Gabrielle Dudley (left) and Carrie Hintz
In response to leadership changes, Carrie Hintz and Gabrielle Dudley have been named as interim co-directors of the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.
Hintz is also the associate director of the Rose Library, and Dudley serves as its assistant director for public services, positions they will maintain. Dudley, who joined the staff in 2012, and Hintz, who started in 2015, have held various positions in the Rose Library and know the collections well. They have combined experience in processing, collection management, research services, and archival instruction.
Dudley and Hintz are current members of the Rose’s leadership team and have led large-scale projects and initiatives for the Rose Library, including technology and capital projects. They have served on working groups that involved addressing harmful language in archival descriptions and teaching with special collections.
Jennifer Gunter King, who had served as director of the Rose Library since 2018, has accepted a new position beginning April 1 as associate university librarian for Special Collections with Boston University Libraries, overseeing the Digital Ventures program and the Gotlieb Archival Research Center. Emory Libraries is forming a search committee to find a new Rose Library director.
“I am pleased that Carrie and Gabrielle have agreed to be interim co-directors of the Rose Library as we search for a new leader,” said Lisa Macklin, associate vice provost and university librarian.
“While interim co-directors are not typical, this is an opportunity for Gabrielle and Carrie to take on a broader leadership role while still managing their respective teams,” Macklin added. “Each has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in archives and special collections, as well as the Rose Library and Emory, and I am thankful for their willingness to take on this new responsibility. The Rose Library is in good hands.”
Related links:
Dudley, Klibanoff confirmed by U.S. Senate for Civil Rights Cold Case Records Review Board
“Forbidden Loves and Secret Lusts”: Rose Library hosts exhibition featuring queer pulp fiction
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