Lindsay Narbeth is the newest educational analyst who will be doing video work for the video production team. Prior to coming to Emory, she spent about a year doing freelance video editing work. She also interned with the production department of 22Squared, an Atlanta-based ad agency.
Born in New York City, Lindsay grew up in London and later in Maidstone, England. She has a bachelor’s degree in telecommunications from the University of Florida, with a minor in French.
Linsday is a triathlete and is training for a major race in December. She is part of a fun running group in Midtown Atlanta that helps her train.
“It is nice being back in the college atmosphere, but without the school-related stress,” said Lindsay. “I’m fortunate to work with such a nice team.”
You can reach her at lindsay [dot] narbeth [at] emory [dot] edu.
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