Getting Your Courses Ready for Spring 2024

Instructors at Emory have access to a wealth of learning technologies and the Teaching and Learning Technologies team is here to help you get the most out of these resources.

Canvas is our learning management system and is the centerpiece of our technology portfolio. Some of the other technologies that we can help you incorporate into your teaching include, Poll Everywhere, Gradescope, VoiceThread, Zoom, Office365, and CidiLabs Design Tools. To learn more about these tools, visit our Training Calendar and sign up for some of our online demonstrations and workshops.

In addition to technology training and support, we also offer consultations to help you plan and design your courses. A well-designed and well-built course can aid greatly in reducing work and stress for the instructors during the semester and most importantly, enhance the learning outcomes for your students.

As we approach the last few weeks of the Fall ’23 semester, we encourage you to get a jump on preparing your Spring ’24 courses by scheduling consultations now.  Doing an excellent job planning, designing, building and checking your course for potential trouble spots may require several hours of your time. We have tools, techniques, checklists and lots of experience to draw on that can help  you streamline your course development efforts and ensure that your courses are free of issues that will cause you hassles later. Please feel free to schedule multiple sessions. 

Schedule a Consultation