Aaron Sin Wai Lam


劉松年是南方宋代最有名的画家。每幅劉松年画的画都很有详细的风景。在寧宗皇帝在位的时候, 劉松年得到了一个象征权位的金腰带。我选了这幅绘画,因为我觉得它很有意思。而且我自已也是佛教徒,所以这个绘画对我来说更有意义了。

我觉得这幅画有很多话想跟观众们说。最有意思的就是大和  尚不管树上的长臂猿。不过,他的弟子或许是还没有达到涅  槃的和尚所以在收东西。从佛教的说法,我们达到涅槃的时                                                 候不应该收别人的东西。因为我们有了满足了的生活,不能                                                 随便乱要东西。因为这个绘画,我觉得这个绘画很有道理,                                                 所以我很喜欢这个绘画。

Liu Songnian made this painting and it is made during the Song dynasty. In the painting, there are two monks; one of the monks has achieved nirvana according to the Buddhist belief. The taller one is the Buddhist that achieved nirvana. The smaller monk is the disciple of the bigger monk and is receiving a pomegranate by one of the gibbons. In front of the taller monk, there are two deer and the setting of the painting is in a forest.

Liu Songnian is a very well known painter during his time. Every Liu Songnian’s paintings has detailed depiction of the environment. Under Emperor Ningzong’s time, Liu Songnian received a very prestigious Golden Girdle. I chose this painting because I think this painting is very interesting. Furthermore, I am also Buddhist and this painting intrigues me even more.

I feel that this painting have many words to say to the audience. The most interesting part of this painting is that the taller monk ignores the tree’s gibbon, while the younger monk is depicted to receive a pomegranate from the gibbon. According to the Buddhist belief, when we achieved nirvana, we should be content of what we have and we should not want other random things. We should be satisfied with our lives instead of wanting more. Because of this painting, there are a lot of meaningful reasons and is why I think it is interesting.


Grace Kim





   Shen Zhou’s《落花诗意图》is very beautiful and simple. The painting has a lot of light colors, like the white, blue, and yellow. But the tree in the center of the painting is a profound dark green. There are also three mountains in the background of the painting. There is a lot of fog in front of the mountain, so you cannot see the whole mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, there is a river. On top of the boulders, there is an old man and also many small, red flowers.

   Shen Zhou was a famous Chinese landscape painter in the Ming Dynasty. His family was very rich, so he had a good education in art. Ever since he was a child, he knew a lot of history and classics, and he painted in the style of the Yuan Dynasty. Shen Zhou thought of his paintings as a kind of meditation, rather than a career. I chose this painting because I like the colors in the painting, especially the dark green of trees.

   There are a lot of trees and stones in the painting, but the old man seems to be very lonely. The trees and the mountain are a lot taller than the man as well. Shen Zhou believed painting to be a form of meditation, so maybe the old man on the boulder is meditating as well. This painting also seems mysterious because the fog hides the mountains. I like quiet places, so I want to go to this place.

Jung Min Han


 你们看到了什么?这是一条大蛇!我选这张画儿, 因为今年是蛇年!

这个地方在乡村里。这条蛇是在画儿的中间,因为蛇是很重要的主题。我很喜欢画儿的颜色。蛇是咖啡、 姜黄和白色的。 这个蛇的皮肤又滑、又美丽。石头给我留下了很好的印象,因为显得很真实。画家不但用了黑色的颜料,而且也用了白色的颜料。画中没有山,可是有很多树和小河。 树的颜色是绿色和蓝色混合起来的。


把蛇画在美丽的环境里,我觉得张大悲想让我同时感觉恐怕和幸福。有的人可能不喜欢这个画, 有的人可能喜欢。 我看这个画的时候,我想出来很有意思的故事。在故事的开始蛇非常饿,所以蛇一边等青蛙或者鱼来,一边享受安静的气氛。我看这个画的时候,可以听到清屏的河。我也想坐在石头的上面,感受凉爽的风。


What do you see? This is a big snake! I picked this painting because this year is the snake year!

The setting is in country. The snake is position in the middle because it is considered as the main theme of the painting. I really like the choice of color. The snake is painted with dark brown, light brown and white. The snake’s skin is very smooth and beautiful. The rock gave a good impression on me because it appears real. It not only used black but also used white. The painting doesn’t have mountains but has lots of trees and a small river. The color of the tree is a blend of green and blue colors.

Zhang dai bei is the artist. He went to Guangdong Art School to study oil painting. Since he graduated, he painted lots of oil paintings. He is now a professional artist. He loves to paint animals, for example, birds, fish, and reptiles. As soon as I saw the painting, I chose it. I not only attach importance to animals but also I wanted to share my joy to others about my love for animals. I hope I can paint animal with my own hand, especially panda.

By painting the snake in beautiful environment, I think the painter wanted me to feel both fear and happiness. Some people might don’t like it and some people might like this painting. When I looked at the painting, I came up with an interesting story. The story begins with the hungry snake is waiting for a fish or frog to come out but at the same time the snake seem to enjoy the quiet atmosphere. I feel as though I can hear the slow waterfall. I would like to sit on the rock and feel the cool wind.

It is obvious that I really like this painting. I hope you will like it too.

Deh Jun Tzou


   这是王翬的一幅画。在这幅画里,有一座座高山、一棵棵树木、一个瀑布、雾、几栋房屋和几个人在路上走。画大半是绿色的比如山、天空和树木,可是有的是咖啡色的。 白色的雾在高山旁边,山里也有很多房屋。

在1632年明朝, 王翬出生在江苏常熟。他是一个有名的中国山水画家。王翬跟他的爸爸、爷爷和叔叔一样,因为他们都是画家。王翬从小学画,后来两位名师教王复制有名的中国风景画的传统。所以,很多的王翬的画有早期画的特色。虽然王翬没常常创作自己的画,他对广大风景很有兴趣。 我选这幅画是因为我喜欢巨大的高山,看起来好像是真的。还有王翬画树木画得很详细。


This is a painting by Wang Hui. In this painting, there are mountains over mountains, trees upon trees, a waterfall, fog, several houses, and several people walking on a road. Most of the painting is green colored such as the mountains, sky, and trees but there is some brown color. White fog surrounds the mountains and there are many houses inside the mountains.

In year 1632, during the Ming dynasty, Wang Hui was born in Changsu, Jiangsu province. He was a famous Chinese landscape painter. Wang Hui was very much alike to his father, grandfather, and uncles in that they all were painters. At an early age, Wang Hui learned how to paint. Later on, two famous masters taught Wang Hui the tradition of copying earlier famous classical Chinese landscape paintings. Therefore, many of Wang Hui’s paintings have characteristics of paintings from the earlier period. Although Wang Hui did not really create his own paintings, he was very interested in the vast landscape. I chose this painting because I liked the vastness of the mountains. From looking, the mountains seem very realistic and Wang Hui painted the trees in great detail.

The painting is a bit gloomy because of the dark colors but very beautiful. In the painting, the mountains are very strange looking unlike normal mountains but they appear alive. Because the houses are very small, it makes the mountains appear very large. I feel that Wang Hui’s main purpose when he painted this was to demonstrate the dominance of the mountains. The extremely big mountains illustrate the power of Mother Nature. Therefore, the people appear very insignificant to it.

Abigail L. Holst


 “千里江山图”是宋朝人王希梦的画。这张画给我留下了很深的印象。画里有五颜六色的山、弯弯曲曲的河和很多人。画面又宽又大,山、水、和人都是画家想象出来的。他没有真实地画出现实中的山水,这样他可以表现出这张画是他想象中的理想世界。王希梦用绿色和蓝色画山。树和人们是用咖啡色、黄色等画的。 画中的人,有的在爬山,有的在树下休息,有的钓鱼,有的在做生意。“千里江山图”是一个很长的画卷、大约39英尺长。

 “千里江山图”是王希梦在1113年画完的、那年他才十八岁。 他是个神童,是宋代朝廷里最有名的画家之一。我选了这张画是因为它是中国历史上最长最大的山水画之一。
