Model Environmental Family


作者     张鸣跃; 改写:Emory-202


一天晚上,女儿突然要求全家开会。这次开会由女儿主持,她说:“今天,我们全家开个会,主题是,家庭环保你做得好不好,今后怎么做?现在,大家开始发言吧!”  女儿先发言10分钟,摘录一些:


1. 观(guān)察(chá)     observe

2. 主(zhǔ)持(chí)   preside

3. 发(fā)言(yán)   speak; speech

4. 摘(zhāi)录(lù)    extract

5. 自(zì)来(lái)水(shuǐ)    tap water

6. 淘(táo)米(mǐ)    wash rice

7. 意(yì)识(shí)     consciousness

8. 惭(cán)愧(kuì)   ashamed


  1. 女儿在取得环保知识比赛第一名之后有什么特别的变化?
  2. 女儿为什么要全家开会?
  3. 女儿认为乱丢电池会怎么样?
  4. 女儿认为浇花应该用什么水?
  5. 女儿认为应该用什么装垃圾?
  6. “我”和“妻子”决定在开以后怎么做?


作者 張鳴躍; 改寫:Emory-202


一天晚上,女兒突然要求全家開會。這次開會由女兒主持,她說:“今天,我們全家開個會,主題是,家庭環保你做得好不好,今后怎麼做?現在,大家開始發言吧!” 女兒先發言10分鐘,摘錄一些:


1. 觀(guān)察(chá) observe

2. 主(zhǔ)持(chí) preside

3. 發(fā)言(yán) speak; speech

4. 摘(zhāi)錄(lù) extract

5. 自(zì)來(lái)水(shuǐ) tap water

6. 淘(táo)米(mǐ) wash rice

7. 意(yì)識(shí) consciousness

8. 慚(cán)愧(kuì) ashamed



Shen Zhou’s painting


福大伟 David Foss


 1427年, 明朝沈周出生在苏州,他的家有很多钱。他是一位山水画的名家。他很会绘画,也喜欢打坐。现在他的画大半存在香港。我选这张画因为它很漂亮,而且山里的雾吸引了我。



1. 山水画 shānshuǐhuà  Landscape painting
例句: 沈周的这张山水画很有意思。Example: This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting.
2. le Extremely
例句: 画里有两座山,山高极了。Example: The painting has two very tall mountains.
3. River
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
4. 瀑布 Waterfall
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
5. Fog, mist
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
6. 各种各样 zhǒngyàng Various sorts and varieties
例句: 画里还有河,小楼,瀑布,雾和各种各样的树。Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.
7. 大半 bàn More than half, the greater part, most
例句: 画大半是绿色和咖啡色的。Example: Most of the painting is green and brown.
8. 出生 chūshēng To be born
例句: 1427年, 明朝沈周出生在苏州。Example: In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou.
9. 打坐 zuò Meditation/meditate
例句: 他很会绘画也喜欢打坐。Example: He can paint remarkably well and also likes to meditate.
10. 存在 cúnzài Exist
例句: 现在他的画大半存在香港。Example: Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong.
11. 吸引 yǐn To attract, draw attention to
例句: 我选这张画因为它很漂亮,而且山里的雾吸引了我。Example: I chose this painting because it is beautiful; the fog around the mountains caught my eye.
12. 表面 biǎomiàn Surface, outside, appearance 
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
13. 壮丽 zhuàng Can’t say for sure, maybe
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
14. 实际上 shíshàng In fact, in reality, as a matter of fact
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
15. 寂寞 (Adj.) Lonely
例句: 这张画表面上好像很壮丽漂亮,可是实际上山水很寂寞。Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.
16. 安静 ānjìng Quiet, peaceful, calm
例句: 我喜欢安静的地方,所以这是我向往的。Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.
17. 向往 xiàngwǎng To yearn for, to look forward to
例句: 我喜欢安静的地方,所以这是我向往的。Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.
18. 划船 huáchuán  To row a boat
例句: 你可以在河上划船,可是要小心瀑布。Example: You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.



1. 这张画是什么样的画, 上面有什么?

What type of painting is this?  What is drawn on it?

2. 沈周是谁?他在哪里出生?

Who is Shen Zhou?  Where was he born?

3. 作者为什么选了这张画?画里的颜色给作者带来什么样的感觉?你同意不同意他的看法?

Why did the author choose this painting?  What feelings did the colors of the painting
evoke in the author?  Do you agree with his interpretation of the painting?

4. 作者希望他可以住在那里?在那个地方他想要做什么?

Where does the author hope to live?  What does he want to do at that place?

5. 如果你有机会的话,你想要住在那样的地方吗?

If given the opportunity, would you want to live in such a place?


 This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting. The painting has two very tall mountains, in addition to a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees. Most of the painting is green and brown, but there is one red tree. The small building is next to the river. The fog separates the mountain top from the bottom.

In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou into a rich family. He is famous for landscape paintings. He believes in Confucius’ teachings, and also believes painting is a form of meditation. Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong. I chose this painting because it is beautiful, the fog around the mountains caught my eye.

On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape. It only has one red tree and one building. If I was in the painting, I would hope to sit and watch the waterfall from the building. I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go. You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.


福大偉 David Foss


1427年, 明朝沈周出生在蘇州,他的家有很多錢。他是一位山水畫的名家。他很會繪畫,也喜歡打坐。現在他的畫大半存在香港。我選這張畫因為它很漂亮,而且山裡的霧吸引了我。



1. 山水畫 shān​shuǐ​huà​ Landscape painting
例句: 沈周的這張山水畫很有意思。
Example: This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting.

2. 極了 jí​le​ Extremely
例句: 畫裡有兩座山,山高極了。
Example: The painting has two very tall mountains.

3. 河 hé​ River
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

4. 瀑布 pù​bù​ Waterfall
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

5. 霧 wù​ Fog, mist
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

6. 各種各樣 gè​zhǒng​gè​yàng​ Various sorts and varieties
例句: 畫裡還有河,小樓,瀑布,霧和各種各樣的樹。
Example: The painting also have a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees.

7. 大半 dà​bàn​ More than half, the greater part, most
例句: 畫大半是綠色和咖啡色的。
Example: Most of the painting is green and brown.

8. 出生 chū​shēng​ To be born
例句: 1427年, 明朝沈周出生在蘇州。
Example: In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou.

9. 打坐 dǎ​zuò​ Meditation/meditate
例句: 他很會繪畫也喜歡打坐。
Example: He can paint remarkably well and also likes to meditate.

10. 存在 cún​zài​ Exist
例句: 現在他的畫大半存在香港。
Example: Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong.

11. 吸引 xī​yǐn​ To attract, draw attention to
例句: 我選這張畫因為它很漂亮,而且山裡的霧吸引了我。
Example: I chose this painting because it is beautiful; the fog around the mountains caught my eye.

12. 表面 biǎo​miàn​ Surface, outside, appearance
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

13. 壯麗 zhuàng​lì​ Can’t say for sure, maybe
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

14. 實際上 shí​jì​shàng​ In fact, in reality, as a matter of fact
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

15. 寂寞 jì​mò​ (Adj.) Lonely
例句: 這張畫表面上好像很壯麗漂亮,可是實際上山水很寂寞。
Example: On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape.

16. 安靜 ān​jìng​ Quiet, peaceful, calm
例句: 我喜歡安靜的地方,所以這是我向往的。
Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.

17. 向往 xiàng​wǎng To yearn for, to look forward to
例句: 我喜歡安靜的地方,所以這是我向往的。
Example: I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go.

18. 劃船 huá​chuán​ To row a boat
例句: 你可以在河上劃船,可是要小心瀑布。
Example: You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.


1. 這張畫是什麼樣的畫, 上面有什麼?

What type of painting is this? What is drawn on it?

2. 沈周是誰?他在哪裡出生?

Who is Shen Zhou? Where was he born?

3. 作者為什麼選了這張畫?畫裡的顏色給作者帶來什麼樣的感覺?你同意不同意他的看法?

Why did the author choose this painting? What feelings did the colors of the painting
evoke in the author? Do you agree with his interpretation of the painting?

4. 作者希望他可以住在那裡?在那個地方他想要做什麼?

Where does the author hope to live? What does he want to do at that place?

5. 如果你有機會的話,你想要住在那樣的地方嗎?

If given the opportunity, would you want to live in such a place?


This is an interesting Shen Zhou landscape painting. The painting has two very tall mountains, in addition to a river, small building, waterfall, fog, and various kinds of trees. Most of the painting is green and brown, but there is one red tree. The small building is next to the river. The fog separates the mountain top from the bottom.

In 1427, Shen Zhou was born in the Ming Dynasty in the city of Suzhou into a rich family. He is famous for landscape paintings. He believes in Confucius’ teachings, and also believes painting is a form of meditation. Now, most of his paintings are located in Hong Kong. I chose this painting because it is beautiful, the fog around the mountains caught my eye.

On the surface, this painting seems vivid and colorful, but it is actually a lonely landscape. It only has one red tree and one building. If I was in the painting, I would hope to sit and watch the waterfall from the building. I like peaceful places, so this is a place I would like to go. You can row a boat on the river, but be careful of the waterfall.

Flower and Bird Painting


 CHN 202

吕斌斌 (Nina Dutton)

 这幅画上是一枝树枝,树枝上站着一只小鸟。这枝树枝也有几片青绿色的叶子,还有三个白色的熟水果。树枝上的鸟是一只咖啡色的燕子。小燕有一个红头、一双绿翼、一条长尾和一个小嘴。这幅画是宋朝的,画家是林椿。林椿常常画花 、草、虫和小鸟。他大半的画是小幅的畫。





1. 树枝 shùzhī (n.) Branch, twig
例句: 这幅画上是一枝树枝Example: In this painting there is a tree branch.
2. 绿色 qīng (adj.) green bluish color
例句: 这枝树枝也有几片青绿色的叶子Example This branch also has several green leaves.
3. shú (adj.) ripe
例句: 三个白色的熟水果Example: Three white, ripe fruits
4. 燕子 yànzi (n.) swallow – a type of bird
例句: 树枝上的鸟是一只咖啡色的燕子Example: The bird on the branch is a brown swallow.
5. (n.) wing
例句: 一双绿翼Example: A pair of green wings
6. 长尾 chángwěi (n.) long tail
例句: 一条长尾Example: A long tail
7. 宋朝 Sòngcháo (n.) Song Dynasty
例句: 这幅画是宋朝的Example: This painting is from the Song Dynasty.
8. 大半 bàn More than half, mostly, for the greater part
例句: 他大半的画是小的。Example: Most of his paintings are small.
9. 看起来 kànlái Gives the impression that, appears to be, looks as if
例句: 小鸟画得很好,看起来好像是真的Example: The bird is painted very well; it appears real.


11. 好像 hǎoxiàng As if, to seem like
例句: 看起来好像是真的Example: It looks as if it is real. 
12. chuī (v.) to blow
例句: 风有时把树叶吹得转来转去Example: The wind sometimes blows the leaves.
13. 转来转去 zhuǎnláizhuǎn (v.) turn around and around
例句: 风有时把树叶吹得转来转去Example: The wind sometimes blows the leaves, turning them this way and that.
14. 水果 shuǐguǒ (n.) fruit
例句: 树上有很多熟水果Example: On the tree there are many ripe fruits.



Talk about bit about what is in this painting.  Who is the artist?


This artist normally paints what type of paintings?

3.看了这幅画以后,你有什么感觉? 为什么?

What types of feelings are evoked by this painting?  Why?


From the perspective of the author, why does the bird appear to want to fly off to another tree?


In this painting is a tree branch, on which stands a small bird. This branch also has several green leaves and three white, ripe fruits. The bird on the branch is a brown swallow. The little swallow has a red head, two green wings, a long tail and a small beak.

This painting is from the Song Dynasty, and the artist is Lin Chun. Lin Chun often painted flowers, grasses, insects and small birds. Most of his paintings are small. I chose this painting because the colors are pleasant to look at, and the bird is painted very well, appearing real.

It is summertime and the weather is very hot, but the wind sometimes blows the leaves, turning them this way and that. On the tree are many ripe fruits and children on their way home from school often run to the tree to eat fruits. On the highest branch is a small singing bird. The little bird looks like it wants to fly away into the air. I think that because one of the children laughed happily, the little bird was frightened away by the sound to fly to another tree.


Giving Influence


中文 201

聂安明 (Amir Naim)

             有一个人对我的看法、想法、性格有很大影响。她叫丽莎。可能你以为丽莎是我的妈妈 或者是我的奶奶或者我的姐姐。都不是,丽莎是我的小猫。 看看丽莎做的事,我学到了几个很重要的人生教训。除了我以外,丽莎什么朋友都没有,可是她老是很开心。她有很多问题:没有自由、没有钱、没有男朋友。可是她都不在乎。她 很容易处理这些问题。她不急躁,跟别的人相处得很好。看了我的小宠物的性格,我觉得我不可以常常愤怒。一天房东来了对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。他说丽莎得去街上住。如果他说我得住在街上的话,我会很愤怒,可是丽莎什么话都没说。希望有一天,我能有好像丽莎的一样开朗的性格。第二个教训也是非常重要。丽莎老是找到可以高兴的借口。我做饭的时候她高兴地跳。每天吃饭;吃饭不是特别的事,可是她总是吃得很高兴。我想那样生活(一点小事都会高兴)很健康。我想谢谢我的小猫, 因为她教了我很多事。我希望在将来从丽莎那儿还能学到别的教训。谢谢丽莎!


1. 看法 kàn fǎ opinions (n.)
例句: 谁影响我的看法、想法、性格最多?Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?
2. 想法 xiǎng fǎ way of thinking, thoughts (n.)
例句: 谁影响我的看法、想法、性格最多?Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?
3. 性格 xìng gé personality, characteristic (n.)
例句: 谁影响我的看法、想法、性格最多?Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?
4. 重要 zhòng yào important (adj.)
例句: 我学到了几个很重要的人生教训。Example: I have learned many important life lessons.
5. 教训 jiào xùn lessons (n.)
例句: 第二个教训也是非常重要。Example: The second lesson is also very important.
6. 自由 yóu freedom (n.)
例句: 她有很多问题:没有自由、没有钱、没有男朋友。Example: She has many problems: She doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
7. 在乎 zài hū care (about) (v.)
例句: 可是她都不在乎。Example: But she doesn’t care.
8. 处理 chǔ lǐ deal with, solve (v.)
例句: 她 很容易处理这些问题。Example: She deals with these problems very easily.
9. 急躁 jí zào get impatient(v.);irritable(adj.)
例句: 她不急躁,跟别的人相处得很好。Example: She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well.
10. 愤怒 fèn nù get angry(v.);outrageous (adj.)
例句: 看了我的小宠物的性格,我觉得我不可以常常愤怒。Example: When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad.
11. 房东 fáng dōng landlord (n.)
例句:房东对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.
12. 公寓 gōng yù apartment (n.)
例句: 房东对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.
13. 动物 dòng wù animal(n.)
例句: 房东对我说,不许在公寓养小动物。Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.
14. 开朗 kāi lǎng cheerful (adj.)
例句: 希望有一天,我能有好像丽莎的一样开朗的性格。Example: I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality.
15. 借口 jiè kǒu excuse (n.)
例句: 丽莎老是找可以高兴的借口。Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.
16. 高兴 gāo xìng happy (adj.)
例句: 丽莎老是找可以高兴的借口。Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.
17. 健康 jiàn kāng health (n.); healthy (adj.)
例句: 我想那样生活(一点小事都会高兴)很健康。Example: I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy.
18. 希望 xī wàng hope (v.;n.)
例句: 我希望在将来从丽莎那儿还能学到别的教训。Example: I hope to learn even more things from her in the future.



1. 丽莎与 作者是什么关系?

What is the relationship between Lisha and the author?

2. 丽莎有什么样的问题?

What problems does Lisha have?

3. 丽莎的性格是怎样的?

What are Lisha’s characteristics?

4. 作者向丽莎学习到什么?

What kind of lessons does the author learn from Lisha?

5. 你从动物的身上学习过功课吗?若有,是什么功课?

Have you learned any lessons from an animal? If yes, what are they?


There is one person who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality. Her name is Lisha. Perhaps you think that Lisha is my mother, or my mother-in-law, or my big sister. It turns out that Lisha is my cat. Watching what Lisha does, I have learned many important life lessons. Besides me, Lisha has no other friends, but she is always happy. She has many problems: she doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. But she doesn’t care. She deals with these problems very easily. She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well. When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad. One day my landlord came and said I wasn’t allowed to raise animals in the apartment. He said Lisha must go live on the street. If someone told me to go live on the street I would be very upset, but Lisha didn’t say anything. I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality. The second lesson is also very important. Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy. When I make food, she jumps with joy. She eats food every day, and eating isn’t something special, but she gets very happy. I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy. I would like to thank my cat, because she has taught me many things. I hope to learn even more things from her in the future. Thank you Lisha!



中文 201

聶安明 (Amir Naim)

有一個人對我的看法、想法、性格有很大影響。她叫麗莎。可能你以為麗莎是我的媽媽 或者是我的奶奶或者我的姐姐。都不是,麗莎是我的小貓。 看看麗莎做的事,我學到了幾個很重要的人生教訓。除了我以外,麗莎什麼朋友都沒有,可是她老是很開心。她有很多問題:沒有自由、沒有錢、沒有男朋友。可是她都不在乎。她 很容易處理這些問題。她不急躁,跟別的人相處得很好。看了我的小寵物的性格,我覺得我不可以常常憤怒。一天房東來了對我說,不許在公寓養小動物。他說麗莎得去街上住。如果他說我得住在街上的話,我會很憤怒,可是麗莎什麼話都沒說。希望有一天,我能有好像麗莎的一樣開朗的性格。第二個教訓也是非常重要。麗莎老是找到可以高興的借口。我做飯的時候她高興地跳。每天吃飯;吃飯不是特別的事,可是她總是吃得很高興。我想那樣生活(一點小事都會高興)很健康。我想謝謝我的小貓, 因為她教了我很多事。我希望在將來從麗莎那兒還能學到別的教訓。謝謝麗莎!


1. 看法 kàn fǎ opinions (n.)
例句: 誰影響我的看法、想法、性格最多?
Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?

2. 想法 xiǎng fǎ way of thinking, thoughts (n.)
例句: 誰影響我的看法、想法、性格最多?
Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?

3. 性格 xìng gé personality, characteristic (n.)
例句: 誰影響我的看法、想法、性格最多?
Example: Who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality?

4. 重要 zhòng yào important (adj.)
例句: 我學到了幾個很重要的人生教訓。
Example: I have learned many important life lessons.

5. 教訓 jiào xùn lessons (n.)
例句: 第二個教訓也是非常重要。
Example: The second lesson is also very important.

6. 自由 zì yóu freedom (n.)
例句: 她有很多問題:沒有自由、沒有錢、沒有男朋友。
Example: She has many problems: She doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend.

7. 在乎 zài hū care (about) (v.)
例句: 可是她都不在乎。
Example: But she doesn’t care.

8. 處理 chǔ lǐ deal with, solve (v.)
例句: 她 很容易處理這些問題。
Example: She deals with these problems very easily.

9. 急躁 jí zào get impatient(v.);irritable(adj.)
例句: 她不急躁,跟別的人相處得很好。
Example: She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well.

10. 憤怒 fèn nù get angry(v.);outrageous (adj.)
例句: 看了我的小寵物的性格,我覺得我不可以常常憤怒。
Example: When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad.

11. 房東 fáng dōng landlord (n.)
Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.

12. 公寓 gōng yù apartment (n.)
例句: 房東對我說,不許在公寓養小動物。
Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.

13. 動物 dòng wù animal(n.)
例句: 房東對我說,不許在公寓養小動物。
Example: My landlord told me that I wasn’t allowed to keep animals in the apartment.

14. 開朗 kāi lǎng cheerful (adj.)
例句: 希望有一天,我能有好像麗莎的一樣開朗的性格。
Example: I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality.

15. 借口 jiè kǒu excuse (n.)
例句: 麗莎老是找可以高興的借口。
Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.

16. 高興 gāo xìng happy (adj.)
例句: 麗莎老是找可以高興的借口。
Example: Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy.

17. 健康 jiàn kāng health (n.); healthy (adj.)
例句: 我想那樣生活(一點小事都會高興)很健康。
Example: I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy.

18. 希望 xī wàng hope (v.;n.)
例句: 我希望在將來從麗莎那兒還能學到別的教訓。
Example: I hope to learn even more things from her in the future.


1. 麗莎與 作者是什麼關系?

What is the relationship between Lisha and the author?

2. 麗莎有什麼樣的問題?

What problems does Lisha have?

3. 麗莎的性格是怎樣的?

What are Lisha’s characteristics?

4. 作者向麗莎學習到什麼?

What kind of lessons does the author learn from Lisha?

5. 你從動物的身上學習過功課嗎?若有,是什麼功課?

Have you learned any lessons from an animal? If yes, what are they?


There is one person who has had a very big influence on my opinions, my way of thinking, and my personality. Her name is Lisha. Perhaps you think that Lisha is my mother, or my mother-in-law, or my big sister. It turns out that Lisha is my cat. Watching what Lisha does, I have learned many important life lessons. Besides me, Lisha has no other friends, but she is always happy. She has many problems: she doesn’t have freedom, she doesn’t have money, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. But she doesn’t care. She deals with these problems very easily. She doesn’t get irritable and she gets along with others very well. When I see my pet’s personality, I can’t get mad. One day my landlord came and said I wasn’t allowed to raise animals in the apartment. He said Lisha must go live on the street. If someone told me to go live on the street I would be very upset, but Lisha didn’t say anything. I hope that one day I can have Lisha’s friendly personality. The second lesson is also very important. Lisha can always find an excuse to be happy. When I make food, she jumps with joy. She eats food every day, and eating isn’t something special, but she gets very happy. I think that that way of living (to be happy for little things) is very healthy. I would like to thank my cat, because she has taught me many things. I hope to learn even more things from her in the future. Thank you Lisha!


Yard Sale


            每年七月的第一个星期六, 以晴住的社区都会办 [社区拍卖会].  在拍卖会的前一个星期, 每一家忙着整理房间, 把这一年来家里用不到的东西都清理出来.  在拍卖的那一天, 拿到社区公园拍卖.

以晴的妈妈最喜欢这个活 动, 因为社区拍卖会可以让家变得更干净. 每个人开开心心地清理自己的房间, 把穿不下的衣服, 不想再玩的玩具, 不想再听的CD, 不想再看的书, 还有不想留下的礼物, 都整理出来拍卖.  不但房间干净了, 而且可以把卖东西得到的钱拿去买别的东西.

拍卖的这一天, 天气很好.  一天早, 大家就在社区公园的草地上, 把长桌子排好, 把要拍卖的东西放在长桌子或草地上.  十四家拍卖的东西真不少, 二十几张长桌子, 把社区公园放得满满的.  拍卖活动每一年都办, 再加上每家卖的东西多整理得很好, 卖的又便宜, 所以, 来的人很多.  除了拍卖自己的东西以外, 以晴和久美子每年还会一起卖果汁和sushi.  天气热, 大家都想喝果汁, 所以她们赚了不少钱.

今年, 以思用卖东西得到的钱买了电脑游戏, 以晴买了几本书, 以安也有了想要的单车. 爸爸说: [拍卖会是很好的环保活动, 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!]


1. 社区 shè community (n.)
例句: 以晴住的社区都会办 [社区拍卖会]

Example: The community Sunny lives in will organize a community yard sale.

3. 拍卖会 pāimàihuì auction, sale (n.)
例句: 在拍卖会的前一个星期, 每一家忙着整理房间

Example: On the week before the yard sale every family is busy cleaning up their house.

4. huódòng activity, hobby  (n.)
例句: 以晴的妈妈最喜欢这个活 动.

Example: Sunny’s mother likes this activity the best.

5. 干净 gānjìng clean (adj.)

Example: The yard sale can make the house become cleaner.

6. 得到 dào to get, to obtain, to receive (v.)
例句: 不但房间干净了, 而且可以把卖东西得到的钱拿去买别的东西.

Example: Not only do the rooms get cleaned, but the money obtained from selling those things can also be used to buy other things.

7. 草地 cǎo lawn, grass  (n.)
例句: 大家就在社区公园的草地上。

Example: Everyone placed the tables on the lawn in the community park.

8. pái to arrange, line up, set in order (v.)
例句: 大家把长桌子排好。

Example: Everyone arranged the long tables in order.

9. 满满 mǎnmǎn full, closely packed
例句: 十四家拍卖的东西真不少, 长桌子把社区公园放得满满的。

Example: There were a lot of things for sale from the fourteen families, and  the whole community park was filled with long tables.”

10. 游戏 yóu game  (n.)
例句: 以思用卖东西得到的钱买了电脑游戏。

Example: Ethan used the money earned from the yard sale to buy computer games.

11. 单车 dānchē bicycle  (n.)
例句: 以安也有了想要的单车。

Example: Ian also bought the bicycle he wanted.

12. 环保 huánbǎo environmental protection  (n.)
例句: 拍卖会是很好的环保活动。

Example: The yard sale is a great environmental protection activity.

13. 垃圾  trash  (n.)
例句: 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!

Example: The “trash” that one family does not use, maybe another family’s desire “treasure”.

14. 说不定 shuōbudìng can’t say for sure, maybe (adv.)
例句: 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!

Example: The “trash” that one family does not use, maybe another family’s desire “treasure”.

15. 宝贝 bǎobèi treasure  (n.)
例句: 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!

Example: The “trash” that one family does not use, maybe another family’s desire “treasure”.


1. 为了准备拍卖会大家什么时候开始收拾家里?

In order to prepare for the yard sale, when did everyone begin cleaning the house?

2. 在以晴妈妈看来,拍卖会有什么优点?

What are the benefits of a yard sale according to Sunny’s mother?

3. 以晴的家人把什么东西拿到社区公园拍卖?

What things did Sunny’s family bring to the community yard sale?

4. 除了卖自己的东西以外,每年在拍卖会以晴跟久美子为了赚钱还做了什么?

Besides selling their things, what else do Sunny and Kumiko do at the yard sale in order to

make money?

5. 为什么以晴的爸爸把拍卖会比喻成一种保护环境的活动?你同意他的看法吗?为什么?

Why does Sunny’s father compare the yard sale to an environmental act?  Do you agree with him and why?


Yard Sale

            A yard sale is held by the community in which Sunny lives on the first Saturday of July every year.  One week before the yard sale, every family is busy cleaning the house and sorting out the things they don’t need anymore.  On the day of the yard sale, everyone brings those things to the community park for sale.

Sunny’s mother likes this event the best because the yard sale makes the house cleaner.  Everyone happily cleans up his own room and sorts out clothes that no longer fit, toys that are no longer played with, CDs that are no longer listened to, books that are no longer read, and presents that they no longer want to keep.  Not only do the rooms get cleaned, but the money made from selling those things can also be used to buy other things.

The weather was gorgeous on the day of the yard sale.  In the early morning, everyone lined up the tables on the lawn in the community park and put out the things for sale on the tables or lawn.  There were a lot of things for sale from the fourteen families, and more than twenty tables filled the whole community park.  The yard sale happens every year.  The items up for sale from each family are organized well and they are cheap, therefore a lot of people come.  Besides selling their own things, Sunny and Kumiko also sell juice and sushi together each year.  Because the weather is hot, everyone wants to drink juice and therefore they make quite a lot of money.

This year, using money earned from the yard sale, Ethan bought some computer games, Sunny bought some books, and Ian bought the bicycle he wanted.  Dad said, “The yard sale is a great environmental protection activity.  One family’s ‘trash’ may become another family’s ‘treasure’.”