Congratulations to the Emory Libraries’ 2024 Atwood Undergraduate Research Award Recipients!


We’re very pleased to announce that Advik Bharadwaj, Nicholas Chang, Jaden Ellman, Toby Fuller, and Oli Turner are this year’s recipients of the Emory Libraries’ Elizabeth Long Atwood Undergraduate Research Award. The Atwood Award recognizes Emory College undergraduates in all disciplines who use the Emory Libraries’ collections and research resources in their original papers, digital projects, or posters and who show evidence of critical analysis and growth in their research skills. All Atwood submissions must have been completed for a class assignment within the past year.

Our spring 2024 Atwood Award recipients and their outstanding research projects are as follows:

Advik Bharadwaj, class of 2025, Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology major, received an Atwood Award for his paper, “Living Womanism: Examining Alice Walker’s Engagement with Womanism through the Lens of Afrocentrism,” that he completed for English 357W: Southern Literature.

Nicholas Chang, class of 2024, Environmental Sciences major, received an Atwood Award for “Thinking Like a Salamander: Evaluating habitat use of the Talladega seal salamander (Desmognathus cheaha) in metro-Atlanta headwater streams,” an excerpt from his Honors Thesis that he completed for Environmental Sciences 495W: Honors Research.

Jaden Ellman, class of 2024, Film Studies major, received an Atwood Award for his paper, “Hip-Hop Mixtapes, Music Stores, and the Recording Industry Association of America: A History of Exploitation,” that he completed for History 412W: Music and Politics.

Oli Turner, class of 2025, English and Creative Writing major, received an Atwood Award for her paper, “Inconsistency in the Counterculture: The Chinatown Punk Wars and the Exclusion of Asian Americans from Punk Rock History,” that she completed for History 412W: Music and Politics.

Honorable Mention

Toby Fuller, class of 2026, Psychology major, received an Honorable Mention from the Atwood Awards Committee for his podcast, “Park City: From Mines to Slopes, 1960’s to 2023,” that he completed for History 385: History of Skiing and Snowsports.

We hope that you will join us in celebrating these students’ accomplishments!