Author: Demetrice S. Bryant
New Process: Review of Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreements
In an effort to improve efficiency and the handling of confidential/non-disclosure agreements (CDAs/NDAs), the OSP Contracts Unit has established a listserv e-mail address to send CDAs requiring review and institutional signature. Effective February 1, 2012, all clinical trial related CDAs/NDAs requiring review and institutional signature should be sent to the listserv e-mail. The listserv e-mail…
Grants Quick View
Three new inquiry pages have been created in Compass to provide users quick access to relevant grant information. These pages were created by the Grants Reporting Team which is made up of James Goff, Jennifer Gore, and Tammy Spain. While working with users in various departments and across campus, it became apparent that much of…
Classifying Equipment for the Georgia Research Alliance
Please be aware that all GRA (Georgia Research Alliance) equipment is considered titled equipment and therefore should be accounted for under PeopleSoft Account Code 75200 (which is for titled equipment), rather than under Account Code 75225 (for non-title equipment). Questions? Please contact Renee Corsello at
Q. Is there a way to save a specific search, so that I do not have to input the search information every time that I need it? A. Yes, this is a functionality of the system. Search for a proposal. While still on the search screen, click “Save Search Criteria”. The “Save Search As” Page…
NIH Streamlines Technology Transfer Process
excerpted from NIHPress: The National Institutes of Health is launching the electronic Research Materials catalog (eRMa)(link) to streamline the federal government’s technology transfer process. This project addresses one of the important directives in a Presidential memorandum related to the commercialization of federal research and support for high-growth business potential. the new system will streamline the…
From the Office of Clinical Research (OCR)
From the Office for Clinical Research (OCR) ERMS Quick Reference Guide ERMS Visit Tracking, a new feature within the Emory Research Management System (ERMS) has officially replaced SiteMinder effective Monday, November 14, 2011. The new feature will be a huge improvement to the efficiency of your process, by significantly increasing billing…
Cayuse Tips
Finding Proposals in Cayuse I have granted someone permission to view a proposal; however, they cannot find it in a search. Cayuse can be set to show only recently viewed proposals. If the person has not viewed the proposal before, it would not show up in the lookup. Please click on the “Show All” link…
Budgeting in EPEX While the budget building tool is available in EPEX and we encourage its use, the Office of Sponsored Programs requires only that a high level budget be included which each proposal routed for review and approval. There are 4 high-level direct cost budget categories available. Each of these categories is preceded by…
Cayuse Tips
Bookmarking the Cayuse 424 website We know that, like us, many people on campus use bookmarks to be able to quickly navigate to their favorite sites. And, we’re sure that by now, Cayuse 424 is one of your favorite sites! But, a word of caution when bookmarking the Cayuse424 website: Emory utilizes a single sign-on…
From the Office for Clinical Research (OCR)
From the Office for Clinical Research (OCR) Important Changes to Protocol Registration System Changes in US Public Law 110-85 (FDAAA) What is the U.S. Public Law 110-85 (FDAAA)? The Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA or US Public Law 110-85) was passed on September 27, 2007. The…