Amy Li recently joined the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) as their new communications coordinator postdoctoral fellow, having spent the past year as the Emory Libraries/ECDS Digital Humanities Fellow. She also finished the final year of her PhD, graduating this past May. Amy has also worked as: a social media coordinator for ECDS through their Digital Scholarship Internship Program (DSIP); a graduate student receptionist at the Rose Library; and as an undergraduate student assistant in Library Technical Services at Cornell University.
Originally from Ithaca, NY, Amy earned dual bachelor’s degrees in English and feminist, gender, & sexuality studies from Cornell University, with a minor in music (2014). Her PhD from Emory University is also in English (2020). Her dissertation topic was “A Future for Hopeful Monsters: Gender, Disability, Race, and Embodiment in Science Fiction,” which discusses representations of marginalized or oppressed bodies in science fiction literature and media.
When she’s not working, Amy likes to watch movies and has been trying to get back into playing piano and violin. She also loves cross-stitching and collecting different book editions of Frankenstein.
“It was really difficult to publish my own work as a graduate student,” says Amy. “Being able to write about ECDS projects on our own blog allowed me to showcase the really cool scholarship ECDS is doing. Working on weekly features for the center has been a terrific opportunity.”
You can reach Amy at amy [dot] s [dot] li [at] emory [dot] edu.
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