Category: Staff Bytes
Mazzella Cooking Demo a Fresh Success
Recently, Christina Mazzella (IT F&A) did a demonstration in the 1762 building for making Vegetable Dumplings (aka potstickers). This demo was part of the OIT vs Emory College Weight-loss Challenge. Following her demo, attendees tasted plenty of delicious vegetarian samples. Sandra Harrison (IT F&A) helped Christina with the vegetable chopping. Vegetable Dumplings Recipe 1 cup lightly…
Tabitha Pirtle Visits China
Tabitha Pirtle (Call Center) has traveled the world. Having grown up in a military family where she was raised in West Germany and Japan, she has managed to see her fair share of foreign lands. So when her cousin Micah told her that she simply MUST attend his wedding in Shanghai, China, it became a…
Be Careful What You Ask For: a Lesson in Password Security
Password security is no joke. If you have ever struggled to bolster the strength of your passwords or had difficulty remembering them, you can appreciate the frustration that often accompanies password maintenance. Toby Turner, comedian, YouTube celebrity and entrepreneur, recently posted this hilarious video rant about his frustration with password security requirements (apologies for the…
Go Red For Women Day in the Call Center
On February 1, the UTS Call Center celebrated Go Red for Women Day, where everyone was asked to wear red in support of women’s heart health. The Call Center put up an informative display and used it to distribute hand outs and heart-healthy snacks. Every February, the American Heart Association (AHA) acknowledges women and their lifelong role…
Explore Emory: Relax and be More Productive?
It’s a shame not to take advantage of at least some of what Emory has to offer, isn’t it? Last year, the PMO substituted one of its weekly staff meetings for a customized trip through the Carlos Museum. A month ago, we invited twenty of our closest friends (i.e. recent project team members and sponsors) to…
Paul Mitchell Honored By Decatur Focus
Paul Mitchell (Enterprise Applications) was in the Decatur Focus last month after being honored as one of Decatur’s 2012 Hometown Heroes. According to the article, “Paul Mitchell has been a Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project volunteer since its founding in 2003. Paul has professional skills in all aspects of home repair and renovation. In 2010, Paul joined…
DATAM8R Gets a Three-Dimensional Reward
When Barbara Anderson (Integration) got to work last week, she found a surprise from Elizabeth Bell and Erika Buchholz (both of Integration) in her cubicle…an amazing, three-dimensional data model! Barbara was the architect of Emory Shared Data (ESD). Nicknamed “the DATAM8R” (it is on her car license tag), Barbara created the entity relationship diagram as…