WHSC Library offers Genomic and Proteomic Tools for Remote Anlaysis

The Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library offers a variety data analysis tools to support your research, even when you are away from the lab.  Genomic and Proteomic Analysis Tools such as Lastergene and MetaCore are available for remote download to Emory University Research Community of students, faculty, and staff.

The Lasergene Core Suite Includes full access to SeqBuilder, SeqMan Pro, MegAlign, MegaAlign Pro, GeneQuest, Protean Protean 3D, SeqNinja, Genvision, Primer Select and EditSeq.  Additionally, Seqman Ngen, Arraystar and Qseq. Be aware that a minimum of 8GB RAM for Qseq and a minimum of 16GB RAM for SeqMan Ngen are recommended.

Gene Go’s MetaCore is an integrated knowledge database and software suite for pathway analysis of experimental data and gene lists. It offers a proprietary, manually curated database of human protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein compound interactions, metabolic and signaling pathways for human, mouse and rat, supported by proprietary ontologies and controlled vocabulary. The analytical package includes easy to use, intuitive tools for search, data visualization, mapping and exchange, biological networks and interactome.

Both tools have been licensed to be available remotely at no cost the Emory Research Community.  View the full list of licensed genomic and proteomic analysis tools at http://health.library.emory.edu/resources/software/genomic-tools/index.html.

Reach out to Research Informationist Jeremy Kupsco or Ask-A-Librarian for more information.