Blog: What’s Wrong with Innocence, by Miriam Ticktin, spoke about the binary effects of viewing certain migrants/refugees as innocent. This perception, although seemingly harmless, distinguishes…

Much of what how we discuss migration is if and how much a migrant deserves resettlement into a new country. In our class discussions, we…

It is natural to realize and easy to understand why people think that refugees and other migrants who seek safety from persecution are seen as…

I think the “Whats wrong with Innocence” article is one of my favorite articles that we have read this semester. I was especially moved by…

Miriam Ticktin’s article “What’s Wrong with Innocence” brought up the concept of hierarchical divisions shaping the response to the migrant “crisis”. She accurately demonstrated how…

Innocence, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense. Based on Ticktin’s article, my questions are, have we…

Ironically, humans migrating into German borders become lost into discrimination, prison-like camps, and other forms of violence that resemble that of the Holocaust. People disappear…

Miriam Ticktin’s analysis on the role of humanitarianism in obtaining residency to be, and how it is being instituted for political recognition to be quite…

Reading “Where ethics and politics meet: The Violence of Humanitarianism in France,” I not only see what humanitarianism guidelines can lead to in terms of…

The article Camp in the City spoke about the parallels that refugees and migrants face when they enter the another nation: they stay in a…
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