May 31
REception: 6:00-8:00PM
Rose Library, level 10 of the Woodruff Library building, Emory University
June 1
All sessions to be held in the Jones Room, level 3 of Woodruff Library
Panel 1: 9:30-11:00AM
New editions of texts by Walter Rodney from Verso Books! The Russian Revolution, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (new edition), and Groundings With My Brothers (50th Anniversary Edition)
Jesse Benjamin (Kennesaw State University)
Patricia Rodney (CEO of the Walter Rodney Foundation)
Asah Rodney Esq. (Board Member, Walter Rodney Foundation)
Sarah Tanner (Head, Archives Research Center, AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library)
Panel 2: 11:15-12:45PM
Graduate Student panel
“Tailism: the Relevance of an Old Diagnosis,” Joseph Benavides (Department of Philosophy, Emory University)
“Literary Language on the Black Left: Frantz Fanon’s Textual Politics,” Brendan Moore (Department of Comparative Literature, Emory University)
“On the Houston Race Riort,” Malcolm Khalil Thompson (CUNY Graduate Center)
Panel 3: 2:00-3:30PM
Internationalizing Black Liberation
Chair, Stephen M. Ward (University of Michigan)
“No Sellout in ’64: The Contested Third world Politics of the Freedom Now Party,” Benjamin Feldman (Georgetown University)
“The South in the Black Internatonal Mind: Black Radicalsim, the American South, and Global Movements, 1964-1990,” Robert Greene II (Claflin University)
“Free at Last?: The African People’s Socialist Party’s Struggle for South Africa, 1979-1994,” Augusta Dell’Omo (University of Texas-Austin)
Panel 4: 3:45-5:00PM
The Left and the Arts
“The Left and the Black Arts Movement,” Sarah RudeWalker (Spelman College)
“Angela Davis and Leftist Perspectives,” Sharon Jones (Wright State University)
Plenary Address: 5:30-7:00PM
Keith Gilyard (Edwin Earle Sparks Professor of English and African American Studies, Penn State University)