

The ultimate goal of the LUMeN Lab is to leverage science to improve experiences and outcomes for young people. To achieve this goal, we aim to create inclusive, collaborative, and inspiring environments that facilitate learning and growth, both inside and outside the lab.

To the best of our ability, the LUMeN Lab commits to:

  • Lifelong learning
  • Science outreach and public engagement
  • Broad dissemination and accessibility of our science
  • Bringing together individuals’ diverse perspectives and backgrounds to enrich our science
  • Representative recruitment and reporting of participant characteristics
  • Equitable citations
The LUMeN Lab is located at Emory University on land that belonged to the Muscogee (Creek) people. As acknowledged by Emory University: “We recognize the sustained oppression, land dispossession, and involuntary removals of the Muscogee and Cherokee peoples from Georgia and the Southeast. Emory seeks to honor the Muscogee Nation and other Indigenous caretakers of this land by humbly seeking knowledge of their histories and committing to respectful stewardship of the land.”

This lab values statement draws inspiration from The Leonard Learning Lab and CAND Lab at Yale. We recognize that there is always room for improvement and will work to update these values as we continue to grow and learn. Feedback is welcome.

Graphic poster on a white background with black text. The poster is titled "In this lab, WE BELIEVE." There are eight images arranged in four columns and two rows, each with text below them; the images and text are as follows (from left to right, top to bottom). A computer with a graph on the monitor - "Science is real." An anatomical heart colored in a rainbow gradient - "Love is love." A brown first held up - "Black lives matter." The Earth - "Immigrants are welcome." Intersecting gender symbols - "Gender is a spectrum." An anatomical brain - "Brains are cool." A representation of people with different bodies and access needs - "The future is accessible." The LUMeN Lab logo mark - "Learning is life-long."

This poster was adapted from Sammy Katta. Please see a corresponding pledge to sustained allyship and the pursuit of racial justice  and equity for marginalized communities in science here.