The Big Selfless Tree


Emory CHN301



tree很久很久以前, 一个公园里有很多树,其中一棵很特别,这棵大树是可以讲话的。有一个小孩子小王天天都会去公园里看这棵大树。他们很快就成了好朋友。大树对小王非常好。小王有需要的情况下,大树都会帮助他。


“ 小王, 天气那么热,过来!在我的树荫下休息一下吧!”大树就跟他说。 “你也那么饿。 来!我给你我树上的苹果吃。”大树对小王真好。




春天来了,动物到处走来走去,新的树木和花草也在地上长出。小王非常高兴终于又可以去看大树。 可是他到了公园,他发现大树被村民砍掉了。原来,村民看到小王从那棵树拿到木材,他们就学小王砍了大树,然后大家用完了它的木柴。小王觉得很伤心,他再没有机会感谢大树为他所做的事。他没有想过人民会这样的对待大树, 为了自己的利益砍死了大树。 小王这种自私自利破坏环境的行为觉得很惭愧。为了保护更多的大树,他决定今后他要成为一位保护环境的 人。


词汇 Vocabulary

1. 故事 gù shì story (n.)
例句: 小明睡觉前他的妈妈都会告诉小明一个小故事。

Example: Before Little Ming goes to bed, his mother always tells him a story。2. 公园gōng yuánpark, garden (n.)例句: 一个公园里有很多树。

Example: There are many trees in the park.3. 特别tè biéspecial (adj.)例句: 其中一棵很特别。

Example: Inside the garden among the trees was a very special tree.4. 情况qíng kuàngsituation (n.)例句: 在小王有需要的情况下,大树都会帮助他。

Example: When Little Wang was in a situation where he needed assistance, the large tree always helped him.5. 帮助bāng zhùto help (v.;n.)例句: 在小王有需要的情况下,大树都会帮助他。

Example: When Little Wang was in a situation where he needed assistance, the large tree always helped him.6. 闷热mēn rèstifling hot (adj.)例句: 这天的天气很闷热。

Example: The weather was stifling hot.7. 树荫shù yīnshade (n.)例句: 在我的树荫下休息一下吧!

Example: Sit under my shade and rest a bit.8. 寒冷hán lěngcold (adj.)例句: 冬天来了,天气也变得很寒冷。

Example: As winter came, the weather changed again to be very cold.9. 砍kǎnchop (v.)例句: 他妈妈就告诉小王出门砍木材。

Example: His mother told him to go outside to chop firewood.10. 可怜kě liánpitiful (adj.)例句: 大树看到小王真么可怜,就决定牺牲一些它自己的树枝给小王带走。

Example: The large tree saw that he was very pitiful and decided to sacrifice his own branches for Little Wang to take home.11. 牺牲xī shēngsacrifice (v.)例句: 大树看到小王真么可怜,就决定牺牲一些它自己的树枝给小王带走。

Example: The large tree saw that he was very pitiful and decided to sacrifice his own branches for Little Wang to take home.12. 伤心shāng xīnsad (adj.)例句: 小王觉得很伤心。

Example: Little Wang felt really sad.13. 对待duì dàitreat (v.)例句: 负责任地对待环境。

Example: Treat the environment irresponsibly.14. 惭愧cán kuìashamed (adj.)例句: 小王对这种自私自利破坏环境的行为觉得很惭愧。

Example: Little Wang felt ashamed of the type of people who destroy the environment selfishly.15. 责任zé rènResponsibility (n.)例句: 负责任的对待环境。

Example: Treat the environment with responsibility.



  1. 公园里的那个大树为什么特别?

What is so special about the large tree?

1. 小明在公园里玩得又饿又累的时候,大树是如何帮助他的?

How did the large tree help Little Ming when he was hungry and thirsty after he played?

2. 为什么小明要去伐木材 ?

Why did Little Ming have to chop firewood?

3. 春天来了后,小明发现大树如何了?

What did Little Ming find out about the large tree after spring came?

4. 小明对什么行为觉得惭愧?

What did Little Ming feel ashamed of?

5. 这个故事告诉我们什么?

What is the message of the story?


 The Big Selfless tree

 Every night before Little Ming went to bed, his mother would always tell him a story:

            “A long, long time ago, inside a garden among the trees was a very special tree.  This large tree could speak.  Everyday Little Wang would come to the garden to see the large tree.  They quickly became friends.  The large tree treated Little Wang very well.  When Little Wang was in need of assistance, the large tree always helped him.

One day Little Wang went to the garden to play, but the weather was stifling hot, above thirty degrees Celsius.  Little Wang became hungry and thirsty as he played.

‘Little Wang, come here, the weather is very hot!  Sit under my shade and rest a bit.’ The large tree said to him.  ‘You are also very hungry.  Come, I will give you my apples to eat.’  The large tree was very good to Little Wang.

On another day as winter came, the weather changed again to be very cold.  The villagers all stayed inside their homes to keep warm, but Little Wang’s house was very cold.  His mother told him to go outside to chop firewood.  Little Wang did not know where to go find firewood and instead went to find the large tree to help him.

‘Big tree, do you know where I can find firewood?’ He asked the large tree.

The large tree saw that he was very pitiful and decided to sacrifice his own branches for Little Wang to take home.  Little Wang took the branches excitedly and went home.

Spring came and the little animals walked about, new trees and flowers sprouted from the ground.  Little Wang was very happy he could go and see the big tree again.  But when he reached the garden he realized the big tree had been chopped down by the villagers.  As it turned out, the villagers saw Little Wang take branches from the big tree and follow suit.  In the end everyone used up all of its branches for firewood.  Little Wang felt really sad; he did not have an opportunity to thank the big tree for all the kind things the tree did for him.  He did not think that the villagers would treat the big tree this way by selfishly chopping the tree to death for their own benefit.  Little Wang felt ashamed of this type of people who destroy the environment selfishly.  In order to protect more trees, he decided to become an environmentalist.”

As seen from this story, if we do not value the many gifts of nature and are not responsible in our treatment of the environment, later in life when we are in need of nature’s assistance we will not find what we need.



Emory CHN301


每天晚上,小明睡覺前他的媽媽都會告訴小明一個小故事:tree很久以前, 一個公園裡有很多樹,其中一棵很特別,這棵大樹是可以講話的。有一個小孩子小王天天都會去公園裡看這棵大樹。他們很快就成了好朋友。大樹對小王非常好。在小王有需要的情況下,大樹都會幫助他。


“ 小王, 天氣那麼熱,過來!在我的樹蔭下休息一下吧!”大樹就跟他說。 “你也那麼餓。 來!我給你我樹上的蘋果吃。”大樹對小王真好。




春天來了,動物到處走來走去,新的樹木和花草也在地上長出。小王非常高興終於又可以去看大樹。 可是當他到了公園時,他發現大樹被村民砍掉了。原來,村民看到小王從那棵樹拿到木材,他們就學小王砍了大樹,然后大家用完了它的木柴。小王覺得很傷心,他再沒有機會感謝大樹為他所做的事。他沒有想過人民會這樣的對待大樹, 為了自己的利益砍死了大樹。 小王對這種自私自利破壞環境的行為覺得很慚愧。為了保護更多的大樹,他決定今后他要成為一位保護環境的 人。


詞匯 Vocabulary:

1. 故事 gù shì story (n.)
例句: 小明睡覺前他的媽媽都會告訴小明一個小故事。
Example: Before Little Ming goes to bed, his mother always tells him a story。2. 公園gōng yuánpark, garden (n.)例句: 一個公園裡有很多樹。

Example: There are many trees in the park.3. 特別tè biéspecial (adj.)例句: 其中一棵很特別。

Example: Inside the garden among the trees was a very special tree.4. 情況qíng kuàngsituation (n.)例句: 在小王有需要的情況下,大樹都會幫助他。

Example: When Little Wang was in a situation where he needed assistance, the large tree always helped him.5. 幫助bāng zhùto help (v.;n.)例句: 在小王有需要的情況下,大樹都會幫助他。

Example: When Little Wang was in a situation where he needed assistance, the large tree always helped him.6. 悶熱mēn rèstifling hot (adj.)例句: 這天的天氣很悶熱。

Example: The weather was stifling hot.7. 樹蔭shù yīnshade (n.)例句: 在我的樹蔭下休息一下吧!

Example: Sit under my shade and rest a bit.8. 寒冷hán lěngcold (adj.)例句: 冬天來了,天氣也變得很寒冷。

Example: As winter came, the weather changed again to be very cold.9. 砍kǎnchop (v.)例句: 他媽媽就告訴小王出門砍木材。

Example: His mother told him to go outside to chop firewood.10. 可憐kě liánpitiful (adj.)例句: 大樹看到小王真麼可憐,就決定犧牲一些它自己的樹枝給小王帶走。

Example: The large tree saw that he was very pitiful and decided to sacrifice his own branches for Little Wang to take home.11. 犧牲xī shēngsacrifice (v.)例句: 大樹看到小王真麼可憐,就決定犧牲一些它自己的樹枝給小王帶走。

Example: The large tree saw that he was very pitiful and decided to sacrifice his own branches for Little Wang to take home.12. 傷心shāng xīnsad (adj.)例句: 小王覺得很傷心。

Example: Little Wang felt really sad.13. 對待duì dàitreat (v.)例句: 負責任地對待環境。

Example: Treat the environment irresponsibly.14. 慚愧cán kuìashamed (adj.)例句: 小王對這種自私自利破壞環境的行為覺得很慚愧。

Example: Little Wang felt ashamed of the type of people who destroy the environment selfishly.15. 責任zé rènResponsibility (n.)例句: 負責任的對待環境。

Example: Treat the environment with responsibility.



What is so special about the large tree?

1. 小明在公園裡玩得又餓又累的時候,大樹是如何幫助他的?

How did the large tree help Little Ming when he was hungry and thirsty after he played?

2. 為什麼小明要去伐木材 ?

Why did Little Ming have to chop firewood?

3. 春天來了后,小明發現大樹如何了?

What did Little Ming find out about the large tree after spring came?

4. 小明對什麼行為覺得慚愧?

What did Little Ming feel ashamed of?

5. 這個故事告訴我們什麼?

What is the message of the story?


The Big Selfless tree

Every night before Little Ming went to bed, his mother would always tell him a story:

“A long, long time ago, inside a garden among the trees was a very special tree. This large tree could speak. Everyday Little Wang would come to the garden to see the large tree. They quickly became friends. The large tree treated Little Wang very well. When Little Wang was in need of assistance, the large tree always helped him.

One day Little Wang went to the garden to play, but the weather was stifling hot, above thirty degrees Celsius. Little Wang became hungry and thirsty as he played.

‘Little Wang, come here, the weather is very hot! Sit under my shade and rest a bit.’ The large tree said to him. ‘You are also very hungry. Come, I will give you my apples to eat.’ The large tree was very good to Little Wang.

On another day as winter came, the weather changed again to be very cold. The villagers all stayed inside their homes to keep warm, but Little Wang’s house was very cold. His mother told him to go outside to chop firewood. Little Wang did not know where to go find firewood and instead went to find the large tree to help him.

‘Big tree, do you know where I can find firewood?’ He asked the large tree.

The large tree saw that he was very pitiful and decided to sacrifice his own branches for Little Wang to take home. Little Wang took the branches excitedly and went home.

Spring came and the little animals walked about, new trees and flowers sprouted from the ground. Little Wang was very happy he could go and see the big tree again. But when he reached the garden he realized the big tree had been chopped down by the villagers. As it turned out, the villagers saw Little Wang take branches from the big tree and follow suit. In the end everyone used up all of its branches for firewood. Little Wang felt really sad; he did not have an opportunity to thank the big tree for all the kind things the tree did for him. He did not think that the villagers would treat the big tree this way by selfishly chopping the tree to death for their own benefit. Little Wang felt ashamed of this type of people who destroy the environment selfishly. In order to protect more trees, he decided to become an environmentalist.”

As seen from this story, if we do not value the many gifts of nature and are not responsible in our treatment of the environment, later in life when we are in need of nature’s assistance we will not find what we need.


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