Arcimboldo’s paintings have actually been used in previous studies to observe this phenomenon. In a 2011 study, these paintings were shown to individuals with propagnosia (Rossion et al, 2011). To an unimpaired human, the elements of the painting can collectively be viewed as a face due to the object configuration. However, those with deficits in the FFA are able to only recognize the discrete components of the painting, in this case the individual fruits and vegetables. It was interesting to make this connection and it helped me more deeply understand the studies we were talking about by being able to view the stimuli in person myself.
Haeger, A., Pouzat, C., Luecken, V., N’diaye, K., Elger, C., Kennerknecht, I., … & Dinkelacker, V. (2021). Face Processing in Developmental Prosopagnosia: Altered Neural Representations in the Fusiform Face Area. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 15.
Rossion, B., Dricot, L., Goebel, R., & Busigny, T. (2011). Holistic face categorization in higher order visual areas of the normal and prosopagnosic brain: toward a non-hierarchical view of face perception. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 4, 225.