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It Starts with Love Universal scoring vocab to any tennis fan. I grew up watching all types of sports, and tennis was not the exception. I heard names like Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Sharapova, and Serena Williams(QUEEN!). The main tournaments in the tennis world are the Gland Slams. They happen 4 times a year, and during that time, you can bet that I’m constantly checking my phone for scores or watching it on television. Prior to coming to Paris, I knew that Roland Garros would take place while I was here. Never in a million years did I imagine that I would get the opportunity to attend and be able to sit and watch a match with a couple of friends. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Roland Garros Round 2 Peterson vs. Vekic

I will admit that while I was sitting, watching this tennis match at the Open, I did not wonder how the players were able to accurately hit the ball every single time. But after reflecting on my experience, I decided I wanted to do further research since I was in such awe at how beautiful and graceful they were.

Expertise Brain Regions

Do you ever wonder how a tennis player can return a ball smoothly when it’s coming at them at 92MPH? It’s almost as if they have an instinct for it. One study in particular aimed to test whether or not there was a difference in brain activation depending on the level of expertise (Balser et. al., 2014). For this study, they recruited 15 tennis experts and 16 volleyball experts chosen from a pool of professionals. They acted as the novice participants for whatever sport they were not an expert in. They were then shown videos of both volleyball and tennis players and were asked to predict where the ball would go simply based on early movement from the serve player. While this was going on, they measured the level of activation, through fMRI for three major brain areas: the Supplementary Motor Area commonly involved in the control of movement, the Superior Parietal Lobule reflecting the spatial orientation, and the cerebellum which uses a predictive internal model to solve a task. They found that the tennis player watching the tennis player serve had higher levels of activation in all 3 brain regions. This suggests that the experts will rely more on fine-tuned perceptual-motor representations than non-experts; the information has been made into a reflexive memory. This means that although the tennis players were not actively returning the serve, their brain was activated when watching the videos as if they were!

Another study looked at how people determined when an object reached the target point. Chang and Jazayeri sought to test whether people used mathematical concepts or temporal cues when engaging with dynamic stimuli and deciding the time to contact (2018). They had people look at an object moving across their visual field in 3 categories. In the first, their view of the object was obstructed, and they had the subjects guess when the object would reach a certain point. The other group never lost sight of the object. The third group was shown the object at the fixation point in the middle of the screen. Results show that when people were not able to see the object (Group 1), they based when the object had arrived on just temporal cues such as time, but when they were exposed to the object (Group 2 or 3), they still relied on both mathematical and temporal cues. In the world of tennis, this is significant because not only does the athlete calculate how quick the ball is coming at them, but they also contextualize the ball with their environment as well as listen to when the ball hits the court in order to have the most optimal response. So, it’s not just the arithmetic-side of the brain, there are also sensory inputs that go into decision-making.

I hope that the next time you’re watching a tennis match your brain does not attempt to analyze every single serve, if so, then I apologize. I know that the next time I’m watching Roger Federer (my favorite!) play for his 21st Grand Slam title hopefully here in Paris, I’ll be thinking about his tremendous ability to return a serve partly thanks to the brain. Oh, and I’ll be wearing my newly purchased Panama hat!

my Panama hat!



Balser N, Lorey B, Pilgramm S, Naumann T, Kindermann S, Stark R, et al. (2014) The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action observation network during anticipation of tennis and volleyball serves. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 8:568.

Bilalić, Merim. “Introduction to Research on Expertise (Chapter One) – The Neuroscience of Expertise.” Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press, 2017,

Image 1: taken by me

Image 2: Chang CJ, Jazayeri M (2018) Integration of speed and time for estimating time to contact. PNAS 115 (12) E2879-E2887.

Image 3: taken by me

Name that Painting

Bonjour from France! I am so excited to be posting my first blog here in Paris. I have had such an amazing first week and a half. This city is so beautiful and has so much to offer. One of the parts of Paris I was so excited for before coming here was the art. Paris is known for its beautiful art and amazing museums. One of my favorite artists is Van Gogh (cliché, I know. But his paintings are beautiful). So you can imagine my excitement when we had the opportunity to go as a group to the L’Atelier des Lumières. This is a beautiful experience where art is projected onto the walls of the room, with background music and movement as opposed to the normal still painting. One of the exhibits is called Van Gogh Starry Night, and it includes many of his different paintings come to life before your eyes.

The Olive Trees by Van Gogh at L’Atelier des Lumières

One of the things that has always fascinated me most about Van Gogh’s paintings, and post-impressionist paintings in general, is the ability for us to recognize the scene even though it is never perfectly clear. I realized this is an amazing task that our mind is able to achieve through object recognition. Object recognition is just what it sounds like, but the mechanisms supporting it are very complicated, interesting, and intricate. Object recognition calls on many regions including the visual cortex as well as many structures in the temporal lobe of the brain (Bar et al., 2001). Object recognition calls on bottom-down processing, which is a process in which we receive visual information and then call on higher processes to understand the full picture. However, it has also been observed that top-down processing is more important than previously realized. Top-down processing is when higher functions, or previously stored information, affects the perception we are creating. For example, our memory can have an effect. Our brain takes information from our memory system to fully fill in the details of the image we are looking at (Bar et al., 2007). This may explain why I could recognize which painting was being displayed in the exhibit even before it was fully in my view.

Only Part of Starry Night shown at L’atelier des Lumières

Along with this, partially analyzed images or incomplete images can be recognized before all of the information is received (Bar, 2003). This is why even when an object in a Van Gogh painting isn’t blurry or not the full picture, we can still recognize the scene in front of us.

Wheatfield with Crows by Van Gogh. The image is blurry and a bit unclear, but you can still tell what it is.

Another fascinating thing about object recognition is the emotion we feel when viewing certain objects. I am sure everyone has an experience with art that has made them feel some sort of emotion, as I did at the L’Ateliers exhibit. Before studying this topic, I would assume that the emotion we feel comes after we are able to detect an object. However, there are multiple studies that now say our emotions can actually affect our final perception of an object. One study says that our prediction of an object includes its relevance and value, before we are consciously aware of the object we are observing (Barret and Bar, 2009). Another study expanded on this, looking at our emotional perception of faces and the way it can be influenced without our knowledge. If a happy or negative face is shown quickly and not entering consciousness, then we will perceive a neutral face shown directly after as having more emotion (Siegel et al., 2018).

This was very interesting to me, because it means the context or environment around us, or even the mood that we are in, may completely change our perception of an object. The feeling that I perceive when looking at Van Gogh’s Starry Night will be different than someone else’s. Also, as stated above, our different memories and experience could change the way in which we perceive the painting as well.

It is amazing what our brain is able to accomplish. Not only are we able to recognize objects before we have the entire picture, but our emotional processing of that object starts very early on in the process as well.  This is just part of the reason Van Gogh’s painting have always amazed me. He has the ability to create a scene that isn’t quite right, but we know what it is showing anyway. He is able to let your mind fill in the rest of the details. Not only this, but each perception of his paintings are completely different based off our own experience. I know my personal experience leads to a beautiful painting with lots of emotion.

Self Portrait by Van Gogh shown at L’Atelier des Lumières



Works Cited

Bar, M., Tootell, R. B., Schacter, D. L., Greve, D. N., Fischl, B., Mendola, J. D., . . . Dale, A. M. (2001). Cortical Mechanisms Specific to Explicit Visual Object Recognition. Neuron,29(2), 529-535. doi:10.1016/s0896-6273(01)00224-0

Bar, M. (2003). A cortical mechanism for triggering top-down facilitation in visual object recognition. J Cognitive Neuroscience,15, 600-609.

Bar, M. (2007). The proactive brain: Using analogies and associations to generate predictions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,11(9), 372. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2007.08.004

Barrett, L. F., & Bar, M. (2009). See it with feeling: affective predictions during object perception. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences364(1521), 1325–1334. doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0312

Siegel, E. H., Wormwood, J. B., Quigley, K. S., & Barrett, L. F. (2018). Seeing What You Feel: Affect Drives Visual Perception of Structurally Neutral Faces. Psychological science29(4), 496–503. doi:10.1177/0956797617741718

Image 1,2 and 4-  my own images

Image 3: Wheatfield with Crows – Van Gogh Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Je t’aime

It didn’t take long to realize why Paris is called the city of love. During our first week here, some of the guys and I enjoyed a romantic evening stroll to the Wall of Love. This wall (pictured below) is a forty square meter canvas covered with the words “I Love You” in over 300 languages. The thought that love is a universal language is portrayed here, not only due to the seemingly infinite phrases, but because of the range of people there too. Couples, friends, and families from all over the world were visiting; a broad range of love could be observed. This got me thinking about Paris. What makes it such a magical place, renowned for love?

A romantic afternoon

First, I wanted to figure out what goes on in the brain during these feelings of love. Research has shown that certain neurotransmitters are involved in love, such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. Firstly, people in love show low levels of serotonin in the brain, which is also known as the satiation chemical (Zeki, 2007). The obsessive component of new love can thus be attributed to the dissatisfaction one may feel due to the brain’s lowered levels of serotonin. It leaves us always wanting more.

Furthermore, this study also shows that similarity and familiarity with someone at the start of a relationship can counteract the drop in serotonin levels usually observed with love. Thus, this can prevent people from falling in love (Zeki, 2007). However, in later stages of relationships, similarity and familiarity have actually been shown to boost the strength and duration of a relationship. This is linked with increased levels of oxytocin and vasopressin during this stage of a relationship, which are chemicals believed to be involved in attachment (Zeki, 2007).

Studies were also done on dopamine, the neurotransmitter believed to be involved in reward and motivation. People who were intensely in love for 1 to 17 months were first shown a picture of their loved one and then a picture of a familiar individual. When looking at the photo of the loved one, there was higher activation of the right ventral tegmental area, right postero-dorsal body, and the medial caudate nucleus, all of which are areas associated with dopamine (Aron et al., 2005). Thus, when you are in love the increased levels of dopamine may be involved in the rewarding nature of the loved one’s presence.

A 2017 study looked closer into the relationship between love and addiction, as the same chemicals have been shown to be involved in each. This study looked at the future potential to treat love addiction if it were to become a harmful condition (basically, love is a powerful thing). They found, for example, that oxytocin antagonists could be used in an individual to reduce the reward felt from being close to another person (Earp et al., 2017). Could there soon be a way to get rid of your obsessive ex?

The location of the Love Wall

Now that we know the underlying chemicals behind the feeling of love, what is it about Paris that brings them out of us? A 1974 study found that men were more likely to experience feelings of love towards a female interviewer when the interview took place in an anxiety and adrenaline-provoking location, such as a suspension bridge, rather than in calm locations (Dutton and Aron, 1974). Perhaps Paris’ chic people, luminescent nights, quaint cafes, and the feeling of being in a new place create an adrenaline and anxiety-filled environment in which we are more susceptible to these chemical changes in our brains, thus helping Paris to its title as The City of Love.


Aron A, Fisher H, Mashek DJ, Strong G, Haifang Li H, Brown LL. (2005) Reward, Motivation, and Emotion Systems Associated With Early-Stage Intense Romantic Love, Journal of Neurophysiology 94, 1: 327-337.

Dutton, D.G., & Aron, A.P. (1974). Some Evidence for Heightened Sexual Attraction Under Conditions of High Anxiety, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30 (4), 510-517.

Earp, B., Wudarczyk, O., Foddy, B., Savulescu, J., (2017). Addicted to Love. What is Love Addicton and When Should it be Treated?, Philos. Psychiatr. Psychol., 24(1): 77-92

Zeki, S. (2007). The Neurobiology of Love, FEBS Letters 581, 14: 2575–2579.

Dude, Where’s My Wallet?

Paris is truly one of the cultural centers of the world.  Packed into its city limits are monuments galore, which tourists flock to in droves from all over the world.  Crowded around such landmarks as the Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower, tourists stand amazed by the beauty and historical significance that is displayed.  Within these masses, tourists constantly reach into their pockets to snap a picture with their cell phone, parents look for their child that has seemingly disappeared into the crowd, and overzealous couples get far too intimate in front thousands of people.  After all, what’s more romantic than French kissing in Paris while a 6-year-old boy and his family watch?  Accompanying the interpersonal chaos, are the calls of street vendors selling “Beer, Beer, Wine, Champagne!” and “Five miniature Eiffel Towers for One Euro!” and the smells of crepes cooking in small stalls nearby.

Classmates in front of the Eiffel Tower not attending to their belongings!

This symphony of sensation represents what many people, from newlyweds to elderly tour groups, deem to be heaven.  However, these sites are heaven for another group of people.  A group of people tourists are less than keen on encountering: pickpockets.

Despite their conniving practices, pickpockets actually rely on several fundamental principles of neuroscience to execute their forays into hapless tourists’ pockets and purses.  Chief among these principles is selective attention, or one’s ability to focus their awareness on a single stimulus, thought, or action, while simultaneously ignoring irrelevant stimuli, thoughts and actions (Gazzaniga et al., 2013).  While the brain’s ability to prioritize what it attends to is appreciated as one tries to take in the beauty of the Eiffel Tower while simultaneously ignoring THAT couple. This prioritization can also be a detriment.  For instance, as a person concentrates their attention on the Eiffel Tower, their attention is no longer on their back pocket.  This phenomenon is called inattentional blindness and can be summarized as the brain’s propensity to miss additional information when it focuses on an object (Zhang et al., 2018).  This disparity in attention provides pickpockets with the perfect window to abscond with your belongings.

Another aspect of inattentional blindness that should worry tourists is its correlation with perceptual load (Remington et al., 2014).  Perceptual load refers to the amount of task-relevant information in a given task (Remington et al., 2014).  For instance, in tasks with high perceptual loads, such as gazing at the Eiffel Tower while also navigating through a crowded and noisy environment, there is a higher occurrence of inattentional blindness than when completing with lower perceptual loads (Remington et al., 2014). The Remington research group conducted a study across age groups ranging from 7-8-year-olds to adults in which they introduced irrelevant visual stimuli during a visual memory task of varying perceptual loads.  Across most age groups, increasing the perceptual load of a task resulted in a decrease in the ability to report irrelevant visual stimuli (Remington et al., 2014).  These disparities were especially notable in adolescents, as most children noticed irrelevant stimuli 30% less while experiencing higher perceptual load (Remington et al., 2014).  Interestingly, 9-10-year-olds displayed minimal inattentional blindness during higher perceptual loads (Remington et al., 2014).  Comically, the researchers dispelled the notion that 9-10-year-olds are especially adept at paying attention by saying that – shockingly – the 9-10-year-olds were never paying particularly astute attention, even in the low perceptual load task (Remington et al., 2014).  So, moms, don’t trust your nine-year-old with protecting your Louis Vuitton bag from pickpockets.

A graph demonstrating the differences in the percent of irrelevant objects noticed during an intermediate perceptual load and a low perceptual load scenario (Remington et al., 2014).

However, adult brains are not infallible when it comes to attending to information from multiple sources.  In 2018, Hui Zhang’s research group used a similar task to that used by Remington et al. to investigate whether there were significant differences between inattentional blindness in children and adults.  In their research, over half of the participants, regardless of age, exhibited inattentional blindness (Zhang et al., 2018).  Additionally, their research showed that there were no significant differences between levels of inattentional blindness in adults or children.

Ultimately, the research studies of the Remington and Zhang groups complement each other nicely in that they each elucidate different factors of an individual’s susceptibility to inattentional blindness.  I think that tourists should take interest in the findings that highly stimulating environments, such as Paris, increase their propensity to overlook peripheral information, and that everyone, even adults, needs to be cognizant of their surroundings at all times.

Now that I mention it, I seem to be short about 300 Euros right now … time to go file a police report!



Gazzaniga, M., & Ivry, R. (2013). Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind: Fourth International Student Edition. W.W.Norton.

Remington, A., Cartwright-Finch, U., & Lavie, N. (2014). I can see clearly now: the effects of age and perceptual load on inattentional blindness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00229

Zhang, H., Yan, C., Zhang, X., & Fang, J. (2018). Sustained Inattentional Blindness Does Not Always Decrease With Age. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01390

So You Think You Can Dance: Paris Edition

A hip-hop dance battle wasn’t on my list of places to go or things to do in Paris. But after watching my first live hip-hop dance performance, I can say that I don’t regret it one bit. As a dancer myself, I admire watching dance performances because I’ve been in their footsteps. However, the dance I do, which is called raas, a classical Indian dance where we spin dandiya sticks, is drastically different from hip-hop. Or so I thought…

Our team dancing at one of the competitions we attended.

The hip-hop battle, called Onze Bouge, which translates to 11 moves, took place at Place Léon Blum on a Saturday night. When we got there, the dance battles already started, and we squeezed into the crowd to watch. Right next to the speakers, I felt my heart pounding but watching the dancers reminded me of when I was on stage, dancing in front of hundreds. However, even with the stress of competing in front of others, I always thought of dancing as a stress reliever. Interestingly, there has been research conducted on the role of dance reducing some types of stress. In one study, researchers looked at how dance or movement training (DMT) in older adults influenced their cortisol, a well-known stress hormone. They found that the DMT group compared to the control group, the adults that didn’t do any DMT, had lower cortisol post training. (Vrinceanu et al 2019)

Another similar study had the same group, DMT, but the researchers studied the effect of dance and movement on declining cognitive abilities and depressive symptoms. The sample of older adults was randomly organized into DMT, exercise, or control groups. The main findings were that DMT significantly decreased depression, loneliness, and negative mood while improving daily functioning and cortisol levels. These findings suggest that dance can be a therapy for older adults to improve daily functioning in aspects where depression and stress might impact them. (Ho et al. 2018) I, for one, know that I definitely feel my mood lighten and my stress levels subside after dance practice.

Dancers’ brains were also active when watching other dance performances more than non-dancers’ brains. A study states that dancers’ brains did differ in function and structure, but only in areas where the dancers’ used their brains more. Their results showed that dancers themselves had activated an area of the brain called an action observation network (AON) more than non-dancers when viewing dance. The AON is a network of brain regions that are involved in motor and sensory skills. (Burzynska et al 2017)

The areas of the brain that were active in dancers watching other dancers perform.

Other than the connection between the brain and dance, another fascinating characteristic I noticed that overlapped between the battle and my experience with raas competitions was the judging. Some of the stress, or at least the stress I experience, comes from this aspect of competing. However, I tend to notice that the judges tend to usually pick the teams with the most elaborate steps or at least the steps that look externally impressive, which intuitively makes sense. And there’s science behind it to prove this. A study looked at hip hop dance and how expert vs. non-expert dancers’ range of motion influenced the judges’ scores. The researchers found that the range of motion of the dancer’s body was highly correlated to a higher judging score, stating that scores are usually based on outwardly appealing elements. The (Sato et al. 2016)

A young hip-hop dancer performing a move that requires a high range of motion.

Based on all these research studies on dance’s impact on people’s bodies, brains, and how it influences the judges, I was surprised to find that dance has been a popular topic in a lot of science research! As a dancer and someone who loves watching dance performances, I was intrigued by all the science on how dancing impacts your brain and body. France is a center for all things artistic from dance to paintings to architecture. Getting to watch dance in Paris was unexpected but rewarding because I got to experience a taste of hip-hop in France. However, I learned that, for me, dance is universal, and whether it’s in Paris or Atlanta, dance has its appeal all around the world.


Vrinceanu T, Esmail A, Berryman N, Predovan D, Vu TTM, Villalpando JM, Pruessner JC, Bherer L. (2019) Dance your stress away: comparing the effect of dance/movement training to aerobic exercise training on the cortisol awakening response in healthy older adults. Stress. :1-9.

Ho RTH, Fong TCT, Chan WC, Kwan JSK, Chiu PKC, Yau JCY, Lam LCW. (2018) Psychophysiological effects of Dance Movement Therapy and physical exercise on older adults with mild dementia: A randomized controlled trial. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci.

Sato N, Nunome H, Ikegami Y. (2016) Key motion characteristics of side-step movements in hip-hop dance and their effect on the evaluation by judges. Sports Biomech. 15(2):116-27.

Burzynska, A. Z., Finc, K., Taylor, B. K., Knecht, A. M., & Kramer, A. F. (2017). The Dancing Brain: Structural and Functional Signatures of Expert Dance Training. Frontiers in human neuroscience11, 566. (2nd image from figure within article)

Watson, Galadriel. “Dancing Hones Your Body, But What Does It Do to Your Brain?” Dance Magazine, Dance Magazine, 30 Jan. 2018,

First and last images were taken by me

Lost in the gardens of Versailles

Like a lot of students, I used this past weekend as a chance to visit places easily accessible from Paris. On Saturday, Jamie, Genevieve, and I boarded the RER-C and headed to see the Château de Versailles. We went straight to the gardens, a gorgeous, intricate maze of hedges filled with sculptures and fountains. After aimlessly wandering far into the gardens, we heard classical music playing. We knew that it must have been the soundtrack to one of the weekend fountain shows, when the flow of water is set to follow the rhythm of music.

Map of the palace and gardens of Versailles

Just moments after the music started playing, we managed to find our way to the fountain show just by following the sound of the music. The water spouted and spun to the rhythm of the music and the slight mist was refreshingly cool in the middle of a hot summer day. Later that day, I was fascinated by how we managed to find the fountain show based only on the sound of the music. We had never been to the gardens before, we did not have a map, and we did not even know where we were going.

The fountain show

While it is often unconscious, determining where a sound is coming from is a remarkable ability. Figuring out where a sound originates can help us with everything from avoiding oncoming traffic to turning towards our friends in a crowded room (Dobreva et al., 2011; Middlebrooks JC, 2015). Part of this ability comes from having two ears because we can decide which direction a sound is coming from by comparing what we hear in our left and right ears (Joris and Yin, 2007).

However, in our daily lives, there are a lot of hidden challenges that make this task harder. Sound waves from a single source bounce off people and objects and ultimately hit our ears from several angles and directions.Both the unhindered sound itself and the reflections of that sound eventually reach our ears. The sound itself is known as the lead because, since it follows the most direct path, it hits the ear first (Brown et al., 2015). The ability to respond to the lead and not the subsequent reflections of that sound (the lags) is known as the precedence effect (Wallach et al. 1949).

The precedence effect is crucial for the accuracy of our sound localization. As we walked through the gardens of Versailles our ears were struck by soundwaves from both the music itself and reflections of the music bouncing off the greenery. The precedence effect is what allowed us to fuse these sounds together and find the fountain show rather than accidentally ending up at a tree the music had bounced off.

While theories about the precedence effect have been around for decades, the biological mechanisms underlying it were still unclear. Some scientists argued that this effect occurred within the brain while the sounds were being processed through synaptic inhibition (Pecka et al. 2007; Xia et al. 2010). Synaptic inhibition is when interconnected neurons send excitatory and inhibitory signals to amplify certain information (here, the lead sound) and depress other information (the lagging sounds).

Other scientists have argued that the effect could be a mechanical result of the cochlea, the inner ear where sounds are converted to electrical signals. These researchers note that once the lead hits the cochlea that sound continues to resonate. They contend that the lag cannot be communicated as strongly because the cochlea is still passing information about the lead (e.g. Bianchi et al., 2013).

In the past, there was limited evidence to supported one of these ideas over the other because it is technically difficult to impair the auditory structures of the ear or the auditory areas of the brain without impairing both. In their recent work, Brown et al. examined these theories by comparing normal hearing subjects to deaf subjects with cochlear implants, which directly stimulate the brain in response to sound. These deaf subjects had two implants and could still perceive sounds on either side of them but did not have functioning cochlea.

A cochlear implant

The researchers exposed subjects to lead-lag pairs of stimuli that mimicked a sound and the reflection of that sound. They asked subjects to indicate if they heard one sound or two and where the sound(s) originated. In normal hearing subjects these pairs were acoustic clicks. In deaf patients, they were electrical impulses sent directly into the cochlear implants. To measure the precedence effect, the researchers measured the subjects’ ability to recognize the two stimuli as one sound (termed “fusion”) and to determine the origin of the sound (“localization dominance”).

The authors found that both normal hearing and deaf patients could fuse the paired stimuli together and perceive them as one sound, although this ability was marginally weaker in the deaf patients. Furthermore, while there were idiosyncratic differences between individuals, whether subjects had cochlear implants did not affect their ability to determine the origin of sounds. This study presents evidence that people without cochlea can demonstrate the precedence effect at about the same levels as people with normal hearing. Since this effect can be seen in subjects without cochlea, this effect cannot be due to the mechanical features of the cochlea. This suggests that features of auditory neurons can account for the precedence effect that allows us to accurately localize sound.

This was a clever study but of course it is important to remember that it is not conclusive. There were small differences in deaf subjects’ ability to fuse the stimuli into a single sound, which could indicate that the cochlea at least contributes to the precedence effect. Also, mechanical aspects of structures beside the cochlea could be crucial. While this study is not conclusive it does highlight the importance of synaptic inhibition. This provides a launching pad for the continued study of the biological mechanisms underlying the precedence effect, which could help with everything from more immersive virtual reality to better treatment for hearing loss.


Bianchi F, Verhulst S, Dau T (2013). Experimental evidence for a cochlear source of the precedence effect. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology JARO, 14(5):767–779.

Brown AD, Stecker GC, Tollin DJ (2015) The Precedence Effect in Sound Localization JARO, 16(1): 1-28

Brown AD, Jones HG, Kan A, Thakkar T, Stecker GC, Goupell MJ, Litovsky RY (2015). Evidence for a neural source of the precedence effect in sound localization. Journal of neurophysiology 114(5): 2991–3001

Dobreva MS, O’Neill WE, Paige GD (2011). Influence of aging on human sound localization. Journal of neurophysiology, 105(5): 2471–2486

Joris P, Yin TCT, (2007) A matter of time: internal delays in binaural processing, Trends in Neurosciences, 30(2): 70-78

Middlebrooks, JC (2015) Chapter 6 – Sound localization, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 129: 99-116.

Pecka M,  Zahn TP, Saunier-Rebori B, Siveke I,  Felmy F, Wiegrebe L,  Klug A, Pollak GD, Grothe B (2007) Inhibiting the Inhibition: A Neuronal Network for Sound Localization in Reverberant Environments Journal of Neuroscience, 27(7):1782-1790

Wallach H, Newman EB, Rosenzweig R (1949) The precedence effect in sound localization. Am J Psychiatr 62:315–336

Xia J, Brughera A, Colburn HS, Shinn-Cunningham B (2010). Physiological and psychophysical modeling of the precedence effect. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, 11(3), 495–513


Cochlear Implant: “Ryan-Funderburk-1.jpg” by Rfunderburk90 is licensed under CC PDM 1.0

Put your Money where your Brain is

The room is packed. Everywhere I looked I could see drinks, banter, and tension filling the room around us. And this event had every right to be packed. This was the Champions League final, the biggest event of European soccer. While European television does a good job keeping most of the ads at the minimum that night, one ad continued to repeat throughout halftime, a simple ad covering a sports gambling service.

One of the largest online sports gambling sites within the EU

While not a complete stranger to the world of gambling, seeing how pronounced these types of services were advertised towards the general public, I opened towards the true prominence of gambling within our society. From small dollar wagers with friends to the million dollar sports matches, gambling has become pervasive within Western culture. Though the prevalence of this activity has made it easy for us to accept it as simply another aspect of the culture surrounding us, it is important to understand that when left unchecked this can easily snowball into something more.

A study conducted in 2012 discovered that chronic gamblers have similar hypoactivity in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex to those of chronic smokers (De Ruiler, 2012). As the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex plays an important role in inhibiting our individual actions so that we don’t make any rash decisions when this particular area shows lesser levels of activation it prevents us from stopping ourselves from making impulsive decisions (Modirrousta, 2008). As such, the more we find ourselves gambling, the easier it is for us to become addicted to it since our brain is literally not telling us to stop ourselves. But not only does our brain not tell us to stop with this particular behavior, but it also activates to push us to gamble even more.

A recent study published by Limbrick-Oldfield set out to investigate as to what underlies our desire for continual gamblers to seek out gambling. After cueing the subjects that had chronic gambling problems with images related to gambling, they observed the brain activity of these subjects through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) tests. When looking at the results of the study, Limbrick-Oldfield found that when the gambling disorder subjects were shown gambling related cues, there was a significant increase in the activity of the left insula (Limbrick-Oldfield et. al, 2017). Prior research has shown that the insula plays a critical role in subjective feeling (Uddin, 2017). So by showing greater activation of the insula within these brain studies, Limbrick-Oldfield was able to show how his subjects yielded a greater emotional connection whenever they are shown cues of gambling. And it is with this greater emotional connection within these subjects that pushing gambling addicts to continue with their addiction.

The insula is located on the lateral side of the brain. It plays a significant role in our subjective emotional processing.

So the question remains, why do we find ourselves gambling in the first place? And the scientific answer to that question is actually very simple because it’s really fun. However, while you expect the fun of gambling to exist in the idea of winning big bucks, scientific evidence actually seems to point to the contrary.

In 2013, Patrick Anselme and Mike J.F. Robinson set out to understand exactly what seemed to motivate individuals to continually pursue gambling. After examining the dopamine release within the ventral striatum of gambling addicts who gambled, Anselme and Robinson found that the subjects had a greater amount of dopamine release whenever they lost money compared to when they won money (Anselme and Robinson, 2013). This idea plays along with the idea of “near misses”, stating that whenever you don’t win, the brain activates the reward system to enhance your motivation to keep gambling (Kassinove, 2001). While this study does a clear job in underlying the major reward system within those who contain gambling addictions, one weakness is that it does not take into consideration whether this reward system pathway pertains to those of first-time gamblers. However, despite this limitation, the paper still offers valuable insight into the cycle of addiction that many continual gamblers fall into.

While understanding of the underlying influences beneath gambling addiction offers great insight towards the neural mechanisms that underlie the development of addiction as a whole, it still circumvents the issue that breaking these kinds of addictions are extremely difficult. Things like alcohol and gambling have long since part of both ours and Parisian culture for a long time coming and breaking that underlying development will go beyond what underlies our own culture.

So what is the main lesson that should be taken away from this? Well, for me, I would say to place your bets wisely, because no matter what you bet, the odds are never in your favor.



Anselme, P., & Robinson, M. J. (2013). What motivates gambling behavior? Insight into dopamine’s role. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 7, 182.


De Ruiter MB, Oosterlaan J, Veltman DJ, van den Brink W, Goudriaan AE. Similar hyporesponsiveness of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in problem gamblers and heavy smokers during an inhibitory control task. Drug Alcohol Depend. (2012)


E H Limbrick-Oldfield, I Mick, R E Cocks, J McGonigle, S P Sharman, A P Goldstone, P R A Stokes, A Waldman, D Erritzoe, H Bowden-Jones, D Nutt, A Lingford-Hughes & L Clark. Neural substrates of cue reactivity and craving in gambling disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 7 (2017)


Kassinove J. I., Schare M. L. (2001). Effects of the “near miss” and the “big win” on persistence at slot machine gambling. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 15, 155–158


Modirrousta, L.K. Fellows Dorsal medial prefrontal cortex plays a necessary role in rapid error prediction in humans J. Neurosci., 28 (2008), pp. 14000-14005


Uddin, L. Q., Nomi, J. S., Hébert-Seropian, B., Ghaziri, J., & Boucher, O. (2017). Structure and Function of the Human Insula. Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 34(4), 300–306.

Traumatic Brain Injury in Sports

Our first week in Paris coincided with two championship soccer games. Like many Americans I am unfamiliar with soccer, but our group gathered at a English bar called The Mazet on Wednesday night to watch the Europa League Final: Chelsea vs. Arsenal.   

The Mazet bar in Paris, where our group gathered to watch the Europa League Final

Most of you will be familiar with the ongoing controversy about traumatic brain injury (TBI) in sports. Our national conversation tends to focus on American football, but TBI is also a huge problem in boxing, hockey, and lacrosse (my sport of choice). In the field of medicine, a distinction is made between sports based on the level of risk of injury. The sports listed above are all deemed collision sports, in which “athletes purposely hit or collide with each other or with inanimate objects (including the ground) with great force” (Rice, 2008). Soccer is a contact sport, meaning that “athletes routinely make contact with each other or with inanimate objects but usually with less force than in collision sports” (Rice, 2008).

While watching the game, I noticed that Arsenal’s goalkeeper Petr Cech was wearing a sort of helmet which I later identified as rugby headgear (Rugby is a collision sport). Chelsea’s goalkeeper wore no headgear; neither did either keeper playing in the Champion’s League Final I watched on Saturday night. A fellow patron informed me that Cech had suffered a serious head injury earlier in his career, and had continued to wear the helmet ever since as a preventative measure.    

Two images of Petr Cech at the 2019 Europa League Final, taken at the Mazet in Paris



As an American sports fan, I was intrigued. Most players in the sports that I watch are required to wear some form of personal protective equipment (PPE), but very few wear items which are not required. During my years as an athlete, I would often forgo recommended PPE which I found to be unnecessary; most of my lacrosse teammates chose not to wear athletic cups and opted for the elbow pads which were the least restrictive (and therefor the least protective). While the decisions Peter Cech and other athletes make about their PPE mostly come down to personal preference, I became curious about what is being done to tackle (pun intended) the problem of TBI in sports.

Emergency room visits for TBI predominantly involve children, and a significant portion of these injuries are sports related (Sarmiento et al, 2019). This fact seems especially troubling considering the long term effects of TBI and the effects it may have on development are still being investigated. A 2019 study by Russel and Selci administered the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) to 134 adolescents who had sustained concussions playing sports. Compared to a control group with non-concussion sports injuries, the experimental group demonstrated severe detriments to their quality of life, especially cognitive functioning and school performance. Patients who had recovered from multiple concussions were significantly more likely to also suffer from depression and headaches (Russel et al, 2019). In this study, after the patients had recovered fully (according to the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale) no longterm neurological symptoms were detected.

The ongoing media narrative surrounding concussions in sports paints a very different picture from this research. An article published just last month in the New York Times (Branch, 2019) lambasts the National Hockey League for its refusal to acknowledge a link between the sport and neurodegenerative symptoms in its players. Specifically, the article discusses chronic traumatic encephalothopy (CTE), the poorly-understood disease which makes headlines nearly every time a pro-athlete dies. CTE is only diagnosable postmortem and is thought to be linked to repeated TBI (Stern et al, 2019). The disease is characterized by a build up of “tau-aggregates” in neurons, similar to the amyloid-beta plaque build up that occurs in Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, brains in the late stages of CTE also show amyloid-beta plaque deposits (Stern et al, 2019). In a 2019 study analyzing the build up of tau aggregates in the brains of former NFL linebackers, Stern and Adler found significantly more tau aggregate build up in several brain regions thought to be affected by CTE than in non-athletes. However, the increased levels of tau aggregate did not correspond to amyloid-plaque deposit increases or to neurodegenerative symptoms (Stern et al, 2019). To be clear, TBI does have negative effects on one’s health and wellbeing — wear your helmets, kids — its just uncertain how these effects manifest over a lifetime.

Several similar studies seem to debunk the popular narrative that repeated TBI results in severe neurodegenerative symptoms. A 2019 paper by Brett and Wilmoth designed to review the symptoms of CTE and the way that it is diagnosed concluded that the diagnostic criteria are unclear, causing the disease to be over reported (Brett et el, 2019).The high-profile of athletes who suffer from the disease combined with the troubling amount of TBI in children explain why the media, educators, and legislators are all fascinated with combatting a disease that scientists remain uncertain about. Regardless of the effects, TBI is a real risk to athletes the world over. Professional athletes like Peter Cech who are proactive about their safety set a good example for adolescents like me who are making the choice between comfort and protection every time they suit up.

Works Cited

Branch, J (2019) The NFL Has Been Consumed by the Concussion Issue. Why Hasn’t the NHL? New York Times 5/31/2019

Brett BL, Wilmoth K, Cummings P, Solomon GS, McCrea MA, Zuckerman SL (2019) The Neuropathological and Clinical Diagnostic Criteria of Chronic Traumatic Encephalothopathy: A Critical Examination in Relation to Other Neurodegenerative Diseases. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 68: 591-608

Rice SG, Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness (2008) Medical Conditions Affecting Sports Participation. Pediatrics 121:841-848.

Russel K, Selci E, Black B, Ellis MJ (2019) Health-related quality of life following adolescent sports-related concussion or fracture: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 23:455-464.

Sarmiento K, Thomas KE, Daugherty J, Waltzman D, Haarbauer-Krupa JK, Peterson AB, Haileyesus T, Breidling MJ (2019) Emergency Department Visits for Sports – and Recreation – Related Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Children — United States, 2010-2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 68:237-242.

Stern RA, Adler CH, Chen K, Navitsky M, Luo J, Dodick DW, Alosco ML, Tripodis Y, Goradia DD, Martin B, Mastroeni D, Fritts NG, Jarnagin J, Devous MD, Mintun MA, Pontecorvo MJ, Shenton ME, Reiman Em (2019) Tau Positron-Emission Tomography in Former National Football League Players. New England Journal of Medicine 380:1716-1725

Fake It till you Learn It

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? (That’s French for Hi! How are you?) During my first week abroad, there have been so many changes: living with new people, exploring a new city, immersing myself in an unknown culture. Through all these changes, the hardest one to adjust to has been learning a new language that I haven’t heard or seen since the fourth grade. Even though it has been such a short amount of time, I feel that it has gotten easier for me to communicate and understand conversations in French. I came into this trip knowing almost no French, but in just seven days, I notice myself recognizing words at the supermarket, and knowing how to respond to people who speak French fluently. I was actually amazed at how quickly I was able to start learning a new language!

Purchasing food at the local market

Language cognition has been studied to better understand how and where the process of language occurs. There have been new models of language cognition that demonstrate the use procedural memory (long term memory associated with how to do things) and declarative memory (memory of things that can be consciously recalled) in learning a new language (Ullman, 2016). Previous studies have noted that word learning has been a product of our declarative memory, while grammar is heavily dependent on our procedural memory (Davachi et al, 2003, Lum et al, 2012). This process of learning new languages is important, but perhaps not the only thing that has been beneficial during my first week in France.

Although types of memory play an important role in learning new languages, one of the reasons I have been able to grasp French this efficiently is because of gestures and their role in learning language. Gestures are using the body to convey a meaning. Recently, I have been noticing that I have been using my hands a lot more than I usually do while conversing with people. When I see people in the grocery store or the chocolate shops in Belgium, I can communicate with them through the use of gestures to supplement the little French I do know. This helps me learn new words while communicating effectively with people who would not understand me otherwise. Gestures have become a prominent part of my communication method because they are able convey a different type of speech and help me produce speech (Goldin-Meadow and Alibali, 2012).

In an fMRI study done by Weisberg et al (2017), the activation of language regions (shown below) in the brain were reduced when related gestures accompanied speech, as shown in the fMRI data below.


Decrease in activation of speech with gesture compared to speech alone and gesture alone

Language regions in the brain







However, when gestures were used alone, there was a greater activation in language comprehension areas. The figure shows that speech accompanied by meaningful gestures does not require as much neuronal resources and thus there is not as much activation in regions associated with action representation or language comprehension (Weisberg et al, 2017). Both of these systems rely on each other to create a more efficient method of communicating using less resources.

There has also been evidence provided that gestures increase the activation of the word they are describing to make it easier for the speaker to access that word (Krauss, 1998). Krauss coined this method as the Lexical Gesture Process Model. In further studies, Krauss found that regardless of spontaneous speech or rehearsed speech, gestures are activated prior or simultaneously to its lexical affiliate, the word the gesture describes. The figure below shows the difference of onset time for speech minus the onset time for gesture and the times are all either happening simultaneously or the gesture is activated before speech. This helps show that the gestures are used as an aid to help communicate in speech because they are activated prior to the words (Krauss, 1998). Thank goodness for these gestures guiding me through these new changes and helping me learn the words!



I am so lucky to have these gestures as a part of my communication vocabulary because it has made it easier to learn French words and gotten me through the first week. Although I plan on learning more of the language, I am grateful for the grace gestures have given me as I attempt to blend in and communicate with others.


  1. Davachi, L., Mitchell, J. P., & Wagner, A. D. (2003, February 18). Multiple routes to memory: Distinct medial temporal lobe processes build item and source memories. Retrieved from
  2. Goldin-Meadow, S., & Alibali, M. W. (2013). Gesture’s role in speaking, learning, and creating language. Retrieved from
  3. Krauss, R. (1998). Why Do We Gesture When We Speak? Current Directions in Psychological Science,7(2), 54-60. Retrieved from
  4. Krauss RM, Chen Y, Chawla P. Nonverbal Behavior and Nonverbal Communication: What do Conversational Hand Gestures Tell Us? (2008, April 11). Retrieved from
  5. Lum, J. A., Conti-Ramsden, G., Morgan, A. T., & Ullman, M. T. (2014). Procedural learning deficits in specific language impairment (SLI): a meta-analysis of serial reaction time task performance. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior51(100), 1–10. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2013.10.011
  6. Weisberg, J., Hubbard, A. L., & Emmorey, K. (2017). Multimodal integration of spontaneously produced representational co-speech gestures: an fMRI study. Language, cognition and neuroscience32(2), 158–174. doi:10.1080/23273798.2016.1245426


Picture of Language Region



bottoms up! cognition down?

drinking but make it ~~patriotic~~

Walking around the city of Paris, it is hard to miss the fact that we are in a country submerged in a long, liquid history with wine and a current population dedicated to upholding this wine drinking culture.  “For many individuals, drinking wine has become an identity-building process by which they become part of a new form of civil community constructed around a nostalgic view of a rural and authentic France” (Demossier, 2010, p. 13). Apparently, the French are quite a nostalgic bunch then, and at all times of the day. Whether it’s with a well-plated charcuterie board, a medium rare steak, or sans any food in front of them, I cannot recall a time when I did not walk through a Paris street without seeing anyone sitting outside at a café terrace without a glass of wine accompanying them.

a typical scene of Parisian merriment

As a nation with casual drinking during meals ingrained into the collective psyche, I was interested in seeing whether this difference in mentality would manifest in a difference in drinking habits – binge drinking in particular – among the young people of France and America. Binge drinking (BD) is typically defined as heavy alcohol use of four or five drinks over a short period of time. From 2009 to 2013, the prevalence of those partaking in BD among university students in France was about 30% in the period of a month (Tavolacci et al., 2016). During this same period of time, the percent of 18-22-year-olds in America binge drinking within a month wavered around 40% (White and Hingson, 2014). The underlying factors leading to the prominence of binge drinking is a bottle to be uncorked another time, but today I will be looking into the effects of binge drinking on cognitive function in young people.

We’ve all seen the short-term side effects of binge drinking – in fact I think I saw some of it walking around the Bastille area of Paris one day after dinner – but what about the unseen and long-term effects in the brain? As binge drinking is usually associated with those of college age whose primary occupation is often school, I wanted to see how much researchers know about what is happening to a brain and its function with frequent alcohol use.

In a 2009 study, 42 binge drinkers and 53 controls from between age 18-20 were tested. Scalp electrodes were used to measure event-related potentials (ERPs), which are measured brain responses that are a result of a specific sensory, cognitive, or motor event and a way to evaluate brain function. Subjects were asked to perform a visual working memory task, a task where visual information must be remembered and manipulated quickly when prompted, and then the components of their ERPs were compared. The results indicated that there was the presence of an electrophysiological difference between the binge drinker and the control group, and that higher levels of attentional efforts were required from the binge drinking group to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information to effectively process working memory (Crego et al., 2009).


an example of the components of what an ERP may look like based on electrode measurements


Another study in 2011 tested 40 binge drinkers (13 females, 27 males) and 55 controls (24 females, 31 males) between the ages of 16 to 19. Researchers conducted neuropsychological testing, substance use interviews, and a spatial working memory (SWM) task, which requires retention and manipulation of visuospatial information, during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Links between BD status and gender were found in brain regions spanning the bilateral frontal, anterior cingulate, temporal, and cerebellar cortices. In all regions, female binge drinkers showed less SWM activation than female controls; however, male binge drinkers actually showed greater activation of SWM which linked to better spatial performance (Squeglia et al., 2011). The results of this study seemed to indicate that females may be more vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of binge drinking during adolescence, while male brains may be more resilient to the harmful effects of binge drinking (where does the male privilege end??).

an example of a simple spatial working memory task

While ERPs and SWM are ways to assess brain function, I believe they can’t fully encompass cognitive performance, which synthesizes aspects of memory, attention, and reasoning. Overall, I believe the exact effects of binge drinking on the human adolescent brain will always be difficult to elucidate because of the many confounding factors that cannot be controlled for in correlational studies. However, this does not mean that this topic should be any less deserving of research because of the important implications the results can have for adolescents around the world and their brain health. For now, perhaps we should all follow the example of the Parisians and enjoy in moderation. Cheers for now!



Crego A, Rodriguez-HolguõÂn S, Parada M, Mota N, Corral M, Cadaveira F.(2009). Binge drinking affects attentional and visual working memory processing in young university students. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 33(11):1870–9. 10.1111

Demossier, M. (2010). Wine Drinking Culture in France: A National Myth or a Modern Passion? (French and francophone studies) (p. 13). Retrieved from

Marie-Pierre Tavolacci, Eloïse Boerg, Laure Richard, Gilles Meyrignac, Pierre

Dechelotte, et al., (2016) Prevalence of binge drinking and associated behaviours among 3286 college students in France. BMC Public Health, BioMed Central, 16, pp.178.

Squeglia, L.M., Schweinsburg, A.D., Pulido, C. & Tapert, S.F. (2011) Adolescent Binge

Drinking Linked to Abnormal Spatial Working Memory Brain Activation: Differential Gender Effects. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 1831-1841.

White, A. & Hingson, R. (2014) The burden of alcohol use: excessive alcohol consumption and related consequences among college students. Alcohol Res, 35, 201-218.

Image 1: from Demossier (2010) p. 10

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