Enterprise Applications director sees productive response to telecommuting challenge

While remote work is not a new practice for Enterprise Applications, the shift to remote working in response to COVID-19 has produced “novel” opportunities for teamwork. The majority of Enterprise Applications worked from home in some capacity before we needed social distancing. Ranging from remote in another state (hey Ron!), 2-3 days per week or just an ad-hoc TC day each week, we have enjoyed the benefits of telecommuting and are fortunate that our work does not require us to be present on campus.

The shift to working from home for both our teams and colleagues felt a bit like business-as-usual at first. It was during our first week with everyone working at home that I witnessed the positive impacts to teamwork and collaboration. Across LITS, there were many examples of shared experiences to help our colleagues as they adjust to a “new world” of working. Individual contributors, not just managers or leads, worked hard to maintain momentum in ongoing projects. Whether it was sending an encouraging status email or sharing a quick recognition in Teams, the teamwork was more obvious than if we were all sitting in the same room.

Affirmations of quality work and fast response times from our business partners confirmed that I was not alone in my observations. Collaboration and the desire to connect and communicate have clearly improved! Obviously, everyone heard Rich Mendola’s advice during our Zoom Town Hall to be patient and kind to each other as we all adjust both personally and professionally. Maybe the crisis has created a stronger sense of community, but what was expected to be possible pitfalls of remote working has become a strength for LITS. This quote from motivational speaker Billy Cox popped up in my feed today: “The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and your effort.”  Job well done on both!


One response to “Enterprise Applications director sees productive response to telecommuting challenge”

  1. Love this article.

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