Category Archives: OSP

2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Guidance Online Training is LIVE!

The Office of Sponsored Programs is pleased to announce that the online training module for Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 200, is available in Emory’s Learning Management System (ELMS).  The training is designed to explain at a fundamental level the Code of Federal Regulations as they apply to federal awards. The […]

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What are the Responsibilities of a PI on a Sponsored Award?

Written By: Kerry Peluso, AVP Office of Research Administration The Principal Investigator (PI) of an award is responsible for oversight and direction of the sponsored project including both the technical and the administrative/financial aspects of the award. Section 2.1.2 of the current NIH Grants Policy Statement describes this in further detail: Program Director/Principal Investigator. A […]

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New Changes to Vertebrate Animals Section (VAS) Of NIH Grant Application and Contract Proposal Requirements

From the Office of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a change to Vertebrate Animals Section (VAS) of grant applications, cooperative agreements, and contract proposals on October 13, 2015. These changes remove some redundancy and simplify the review process. The changes consist of: No longer requiring a […]

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NIH Payment Management System (PMS) Subaccount Transition

Amanda Exum and Kim Rowell Research Administration Services NIH announced in July 2013 that payment for all grant awards would transition to Payment Management System (PMS) Subaccounts. Payments for NIH domestic awards are currently made via pool accounts (G) in PMS. Since October 1, 2013, new competing NIH awards have been issued with P accounts […]

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National Science Foundation Significantly Changes and Clarifies Its PAPPG

Written By: Viraj Parmar, JD Office of Sponsored Programs The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently changed and clarified numerous sections within its Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG). As many of our researchers and staff know, the PAPPG consists of two parts: Part I, titled NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG), contains NSF’s proposal […]

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NIH Announces the New Table Format and Availability of xTRACT

Written By: Holly Sommers Office of Sponsored Programs In notices issued on June 29, 2015, and on October 13, 2015, with additional detail, NIH announced that they would adopt a new training data table format in FY2016 for progress reports and institutional training grant applications. Additionally, NIH announced the development of xTRACT, or the Extramural […]

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Research Administrator Pre & Post-Award Training Schedule

The Office of Sponsored Programs in collaboration with the Office of Technology Transfer, and the Division of Finance provides training for Emory’s Pre-Award and Post-Award Research Administrators.  The trainings provide an overview of compliance policies, processes, procedures, and systems used by research administrators here at Emory. Please review the listing of available classes provided below […]

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New Subrecipient Monitoring Requirements, Effective October 15, 2015

As previously announced, as part of the implementation of Uniform Guidance, the federal agencies have added additional specific requirements for the oversight of subrecipients. As a result, our Subrecipient Monitoring Program has been expanded to meet these requirements.  An overview of this full program (including everyone’s role in the process) can be accessed at Sub […]

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FY16 Fringe Rates Effective September 1, 2015

The FY16 Fringe Rates for Emory University and Healthcare are available.  The rates above are effective as of 09/01/2015 and should now be used in all grant proposals. The table below reflects the new fringe benefit rates. Fringe Rates for    Federal Labor Charges   Fringe Rates for   Non-Federal Labor Charges     Faculty/Staff/Postdoc   23.90% 26.25% […]

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Need Assistance With Your Data Management/Sharing Plans? Data Archiving? Compliance With NIH Public Access Policy?

Emory libraries provide a number of services to assist researchers in developing proposals.  Emory’s libraries provide access to resources that can aid in pre-award and post-award research administration. Examples of services available include help with data management planning, data archiving, public access compliance, and more. To learn more about how the Emory libraries can help […]

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