Photo Blog 2- Cimetière du Père Lachaise


The graves of Molière, La Fontaine, and Me, photo by Jeffrey: For me, the most interesting find in the cemetery were the graves of La Fontaine and Moliere. They are great men of literature but until I saw a physical grave for them, I believed them to be characters in the stories they have written. La Fontaine written most of the fables my dad read to me before bed as a toddler and I believe it has formed the basis of my idea of ethics. Also, I remember always having a large dictionary with us whenever my dad was reading me these age-old stories, translated many years ago and including rather old-timey words. So, because of La Fontaine, I have a very extensive Turkish vocabulary (unexpected consequences, I know). I read Molière’s L’Avare (The Miser) in middle school, he is a well-known play-right, and it is also about ethics and personal relationships in comedy form. Isn’t it interesting how literature can help both the moral and language development of a child?


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