns a bakery in Los Angeles. When Soma is not working he likes reading, hiking, walking, listening to music, photography, and teaching.
“My teammates are highly talented, intelligent, qualified people, yet very modest,” said Soma. “I am proud to be part of the Emory family. This position offers plenty of opportunities for me to use skills I’ve acquired over time and presents an ocean of opportunities to explore new areas and build knowledge.”
You can reach him at soma [dot] sankar [dot] chaganti [at] emory [dot] edu.
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