Photo Post 1: How can someone actually take in the beauty of the Eiffel Tower?!

One of my favorite parts of Paris was getting to live 1.5 miles from the Eiffel Tower. Every time I walked back to my apartment, I tried to spot the Eiffel Tower, as the entire NBB class only had one month to take in all of Paris. In fact, the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower was around midnight. I cannot describe how magnificent the flickering of the lights looked. I took several pictures of the tower, but I do not think anything could do the Eiffel Tower any justice. I could not believe what I was seeing, and later on, after thinking about how tall and detailed the tower looked, I thought about how our brains reconstruct our visual world. Our rods and cones actually process the signals they receive and then interpret this information. I wondered if I took in all the detail of the tower!

The Eiffel Tower at night! Sorry this pic is sideways!

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