Tag: Duo
Change regarding Duo and the “Remember Me for 30 days” option
We have made a change to Duo, Emory’s application for two-factor authentication. Previously, the “Remember Me for 30 days” option was tied to the specific application for which you had set that option. Setting this option for one application had no impact on your authentication to other Duo-protected applications. We have modified the use of…
Important change coming to on-campus use of the VPN
An important change is coming this month to Duo two-factor authentication and VPN usage. Prior to the roll out of Duo, LITS required RSA two-factor authentication for VPN access to certain protected Emory network cores. This was true regardless of whether one was connecting to the VPN from off campus or not. When Emory switched…
Duo two-factor authentication a major increase in IT security
(co-authored by Andy Efting and Derek Spransy) The LITS Enterprise Security Office recently completed work on a major security effort at Emory: the implementation of two-factor authentication for external access to Emory’s network. In January of 2014, Enterprise Security prepared a business case in response to an ever increasing assault on Emory applications and the…