Community Connections: Emory takes African American arts exhibit into Atlanta middle school

Emory Libraries partnered with Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Atlanta to bring the re-imagined Billops-Hatch exhibit into its hallways and classrooms, inspiring the students with stories of African American artists and activists and with materials from the Rose Library archives. Read more:   For media inquiries, contact: Holly Crenshaw Phone: 404-727-0211 Email: holly Read More … transitioning to LinkedIn Learning Platform

This summer, our Lynda instance will transition to the LinkedIn Learning platform. LinkedIn has owned Lynda since 2015 and this transition will retire the Lynda brand, relaunching as LinkedIn Learning. The change should be seamless and will provide added benefits while delivering all of the existing Lynda content, with additional courses and improved functionality. The Read More …

Congratulations to the Emory Libraries’ 2019 Elizabeth Long Atwood Undergraduate Research Award Recipients!

We are very pleased to announce that Ellie Coe, Hannah Fuller, and Jennifer Wang are this year’s recipients of the Emory Libraries’ Elizabeth Long Atwood Undergraduate Research Award. The Atwood Award recognizes up to three Emory College undergraduates in all disciplines who use the Emory Libraries’ collections and research resources in their original papers, digital Read More …

Emory Libraries announces Undergraduate Research Award winners

Eleven Emory students recently received Undergraduate Research Awards from the Robert W. Woodruff Library and the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library for research they conducted either in the Emory Libraries or at another library. “One of the Libraries’ primary responsibilities is providing trusted resources to fuel the research enterprise, and we are so very pleased Read More …