The short video My Escape From Syria: Europe or Die brought to light the many fears migrants from Syria face as they escape to Europe…
In the blog post, Catastrophes, by Christiana Giordano, she makes several points on the effects of labeling events and situations as “catastrophes.” But these “catastrophes”…
In Cristina Giordano’s “Catastrophes,” a very relevant point about categorization and temporality is made. Reducing an event or issue to a specific category inevitably changes…
In the article catastrophe, the author, Cristiana Giordano, highlights the downsides of declaring the migrant crisis an emergency. While this addresses pressing mainstream ideas, it…
In VICE’s piece on Libya’s Migrant Jails, it is inevitable to come to the conclusion that race plays a major role in the rehabilitation and…
The humanitarian crisis occurring, in regards to the migrants and refugees across the world, is continuing to increase. The deaths toll increases each year to…
I found extremely interesting how the “refugee crisis” falls more heavily on certain nations rather than others. In the case of Greece specifically, a country…
Social media has given rise to a new form of advocacy and awareness for many social justice issues. The power of globalization through social media…
There was one particular line in Heath Cabot’s article, Crisis, Hot Spots and Paper Pushers: A Reflection on Asylum in Greece, that struck me. He…
In “Crisis Hotspot and Paper Pushers,” by Heath Cabot, Heath points out the emergence of Europe as a hotspot in anthropological scrutiny and interest due…
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