Box to OneDrive Migration team launches crucial site for capturing workflows

One of the biggest challenges in the Box to OneDrive Migration effort is capturing workflows, which are the unique ways departments and individuals have incorporated Box into their business operations. Committed to protecting these workflows, the Box to OneDrive Migration Team created a survey to gather these workflows throughout the enterprise.

Announced in a communication to over 45,000 Box users on December 2, the team asks users to detail how they use Box in a survey found here. The form gives examples of typical workflows and provides a lot of space for users to describe their own uses. Said Jay Flanagan, manager of the Messaging Team, “This is a significant step in making sure none of the processes out there get broken by this migration. But we need everyone to participate.”

The communication also touched on the key questions of when the migration will happen and should departments migrate themselves. While the specific dates are still being hashed out, the team announced that a timeline will be published in the next two weeks and migrations will likely begin the last week of December. It is imperative that users act now to clean up their Box folders before the migration.

Regarding the question of self-migration, the short answer is “no.” There are several risks users face when going it alone, including lost permissions, duplicated data, and expected delays in data recovery given the large scope of the project.

Migration isn’t easy…but it must be done.

University users are also encouraged to ask questions of their Box to OneDrive (BOD) Champions, who are being trained to help provide answers. You can find the most recent list of BOD Champions here. If you do not have a BOD Champion or need a question answered more quickly, you can submit it here.

According to the team, “We appreciate your patience as this project moves forward. Stay tuned for the migration schedule in the coming weeks.”

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