Tag: ehso

  • Environmental Health and Safety Office – Bench to Bedside Collaboration in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2

    The recent Coronavirus outbreak has resulted in an international response to control the spread of this virus and to better understand the epidemiology of this disease.  This virus was recently named SARS-CoV-2 and the disease is called COVID-19.  The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) is collaborating with University and Healthcare partners to provide support…

  • Lab Safety Spotlight



    After the Research Safety team conducted laboratory inspections during the month of January, our team has selected one lab to be recognized. EHSO would like to recognize the Vega Lab for the January Lab Safety Spotlight. Congratulations to the members of Dr. Nicole Vega’s research group for embracing a culture of safety. Keep up the…

  • Working with Hazardous Chemicals in Animals



    If you are planning on working with hazardous chemicals and animals there are a few requirements that need to be met. You must be listed on an EHSO Chemical Safety Approval Letter and your PI must have IACUC approval to use hazardous chemicals in animals. To be listed on an EHSO approval letter, your PI…

  • AAALAC International Site Visit at Emory University



    The AAALAC International site visit of the animal care and use program at Emory University will be conducted by a 4-person team of peers on March 3-5, 2020.  While much of the focus will be on DAR and IACUC, laboratories will be site visited, particularly those where surgery and other experimental procedures are done on…

  • Working with Hazardous Chemicals at Emory University – Particularly Hazardous Substances



    OSHA and Emory University require that individual laboratories develop written procedures for handling particularly hazardous substances (See the OSHA Lab Standard 1910.1450 and Emory University Chemical Hygiene Plan). Written procedures document that personnel are trained and help to ensure a safe and compliant workplace. Particularly hazardous substances are chemical agents that pose a serious health…

  • Chemical Fume Hood Annual Performance Testing



    Chemical fume hoods (CFHs) are found in most research labs and must undergo annual performance testing (previously referred to as certification). Annual Performance Testing(formerly known as certification) 1. Measure the flow rate (linear feet per minute, lfm) with the sash set at 18 inches from the fume hood surface/bench. Multiple data points are recorded and…

  • Safer Alternatives in Research – Addressing Ethidium Bromide



    Ethidium Bromide is a commonly used stain for gel electrophoresis in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols, despite inherent health risks associated with it. Ethidium Bromide is a mutagen and causes acute toxicity if inhaled. You will find the following GHS pictograms on the manufacturer label and SDS. However, there are safer alternatives to ethidium bromide.…

  • Do You Protect Your Eyes and Face? 



    Are you in danger of becoming a statistic? Protecting your eyes and face is important in the workplace and outside of work. Thousands of people are blinded each year from work related eye injuries that could have been prevented with proper eye and face protection.  The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) requires employers to ensure…

  • Using Smart Devices at Emory University



    There are security and safety issues associated with the use of smart devices at Emory. Provided below is a list of safety issues[1] associated with using smart devices, specifically in research laboratories, and ways to mitigate these. Safety Issue  Recommendation to mitigate risk  Contamination[2] Electronics can bring contamination to your sterile environment – surface decontaminate…

  • Yerkes Scavenger Hunt Winners



    Thank you to those who came out to Get to Know EHSO on November 21, 2019! We appreciate all who participated and we want to congratulate the winners of the scavenger hunt. First 10 people to complete the hunt successfully: Susana Contreras Alcantara Olivia Delmas Callie Wilson-Minott Charlott Morel Sanchez Ariel Robinson Lelah Harmon Reese…