The article Camp in the City spoke about the parallels that refugees and migrants face when they enter the another nation: they stay in a…

I found the article “Camp in the City” really articulate of many problems migrants/refugees face beyond the more obvious or immediate ones. The social stigma…

“One can either be a citizen or a human but not both.” (44) This statement in Miriam Ticktin’s paper “Where ethics and politics meet:…

Reading Miriam Ticktin’s article “Where ethics and politics meet: The voice of humanitarianism in France” made me reflect on my views on humanitarianism. I never…

I thought the first article “Camp in the City” was a very interesting read after just barely scratching the surface of the role Angela Merkel…

Upon viewing the manner in which refugees are treated in many first world countries, such as France and Germany, it is unfortunate to realize the…

The use of the politics of humanitarianism to degrade humans into bodies that are viewed as less than human in France is not something that…

“We’ve been here for 10 days, but I’ve been here on this island for 21 days.” – Omar, Syrian Migrant “They have to wait. Five…

Christiana Giordano’s commentary on catastrophe was very eye-opening in that it illustrate how we often perceive certain concepts through one rigid perspective that is dictated…

The short video My Escape From Syria: Europe or Die brought to light the many fears migrants from Syria face as they escape to Europe…
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