Benefits of Taking Part!
By participating in MAPme, you are helping to increase our understanding of mental health and its relationship to substance use. MAPme gives you the opportunity to influence the conversation around substance use on your college campus.
Participants receive an Amazon Gift Cards each time they complete a MAPme survey.

3 Ways to Participate in MAPme
As a Participant
by sharing your experiences and your DNA
As a Research Assistant
by applying to pursue mentored research in the college that uses de-identified MAPme data
Please contact the Principal Investigator at Rohan.Palmer@
As a Student
by enrolling in PSYC 180
Participant Requirements
All continuing students at Emory University (College of Arts and Sciences & Oxford College) are eligible to participate in Wave 8 of Emory MAPme. All first-year students at Kennesaw State University over the age of 18 are eligible to participate in Phase 1 of KSU MAPme in the Fall of 2020. If you are in Phase 1 you will receive an invitation for subsequent Phases via email. All participants who complete surveys and brain games for subsequent phases will earn an additional $15 in Amazon gift cards per phase!

Join the Lab
Are you interested in behavioral genetics, drug use and addiction, and mental health? Think about joining the Behavioral Genetics of Addiction Laboratory.