Author Archives: Celia Greenlaw

Walking through Paris

Amongst the many changes I have experienced while in Paris, I noticed that I am walking considerably more than I usually do. While most people are aware of the positive impact walking and exercise can have on the body, I am dedicating this post to exploring the effects of exercise on the brain.

Thanks to my handy Fitbit (yes, I know I am a little obsessed), I am able to track my daily activity, so I have a very good idea about how much exercise I am getting. Between going to class, touring museums, and exploring getting lost in the streets of Paris, I am walking an average of over 8 miles every day. Paris is a very “walk-able” city, and my friends and I regularly opt to walk to our destinations instead of using the metro. I know that this must be affecting my cognitive ability, because even while operating on 4-6 hours of sleep every night, I am able to focus and work surprisingly well.

Fitbit evidence that 1) I am walking crazy amounts in Paris, and 2) I can justify eating multiple pastries a day*  *point 2 has not been scientifically proven

Fitbit evidence that 1) I am walking crazy amounts in Paris 2) I can justify eating multiple pastries a day*
*point 2 has not been scientifically proven

A recent study in college-aged females found that after only a single session of moderate exercise, participants showed increased brain activation during a working memory task (Li et al. 2014). Working memory is a limited brain resource that temporarily stores, processes and updates action-related thinking. It is utilized when you need to actively handle information, and your working memory capacity is an important measure of cognitive function. The researchers in this study used a modified N-back task to measure working memory. This task requires participants to attend to a sequence of stimuli, and determine if the current stimulus matches a stimulus that was “N” steps earlier in the sequence. The task gets more and more difficult as N increases, because it becomes harder to keep track of when a stimulus appeared.

A visual representation of the N-back task used in the study by Li et al. (2014)

A visual representation of the N-back task used in the study by Li et al. (2014)

To compare brain function, the subjects performed this task while in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine, once following exercise, and once following a rest period. The fMRI measures blood oxygenation, which provides a visual image of brain activation. While there was no significant change in subject performance on the task, the data show more brain activation in the exercise condition, especially in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and medial occipital cortex during the 2-back condition. The PFC is well recognized to be important for working memory, and the specific areas of the occipital lobe that changed are also involved in online processing. The lack of performance change limits the conclusions that can be drawn from this study, but it is reasonable for me to assume that my working memory capacity is positively influenced by the increased exercise I get in Paris. The researchers clearly showed that exercise influenced the brain areas important for working memory in subjects of my same age and sex, and this effect would likely be enhanced by an extended exercise routine like mine. A future study could explore the effect of chronic exercise, or use multiple behavioral measures to see if that leads to more pronounced changes in working memory performance.

Working memory is not the only brain function influenced by exercise. In fact, hundreds of studies explore how exercise can change the brain. One of the most common focus areas is how exercise increases brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus. BDNF is very important for brain plasticity, and the hippocampus is highly involved in learning and memory. One study found that exercise enhanced memory and cognition in rats, through the action of BDNF and the pathways it influences (Vaynman, et al. 2004). A different study focused on the non-neuronal cells in the brain, called glial cells (Brockett, et al. 2015). They found that running influenced synaptic plasticity in rats, producing widespread positive effects in both neurons and glial cells in areas associated with cognitive improvement. The last study looked at showed how exercise can help people’s mental health by reducing the stress hormone cortisol, through overall regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary (HPA) axis (Zschucke et al. 2015).

I walked almost 10 miles before stumbling upon this set at Fete de la musique, and the journey was as fun as the event!

I walked almost 10 miles before stumbling upon this set at Fete de la musique, and the journey was as fun as the event!

It is so interesting to hypothesize about the different ways that my brain may be changing in response to something as simple as walking. Evidence suggests that my working memory capacity, brain plasticity, and mental health are all influenced by exercise. Now that I only have one week left to enjoy Paris, I will make sure to walk everywhere to experience, learn and improve my brain as much as possible. With all of the positive effects Paris seems to have, I know I will be planning a return trip the second I get home!



Brockett AT, LaMarca EA, Gould E (2015). Physical Exercise Enhances Cognitive Flexibility as Well as Astrocytic and Synaptic Markers in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. PLoS ONE. 10(5): e0124859.

Li L, Men W-W, Chang Y-K, Fan M-X, Ji L, & Wei GX, (2014). Acute Aerobic Exercise Increases Cortical Activity during Working Memory: A Functional MRI Study in Female College Students. PLoS ONE. 9(6): e99222.

Vaynman S, Ying Z, and Gomez-Pinilla F, (2004). Hippocampal BDNF mediates the efficacy of exercise on synaptic plasticity and cognition. European Journal of Neuroscience. 20: 2580–2590.

Zschyke E, Renneberg B, Dimeo F, Wüstenberg T, & Ströhle A (2015). The stress-buffering effect of acute exercise: Evidence for HPA axis negative feedback. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 51: 414-425.




Lost in Paris

After exploring Paris for two weeks, I have come to love the sights, smells and tastes of its beautiful streets. I already found my favorite routes for traveling to class and finding new restaurants. I know where to go to find a quiet garden to study in, or a quaint little restaurant to have the most amazing gnocchi dinner. As I continue to wander around, my understanding of the layout of the city is coming together to form a cohesive picture. As any naïve tourist would report, I felt like a natural Parisian after my first successful solo excursion on the metro. And as that same naïve tourist would inevitably soon discover, I was not nearly as good at navigating as I assumed.

On one of my first days in Paris, I was lucky to be able to spend the afternoon with my boyfriend who was touring around Europe. At the end of the day, I wanted to go to a small restaurant in Montmartre that I visited over three years previously. I assumed I would easily be able to figure out the way once we got to Montmartre.

Patrick and me at the Louvre

Patrick and me at the Louvre

When we arrived at the metro line to go up to Montmartre, we found that it was closed, and a sign directed us to the next stop along the same line. We walked over and to our frustration, that stop was closed as well, with a sign directing us back down to where we had come from. Not ready to be discouraged, we decided to get on a different line at that station, and try to make connections until we were near our destination. Over an hour later, we found ourselves standing on an unfamiliar street, without wifi or any real idea of where we were. We oriented ourselves to walk north, since we had no better plan for how to begin.

All of our stops through Paris! The green dot shows the restaurant in Montmartre, the yellow dot shows the metro stop we got off at, and the blue dot shows where I started and ended my day. The red dots are all of the stops along the way.

All of our stops through Paris! The green dot shows the restaurant in Montmartre, the yellow dot shows the metro stop we got off at, and the blue dot shows where I started and ended my day. The red dots are all of the stops along the way.

Upon reflection, I realized that the only reason I managed to eventually eat dinner that night, was because of my ever-resourceful hippocampus. Well known for its role in memory consolidation, the hippocampal formation is now recognized to be highly involved in spatial navigation, in part due to the presence of grid cells and place cells (Jacobs, et al., 2013). Oscillations in place cell firing occur in a cycle called the theta cycle, to help orient oneself in space (Wikenheiser & Redish, 2015). Unlike place cells, which only fire for very specific locations in space, grid cells in the entorhinal cortex represent space in a triangular coordinate system (Jacobs, et al. 2013). Many research studies have explored the presence and function of place and grid cells in rodents, bats, and primates. One study showed that rats have a hippocampal cognitive map, representing specific objects in specific locations, and only secondarily focusing on object identity (Manns & Eichenbaum, 2009).

The hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex are both part of the hippocampal formation.

The hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex are both part of the hippocampal formation.

In a recent study, researchers directly obtained electrophysiological recordings from humans while they were undergoing treatment for epilepsy (Jacobs, et al. 2013). The subjects performed a virtual spatial learning task in between clinical procedures. The subjects used a joystick to navigate a virtual environment, and during testing they needed to travel directly from one object to an invisible goal object. Microelectrodes placed in the subject’s brain recorded neural activity throughout the task. The data provide evidence that humans, just like other mammals, have an allocentric spatial cognitive map, complete with grid cells and place cells. This means the location of one object is defined in relation to the location of others.

All of these data help to explain my journey to Montmartre. As I pictured myself walking through the area that I wished to go, my hippocampus fired to simulate the future, goal-directed action (Wikenheiser & Redish, 2015). Just as your place cells fire to represent where you are, they can also fire as you “replay” an experience in your mind. When I found the train platform closed, my interconnected hippocampus likely communicated with the reward center of my brain in the ventral striatum to link the failed expectation to the place (van der Meer, & Redish, 2009). Once I started navigating through the highly unfamiliar area, the neurons in my hippocampus and entorhinal cortex must have fired in an effort to link novel stimuli to spatial context. Evidence suggests that my instinct to “walk north” was because exploration relies heavily on grid-cells with direction sensitivity (Jacobs, et al. 2013). As the scenery around me started to become more familiar, specific cells throughout my hippocampal formation responded to locations, landmarks, and directions that triggered unique firing patterns (Jacobs, et al. 2013). Once I arrived at my final destination, my hippocampal neurons would have fired to help many areas of my brain realize that this restaurant was familiar, and that I should soon expect a reward in the form of delicious French food.

Well worth the wait

Well worth the journey

I am looking forward to many more adventures through Paris, and I now know much more about how my hippocampus can dependably orient me in space. I also learned that I probably should start carrying a map.


Jacobs J, Weidemann CT, Miller JF, Solway A, Burke JF, Wei X, Suthana N, Sperling MR, Sharan AD, Fried T, & Kahana MJ, (2013). Direct Recordings of grid-like neuronal activity in human spatial navigation. Nature Neuroscience. 16(9):1188-1190

Manns JR, & Eichenbaum H, (2009). A cognitive map for object memory in the hippocampus. Learning & Memory. 16:616-624.

van der Meer MAA, Redish AD, (2009) Covert expectation-of-reward in rat ventral striatum at decision points. Front Integr Neurosci. 3:1-15.

Wikenheiser AM, & Redish AD, (2015). Decoding the cognitive map: ensemble hippocampal sequences and decision making. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 32:8-15.