

A core value of the LUMeN Lab is engaging in public science outreach with the goals of making science more accessible and promoting equity in science. Our research and outreach are synergistic, advancing our broader goal of using science to improve outcomes and experiences for young people.

Several of our science outreach efforts are highlighted below. We’re eager to grow our network in Atlanta! Please get in touch with us if you or your organization might be interested in working together to help spread the word about cognitive neuroscience research!

Atlanta Science Festival

In March 2023, we participated at our first Atlanta Science Festival! We had such a great time showing attendees how brain development influences processing speed. At our second ASF in March 2024, we were joined by the BaBL Lab as we explored short-term memory with attendees. We can’t wait to do it again next year!


Below are some media to which we have contributed to help share our science with broad audiences.

Science & Policy

Our work has implications for policy and practice in the juvenile justice, education, and mental health arenas. We aim to facilitate the application of well-established insights from developmental cognitive neuroscience in these settings. Some examples of our efforts are highlighted below.