While reading through the articles what dawned on me the most was the binary of illegality and legality in terms of migration however those same…

These readings are heartbreaking because they reveal what seems to be colossal effort made by developed nations to reject migrants from their shores and pawn…

After reading about the origins of maritime interdiction in Kahn’s piece, I cannot say that I am surprised at the extent countries with power will…

Much of the debate on countries such as America, those in the European Union, and Australia accepting refugees is contingent on the underlying question: is…

The piece on European maritime interdiction was especially enlightening on the initial roots and beginnings of borders at sea. While disheartening, it was not surprising…

I think the “Whats wrong with Innocence” article is one of my favorite articles that we have read this semester. I was especially moved by…

Miriam Ticktin once again brings forth the detriment that categorization causes for the group that does not fit the mold of “deservingness”. The image of…

A storm suddenly passes as a group of migrants attempts to enter Europe by boat. One man goes overboard, separating from his family…

Upon viewing the manner in which refugees are treated in many first world countries, such as France and Germany, it is unfortunate to realize the…

The short video My Escape From Syria: Europe or Die brought to light the many fears migrants from Syria face as they escape to Europe…
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