Innocence, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense. Based on Ticktin’s article, my questions are, have we…

Maybe it was because I worked on the discussion presentation for this past week, but I couldn’t help but notice all the connections and ties…

The imagery of “Camp in the City” by Andrea Muehlebach is particularly powerful in the way it describes how modern day migrants are abused in the…

Blog Post 6 Miriam Ticktin’s Where ethics and politics meet: the violence of humanitarianism in France dives deep into the very heavy concepts of humanitarianism…

In Where ethics and politics meet: The violence of humanitarianism in France, Miriam Ticktin explores the ramifications of humanitarianism through a particular piece of French…

Morrocco has been a pub of conflict for Africa-European migration, representing the hidden and lost identities of the migrants stuck in limbo as well as…

Many of the migrants in Bulgaria are fleeing either Syria or Afghanistan. When Greece invested three million in their border control it led to a…

“Catastrophes” by Cristiana Giordano explores the idea of the perceived temporality of the “migrant crisis”. Giordano explains how the perpetuation that the crisis (and the…

In Catastrophes, Cristiana Giordano expresses the need to redefine what is deemed “catastrophe” and “emergency” with respect to migrant and refugee experiences. She argues that…

Kos is a Greek island located about 6 kilometers away from Turkey. Due to its location it has become a central point for migrants seeking…
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