Even though I have been retired from the libraries for almost five years, I continue to enjoy following library news through Keywords, social media posts, and the LITS Online News. I especially look forward to the Pet of the Week feature in the LITS Online News, and Wade graciously invited me to tell you about my cats, Delta and Dewey. They are just over two years old and are bonded sisters from a litter that a friend was helping foster. They were found and cared for by a group called Tri Cities Friends of Kitties, which works in East Point, College Park, and Hapeville, and they came to be my family members on October 26, 2018. We celebrate on the 26th of every month.
One of the girls is Delta, so named because of my long association as a member and volunteer with my college sorority, Delta Delta Delta. She is a tri color cat, so that was a good match for being named for Tri Delta. The other girl is Dewey, named after the Dewey Decimal System and taking note of my 38 years working in the Emory Libraries. She’s a tabby cat with neatly lined-up stripes that remind me of books on a shelf. Delta and Dewey — my life in cat names. They love to sit together on their perch and they are never far from the food dish.
The girls are quite fascinated with Zoom meetings. They have checked in with two different boards of directors on which I serve, attended my study club, joined several Zoom happy hours, dropped in on meetings of the group planning the annual session of the
North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church, and even participated in the recording of a podcast about Tri Delta history. Delta often peers into the camera from my lap, while Dewey supervises from the breakfast bar countertop behind me.
Delta and Dewey love to help read the newspaper, read books, and needlepoint, and their happy place is the screened porch. They were concerned that all of us might be missing watching the Olympics this summer, so they have been practicing for their event, synchronized sprawling.
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