From contraception, to abortion, and then to the archives.

In the second paragraph the author gets into the heat of the argument. The pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. I did feel as though initially she came off as bias. At the end of the paragraph she while describing the pro-life philosophy she expressed it “sadly”. It sticks out so much because it is literally the last word on the page too…lol.

But I am on her side, so I cannot really complain. Pro choice has always been the softer, and for me easier to like, of the two sides, and they support baby killing. I do not say this to be shocking, I know it may seem that way. However, as a pious man it does not matter. All other variables excluded, if left un-aborted a baby would be born, have a life, and die like the rest of us. By aborting that chance at life is taken. It in my humble opinion is baby killing. I’m am also a scientist, and I recognize that as long as a baby is aborted early enough, it is not alive yet, thus no actually killing of baby’s has occurred. I do not think the author dives deep into the topic of the life of the baby. Probably because that is a whole different argument

Another reason I enjoyed this paper was because in Evolutionary Biology the other day I brought up baby killing when we were studying a paper about beehives. The queen kills all the babies that aren’t her own in order to maintain social fear control over the hive’s female-clone slaves (asexually reproduced worker bees). I promise I am not making this up. Some close relative may survive.  It’s her source of power and why she rules. I think some pro-life advocates, truly and genuinely fear giving up that type of power to a woman. Not a literal, she is a queen and we are slaves, but a biological and evolutionary power source that, lets face it, would be the ultimate ace up the sleeve in any relationship. The one who controls the production of offspring, all other things being equal, controls the relationship. But unfortunately in our society all things are not equal. I love women so I’m 100% with giving y’all more power. Because in the end I will never ‘fear’ you, I’ll ‘Love ’ you.

The rest of the paper deals with people’s opinions about what is acceptable and the moral battle. That’s exactly what it is, a battle. Life is a battle. L/G/B/T rights…a battle. Minority rights….a battle. Woman’s suffrage….a battle. The way I relate this to the archives, is that in all the articles I’ve seen in Emory’s past, at least between the years we were assigned, the battle is a slow grinding one, and the culture of Emory is becoming more accepting by the years. Accepting towards sexual choice, skin, race, and religion. And in that diverse community were we are accepting and open to empower woman, I think makes us better and stronger. It isn’t a battle that has been won, each of these groups fights the same war on different turf, but the progress we all make is towards peace, equality, and happiness.

The Dilemma

The debates on abortion have been around for a long time in many places, but still nobody can easily support one side without just ignoring the other side’s argument. The biology of human reproduction and the importance of the both values, ‘life’ and ‘right’, make the unwantedly pregnant mothers to pick one side by compromising the other. Because the possible implications of choosing one value over the other can mean either ‘murder’ or ‘forced birth’, it seems almost impossible to make a perfect decision. In theory, since, no one has the right to take away lives of human beings, we must not allow any abortion. However, since we are not living in utopia, but reality, we have many kinds of situations where women can end up having unwanted or even dangerous pregnancy that could be aborted to not risk the life of the mother, as seen in the essay by Suzanne Edwards (1). For these reasons, to me, the best way seems to be carefully examining each ‘unwanted pregnancy’, case by case, to decide whether abortion can be legally allowed.

 Perhaps what we should more worry about is how to prevent such situations. Preventing people from putting themselves in this serious dilemma is probably the best we can do. Increasing the level of educations about contraception and family planning and the punishment for rapists, and promoting people for regular gynecologist visits (even though it can sound ridiculous) could be some of the possible ways of avoiding the ‘bad situation’.

I believe in what is called ‘cultural materialism’ which states that every cultural ritual has or is related to some kind of biological function. Many cultures around the world had been attaching much importance to maintaining virginity before marriage. Maybe one of the major reasons behind this common taboo was to prevent unwanted pregnancy when we did not have condoms, plan B’s, and abortion.


(1) What “health of the mother” means by Suzanne Edwards

Excuses, Excuses

In the article “Condom Use with a Casual Partner,” it discussed the successful use of condoms in different situations. Alcohol use coupled with those who are risk takers vowed many who did not use a condom when intoxicated. However, the data was not completely consistent. Something that may not be able to be completely measured in a study are people’s thoughts going into a situation. Many college students prepare to get drunk and have a “hookup.” This way, they do not have to be completely responsible for their actions. Hidden desires that they dare not share with their friends can come to life in an intoxicated state with not as many repercussions.

Many male and female students will start the story of their escapades with “I was wasted” or “I was totally drunk” in order to have a precursor so their friends and peers will not judge them as harshly. This is common practice in a college setting. Because although in college students are known to party hard, there is still an image of dignity that must be somewhat upheld.

When it comes to the use of condoms, this plays into the culture. Students will get drunk to have a reason for their actions, but will have safe sex because in many situations, the drunken activities were premeditated. Of course this is not the case for all, but it occurs more than you might think.

Sometimes stats and percentages do not tell the whole story, and I believe this is one of those instances.

losing ground

With laws and political divisions becoming increasingly extreme, the role of contraceptive use in sexual encounters is precarious. School education programs and public health policy groups work to encourage contraceptive use in all sexual encounters. Alarmingly these people aren’t just fighting an uphill battle against ignorance, but also have to deal with special interest groups that are not only discouraging safer sex education programs, but also fighting for the instigation of pro-life policies – policies that could succeed in the eventual elimination of certain contraceptive options.

There have been recent debates in the news regarding the future of abortion in some states. Often this issue comes up in coordination with election years and this year seems no different. We have seen debates on this hot topic arise cyclically and fade after one side or the other achieves some small victory that usually leaves the issue seemingly unchanged.  As Wendy Simonds points out in her piece (Simonds p 427), this debate is a “rhetorical battle” consisting of word manipulation and moral mud slinging. In what seems to be an increasingly extreme battle of the pro-life vs. pro-choice contingencies, choosing sides has suddenly become an even more reflective issue. The fight for the right to abort could have huge consequences in states like Mississippi where a new abortion bill is on the floor. The phrasing of this bill that would outlaw abortion could also be a slippery downhill slide to the elimination of other birth control methods including the birth control pill and intrauterine devices (IUDs). By defining the beginning of life as the moment sperm meets egg, this law would basically instigate the right of every potential fetus to be born, outlawing the methods that prevent implantation in the uterus (Papas). Other states, including Oklahoma and Virginia have passed some forms of this type of law and additionally have instigated the use of invasive transvaginal ultrasounds in women who seek out an abortion (Favate)

As we are all very aware, there are two sides to this issue and two predominant parties in our government. As the issue grows, the battles are becoming bigger and the effects of success by the pro-life, anti-abortion side of this argument have actually become noticeable. Before it was always the wording of some little document that some people buzzed over, but the general public ignored. Now the public, or at least half of it, should finally be paying attention. In my opinion we have arrived to a point of regression and women are the ones whose rights are being taken away.

The motivation behind these changes is not just the simple moral code of our leaders. They are the consequence of the fight to maintain, or in some places regain, the hetero-normative lifestyle. This country is predominantly lead by straight, married, well educated men who have devoted their lives in part to maintaining their squeaky clean exterior. These men are trying to maintain the expected life of a successful American man. What will happen to them however, if the number of non-married couples who are expecting a child increases? What will happen to them if more people decide to join the sexually liberated?



Simonds, Wendy. “From Contraception to Abortion: A Moral Continuum”

Pappas, Stephanie. “Mississippi’s ‘Personhood’ Law Could Outlaw Birth Control” Live Science. November 7, 2011

Favate, Sam. “Virginia House Passes Bills Restricting Abortion” The Wall Street Journal. February 16, 2012

Keys, Doors, and sex

In Moore and Davidson’s “Communicating with New Sex Partners”, they explain how risk-taking sexual practices is more related to self efficacy than knowledge. They stated, “High Self efficacy is associated with both the intention to discuss STD prevention and reported discussion of past sex partner.” I thought it was interesting how they compared the three different groups of college females in regards to asking about their sexual partners about sexual history. They categorized them into three groups: rarely, sometimes, and almost always. Moore and Davidson’ then brought in a nurturing aspect to each group, further distinguishing them from one another. The AA (almost always) is known to have had more sexually related conversations with their mother figures than the R (rarely) and S (sometimes). This is compelling in that something so minuscule when growing up can make the biggest differences later on in life.

After reading this article, I feel like that when it comes to asking about sexual history, that responsibility has mostly fallen upon women in modern day American society. I heard this quote when I was younger, “What would you rather have, a key that can open any door, or a door that can be opened with any key?”. This made me think of how society says it is ok for a man to sleep with numerous women; however, when a woman sleeps with numerous men, she is frowned upon. Knowing this information, I think men should be equally as responsible for asking the question. Sure, a women has more on the line besides contracting STDs, but a man still has enough on the line to bring up the question.

STD’s can be asymptomatic depending on the strain, and gender infected. for example, A man can carry Chlamydia while being asymptomatic/clueless, and pass it on to a woman – possibly making her infertile. It makes me angry how a simple test or question can prevent something terrible like the example I gave from happening. Men do have more than enough on the line to bring up the question, but I am positive most don’t ask. I think it is odd how women have been thrown this responsibility of being the “careful ones”, when it is obvious that men should be equally as responsible.

Safe Sex is Great Sex

Talks with S



The discussion that I wish to delve in today’s blog is the relationship of safe sex practices among men and women with that of variables such as family background, culture, personality traits, self-efficacy, and consumption of alcohol and other mind-altering drugs. The central question that I plan to answer is why college students may partake in risky sexual behavior knowing that it can have adverse negative affects. Some college students may indulge in sexual acts with other known or unknown persons without prior knowledge of their sexual partners “sexual script” or sexual history, and at the contingency of getting pregnant or contracting a Sexually Transmitted Disease.

All persons that have entered their lives phase characterized as the “adulthood” phase, are said to have a “sexual script” (Davidson Sr. and Moore 171). Even with the widespread awareness that all adults (exceptions: such as a-sexuals and the like) do in fact have a “sexual script”, most individuals (referring to college students in this discussion) fail to ask their partners about their sexual history. Thus, they may engage in sexual acts with a known or unknown person without knowing if they have good “sexual health” or in other words do not have a STD. This risky behavior of engaging in sex without knowledge of their partner’s sexual script is further elevated by several factors such as “[a woman’s] decreased age at first sexual intercourse, low sexual self-esteem [of an individual], 2 or more sexual partners within the past year, and consumption of alcohol beverages prior to sexual intercourse” (Davidson Sr. and Moore 173). Other reasons may include self- efficacy (confidence or morals associated with it), being caught up in the moment and “indestructible” or the feeling of being above the ability to contract any harmful counter-reaction.

Even though nobody wishes to contract an STD or be stuck with an unintended pregnancy, many individuals do not use a contraceptive while engaging in sexual intercourse. If one does not know their sex partners “sexual script”, he or she should be vary and should always use protection. One may fail to ask their sex partner about their “sexual script” due to the “the lack of an acceptable cultural language with which to negotiate disclosure of sexual histories” (Davidson Sr. and Moore 172). Until the early 1970’s the topic of sex was one that was not deemed as something concrete to be discussed openly. Such discussions were almost taboo. An example of this taboo can in some ways be witnessed in the Emory Archives at the Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (MARBL) located on the 10th floor of Emory University’s Woodruff Library. While going through Emory’s collection of yearly reports (Campus Report) and newspaper journals (Emory Wheel) from 1920 to present, I have noticed these differences. We can see no mention of the term “sex” in any context what so ever in 1920s till 1950’s. Then gradually terms such as “sex education”, “condom”, “ AIDS” etc. surfaced in conjunction to students practicing safe sex. Most individuals did not even receive sex education in high school or at the college level. Although this is noticeable even today in some cultures, its taboo as an acceptable societal topic was harsher back then. Even though we consider ourselves to be living in a modern society today, most individuals are still anxious to bring up this topic of past sexual encounters with their current sex partners. Then again, when is the right time to bring up this topic? Should one bring up this topic in the middle of sexual intercourse? Should one have this discussion on the first date itself? Unfortunately, there isn’t one “correct” time. This is variable and subject to the circumstance of each individual, however, a necessity.

It has been proven that college men have more lifetime sex partners than most college women (Davidson Sr. and Moore 171). This implies that women are at a greater risk of contracting a Sexually Transmitted Disease in addition to being at the constant risk of an unintended pregnancy. Women still shy away from asking their sex partners about their previous sexual histories. Davidson Sr. and Moore in Communicating with New Sex Partners, talk about society condemning women who engage in casual sexual intercourse, and society impairing the ability of women to effectively engage in rational decision making about involvement in sexual activity. Then it is only natural that a woman’s fear may overshadow her desire to know about her partner’s sexual history. It is often believed that having sex without a condom is a gesture of faith and trust in a relationship. A woman may be considered to distrust her male sex counterpart if she asks him to wear a condom. This further adds to her distress.

The reason why one may be fearful to ask another persons sexual script is apparent through various reasons mentioned above, yet I consider all the reasons to be inexcusable. I use the term “inexcusable” as I believe it to be wrong to engage in an activity that one knows can have adverse negative consequences. If there is a better way of performing a task or activity, we should adopt that method. If using a contraceptive such as a condom can possibly nullify those negative consequences, then wearing one is advisable.

Even though the knowledge to use a contraceptive for intercourse is out there, most individuals do not follow it. School children may not have access to a condom, may not have the means (money, transport etc.) to buy one or some may not even know that they should buy one or where to get one. Some individuals, particularly college students, may feel that sex is not enjoyable with a condom. Some sex partners may feel that a birth control pill is sufficient to prevent pregnancy and they may not worry about STD’s, and some may get caught up in the moment and forget to put one on. Another group of individuals could include those who may feel that wearing a condom is against gods will or against their religion as this is a way of playing against natures “side-effect” of engaging in sexual intercourse.

Statistics show us that “approximately 19 million STD infections are diagnosed annually in the United States, and almost half occur among individuals between the ages of 15 and 24” (Abbey, Buck and Parkhill and Saenz 469). This data further strengthens my point that using a contraceptive such as a condom is necessary, and perhaps should be highly encouraged or even mandated by the government; although its progress can never be monitored. Sex education should be imparted to all children in middle school, and should include strong emphasis on the use of condoms without shying away from the idea of truthfully telling their partners that, “Using a Condom is Always a Good Idea.” Abbey, Buck and Parkhill and Saenz in Condom Use with a Casual Partner talk about “the importance of feeling confident about [their] partner’s acceptance of condoms and the ability to be assertive about expressing the desire to use a condom” (470).

If one previously knows their sexual partner or not, or if it is their first sexual intercourse or not, using a contraceptive to protect oneself from STD’s is always advisable. One should take it as a necessary step in the process of engaging in sexual intercourse. Knowing their partners sexual history is an added and much- needed bonus here. One should not shy away from this question and should ask their sexual partners about their previous sexual activities. Ones safety is of utmost importance and its priority shouldn’t be negated. Furthermore, this “sexual script” is said to be “a process that dynamic, continuing to evolve throughout life in relationship with others” (Davidson Sr. and Moore 171). Therefore, it is important that we are aware of our sexual script, and are open about it with our sex partners. Davidson Sr. and Moore state,

“A heightened awareness of your own sexual script can enhance your role as director in the drama of your own development trajectory in life” (171).

One’s “sexual health” is an infusion of good physical health, stable emotions and knowledge of the means to have safe sex. This infusion can then lead to healthier sexual satisfaction, as safe sex is great sex!





Abbey, Antonia. Buck, Philip O. Parkhill, Michele R. Saenz, Christopher. “Condom Use with a Casual Partner: What Distinguishes College Students’ Use When Intoxicated?”

Davidson Sr., J. Kenneth. Moore, Nelwyn B. “Communicating with New Sex Partners: College Women and Questions That Make a Difference”

DeLamater, John D. and Friedrich, William N. “Human Sexual Development”

An Individual Choice

Recent high profile comments on sexual health, specifically abortion and birth control, have led to more discussion of this hotly debated topic. The comments I am referring to are Representative Todd Akin’s statements about legitimate rape and Senate candidate Richard Mourdock’s remarks on God’s intentions following a rape. Akin goes on to say that there should be repercussions of legitimate rape and that the “punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child”. Both comments broadly neglect the role of the woman in this horrific circumstance. These comments can most certainly be considered insensitive and rude, but also detail the vast range of beliefs on the topic.

As a person of a scientific background, I believe the base of the discussion comes back to the determination of when life begins. The fusion of the sperm and egg does in fact represent the start of a new life form but with some considerations. This life form cannot survive on its own and is still completely dependent on the mother for the entire pregnancy. Therefore, in my singular opinion, the functional definition of the beginning of a new life should be limited to the birth of the child. Before this point, I think considerations on the mother’s part about whether to support or abort life are the most important factors.

As the authors of Speaking of Sexuality highlight in their coverage of sexual communication and the effects alcohol has on the matter, a person’s beliefs on contraception and abortion are often tied to many other factors. Societal factors such as gender roles, sexuality, religion, family upbringing, and education all contribute to a person’s belief on sexual health.

Within an American society founded upon freedom and embracing the benefits of diversity, I believe individual beliefs about reproduction cannot be forced onto others. Ultimately it must be the decision of the individual or couple about what methods they deem morally acceptable and realistically responsible. For this to occur, contraceptive methods and abortive procedures must be within reach in certain circumstances. Educational measures must also be taken to inform people about such services so that they may be able to make a rational, justified decision.

I think that as we witness the current and likely future rejection of past gender roles within the heterosexual so too will we see a change in the outlook on reproductive health. In order to give women the same degree of sexual freedom that men traditionally have, they will need the health related mechanisms to be able to control the results. With considerations such a career and family planning, the benefits of controlling the large commitment of pregnancy are important. Ultimately the decision should come down to the individual rather than a set base of rules.

Sexually transmitted infections

Over the years, we’ve seen fluctuating rates of sexually transmitted infections [1]. Although it is not accurate, I picture a trend similar to a bell curve to understand the rates. We initially saw a static number in the amount of cases surrounding the discovery of a disease, an exponential increase in the subsequent years, and then a decrease as people became aware and educated on the disease. This isn’t true for all the infections, but holds true for many.

So with the increase in education, why do young people account for half the STIs when they are only 25% of the population [2]? Emory had a required class that taught students about condom use, I assume that other colleges implement these same classes. The education is being drilled in everywhere we go, but apparently that is not enough.

I believed condoms and a little information would be enough. Apparently there are more components than that. Social and cultural factors seem to be the more prominent reason for contraceptive disuse rather than ignorance and unavailability [3].

Among young adults (15-24), use of contraceptives such as condoms are linked to lack of trust. The use of condoms is looked upon as an insult because it suggests infidelity within the relationship. In a monogamous relationship, condoms are thought to be unnecessary because the spread of diseases should be nonexistent. [4]

Another issue is the stigma associated with condoms. Carrying them around assumes sex. This may not be a big deal for guys, but the unfortunate double standard looks upon girls negatively for carrying them around. Reputation is a huge factor because people will believe you are carrying a disease, which means they assume you have a long sexual history.

It seems like culture has an impact too. In countries where males are typically dominant in the community, the women don’t have a say on contraceptive use. In South Africa for instance, men decide the use of condoms. Men receive more pleasure without condom use so it seems like that dictates the use.

It was eye opening to see that STIs are passed on because of reasons other than ignorance or availability. I thought those were the only two reasons, but stigma is a huge factor that I never considered. One of the primary sources that I used discussed most of the data based off Africa, so I think factors like disempowerment or violence would not be as big a determining factor in the US. I think factors like trust or rejection would be bigger determinants in the US.






According to Merriam Webster, abortion is “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus”. There have been countless disputes over the moral dilemmas of abortion. But where the issue arises is the question when exactly does life starts? This answer varies amongst individuals and religion. Does life start immediately at conception or later after the embryo is formed?

This issue has even come up in the current presidential election. Obama believes that it is a personal choice that should be made without interference from politicians, whereas Romney opposes abortion with the exception for rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother. The Indiana Republic Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said that abortion should be illegal even in the cases of rape. He said he “think[s] that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen” [3]. These varied opinions in politics are such a taste of the many different opinions in the world. Some people, who are against abortion, label pro-abortion individuals as “baby killers” [1]. Some people label women who get abortions as selfish. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions, but making laws on this becomes extremely difficult.

In France, they have a different outlook than America. They are passing a law to “fully reimburse all abortions and to make contraception free for minors” [2]. Making all abortions free give and women the right to decide whether or not they want to stop their pregnancy. France also allows minors to have abortions without parental consent, which I believe is a little too lenient. France was also one of the first countries to have the drug RU-486, which causes the embryo itself to detach from the uterine wall [2]. This is different than the morning after pill in the United States, which prevents fertilization from even occurring, preventing pregnancy itself. The pill that is in Europe, is much more similar in abortion. People in France seem to be a lot more open and accepting of abortion and it’s pretty surprising as to how open they are about it. Some may even say it comes to the point where they are promoting abortion because they are offering it free of charge.

On the other hand, back in America, people still have many debates on abortion. Some of the talk has been regarding the timing of abortion and what time exactly makes it ok. Of course having an abortion in the first trimester is better than having one later one. And public support for the first trimester abortion is actually the most (60-70%). There is also a large majority that supports abortion when the women’s life is endangered by pregnancy, or if it was caused from rape or incest, or when the fetus is found to be “defective” [1].

People in America will always have differing views about abortion and it is kind of unavoidable. I feel the government should not get too involved and force decisions amongst people and just let people decide on their own what they want to do. Of course, there will always be protests for people who are very much anti-abortion, but people do have the right to voice their opinions to the public.

[1] From Contraception to Abortion: A Moral Continuum by Wendy Simonds




The Changing Nature of Sexual Health in the 1980s

          Throughout the 1980s, the Emory Wheel published multiple articles about the ignorance of college students in regard to their knowledge about sexual health and their dismissive attitude toward contraceptive pills.  A Gallup Poll conducted in 1986 found that college students either do not know much about birth control, or they pass it up because it is “unromantic.”  A poll taken of more than 600 students at 100 campuses found that 32 percent of those surveyed believed withdrawal would protect women from pregnancy.  The same study also revealed that 60 percent of the students had some sex education in high school, but half said that they could have used more (“Students” 11).  One can infer that a lack of sexual education was leading students to have little inhibitions about having unprotected sex and the consequences that result in doing so were not discouraging many.
            It did not surprise me that in a survey taken of college students approximately 80 percent responded that they have engaged in sexual intercourse, yet only one-third report that they regularly use condoms (Abbey, 469).  It seems logical that researchers would try to find a link between this irresponsible behavior and the use of alcohol.   The American College Health Association in 2005 reported that 16 percent of a national sample of college students reported that they had had sex without a condom when intoxicated during the past school year.  Before even reading it, though, I saw a problem with conducting this study.  I am not sure how this can be an accurate representation of how alcohol and condom use are linked due to the nature of the survey.  Questions would have to be asked after the encounter occurred and there are many other variables that have to be taken into consideration.  One’s personality is a huge contributing factor, where things such as impulsivity and pleasure seeking may cause one to both heavily drink and engage in unprotected sex (Abbey, 469).
            Amongst the industrialized countries, the United States has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies. From 1940 to 1957, the teen birth rate increased 78 percent to a record high.  The birth rate dropped fairly steadily from the end of the 1950s through the mid-1980s, but then increased 24 percent between 1986 and 1991.  The U.S. teen birth rate declined 9 percent from 2009 to 2010, reaching a historic low at 34.3 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19; the rate dropped 44 percent from 1991 through 2010 (Hamilton and Ventura, 1).  Through my research in the Emory Wheel, teenage pregnancy was an epidemic that was sweeping the nation in the 1980s.  Before most male students enter into college, nearly half of them are sexually active and nearly one-third of female students are active.  Of these teenage girls who engage in intercourse, only fourteen percent report using any form of contraceptive during their first encounter (“Teenage” 8).  This coupled with an overall lack of sexual education is a dangerous situation for college students to be in.
            It now makes sense that we see a proliferation of birth control and condom ads in the 1980 Emory Wheels.  Not only was the 1980s one of the peaks of teen pregnancy, this is also when AIDS became widely publicized in the US.  The SGA launched a campaign in 1988 to distribute 1,000 free condoms on campus (“SGA”).  There was also a push made for increased sexual education classes in Emory’s curriculum.  The threat of AIDS prompted colleges in 1987 to put condom vending machines on campuses (“AIDS” 1).  College students at the University of Texas were smart to pick up on the contraceptive trend and created a condom delivery service that was available twenty four seven (“University” 8).   The 1980s offers us a glimpse in the transition of contraceptive use in the US.  It is evident that in the beginning of the decade, a lack of knowledge contributed to high teen pregnancy rates and STIs.  It is unfortunate that it took events such as the spread of AIDS and increased pregnancies to motivate college campuses to act in a more responsible manner in their approach toward education and publicity of contraceptive methods.
Abbey, Antonia, Michele Parkhill, Phillip Buck, and Christopher Saenz. “Condom Use With a Casual Partner: What Distinguishes College Students’ Use When Intoxicated.”  Speaking of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 468-477.
“AIDS Threat Prompts Colleges to Add Condom Vending Machines.” The Emory Wheel 22 September 1987, 1.
Hamilton, Bradly and Stephanie Ventura. “Birth Rates for U.S. Teenagers Reach Historic Lows for All Age and Ethnic Groups.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. April 2012. CDC. 28 October 2012
“Students Shun Birth Control.” The Emory Wheel Atlanta 16 September 1986, 11.
“SGA Talks Condoms, WMRE at Meeting.” The Emory Wheel 18 November 1988.
 “Teenage Pregnancy is Largely Attributed to Ignorance.” The Emory Wheel 12 September 1986, 8.
“University of Texas Condom Company Creates Controversy.” The Emory Wheel Atlant 5 Decemeber 1986, 8.