While reading through the articles what dawned on me the most was the binary of illegality and legality in terms of migration however those same…

Dr. Alexander’s article, “The freedom to move isn’t a basic human right,. It depends on where you’re born” completely opened my eyes to the pre-determined…

After reading about the origins of maritime interdiction in Kahn’s piece, I cannot say that I am surprised at the extent countries with power will…

The piece on European maritime interdiction was especially enlightening on the initial roots and beginnings of borders at sea. While disheartening, it was not surprising…

Miriam Ticktin once again brings forth the detriment that categorization causes for the group that does not fit the mold of “deservingness”. The image of…

The article Camp in the City spoke about the parallels that refugees and migrants face when they enter the another nation: they stay in a…

“One can either be a citizen or a human but not both.” (44) This statement in Miriam Ticktin’s paper “Where ethics and politics meet:…

The use of the politics of humanitarianism to degrade humans into bodies that are viewed as less than human in France is not something that…

I watched the VICE video “People Smuggling in Sicily” and was exposed to an entirely new side of the trafficking business – the land smuggling…

Upon watching the video Europe Or Die – Trapped In Bulgaria, there was a particular scene that really stuck with me. This scene happened around 3:48…
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