Category: Announcements
NIH Announces the New Table Format and Availability of xTRACT
Written By: Holly Sommers Office of Sponsored Programs In notices issued on June 29, 2015, and on October 13, 2015, with additional detail, NIH announced that they would adopt a new training data table format in FY2016 for progress reports and institutional training grant applications. Additionally, NIH announced the development of xTRACT, or the Extramural…
Need Assistance With Your Data Management/Sharing Plans? Data Archiving? Compliance With NIH Public Access Policy?
Emory libraries provide a number of services to assist researchers in developing proposals. Emory’s libraries provide access to resources that can aid in pre-award and post-award research administration. Examples of services available include help with data management planning, data archiving, public access compliance, and more. To learn more about how the Emory libraries can help…