Grace Kim

Paintings of Mountains and Waters

 金雪松(Grace Kim)

        中国的山水绘画是传统的画. 即使他的历史长, 现在也非常有名. 我拿上面的画来说吧. 首先, 这幅画是朦胧诗人画的. 朦胧诗人不是他的真的名字, 是他的笔名. 他是1965年生的, 而且是跟他的伯父涂克学画画.

这幅画是用毛笔和墨水画的, 所以只是黑和白. 这幅画的后面都是高山, 前面都是草,树,和河流. 左边有一个人在划小船. 那个时代的时候划船是他们的交通, 所以我觉得那个人在划船去另一个地方.  我觉得这幅画很特别因为左边和右边给我的感觉不一样. 右边非常复杂,但是左边非常平静,而且有点儿孤独. 总体来讲, 我喜欢这幅画因为这不但给我很平静的感觉, 而且反映那时代的生活.

这幅画反映那时代中国对山和水的想法. 在历史上, 中国认为山是个神圣的地方,是个神仙的家园, 所以离天空非常近.  山还可以挡住风, 所以可以保留地球的重要本质. 而且如果有水, 就会收集地球的重要本质和人们的财富. 了解中国的艺术的传统和风俗, 我们就会知道中国重视高山和水流.

Chinese mountain and water paintings are a traditional painting. Although its history is long, it is still very famous. Let’s take the painting above to talk about it. First of all, this painting is drawn by Meng Long poet. Meng Long is not his real name, it is his pen name. He was born in 1965 and he learned to draw from his uncle Tu Ke.

This painting is painted with a brush and ink, so it has only black and white colors. The back side is filled with high mountains and the front side is filled with grasses, trees, and water. There is a person rowing a small boat on the left side of the painting. During that period, rowing the boat was their main transportation, so I think the person in the painting is rowing the boat to go to a different place. I believe this painting is very special because the left side and the right side of the painting give me different feelings. The right side if very complex, but the left side is very calm and lonely. Overall, I like this painting because it not only gives me calm feelings, but also reflects the life of that era.

This painting reflects the idea China had towards mountains and water during that period. In history, China believes that mountain is a sacred place and a home to gods and goddesses, so it should be close from the sky. Mountains can also block the wind, so it preserves the important nature of the earth. Moreover, if there is water, then it also collects the crucial nature of the Earth and people’s wealth. By understanding the traditions and customs of Chinese art, we will realize that China attaches great importance to the mountains and waters.


Howard Lio

吴镇 (1280-1354)


这张元朝吴镇的山水画叫“高山绿林”.画里有很高的山还有各种各样的树林.在这张画的下 面有坐着两个人. 看起来他们在聊天儿. 最高的山很远,在山的上面有很多树林. 我也看到了一条小河在画的左边. 在两个人的后面是两个大石头. 这张画用了黑色和白色,加上一点咖啡色.

吴镇出生在浙江,元朝一二八零年.他也有别的名字叫仲圭. 他是个很有名的画家. 他跟黃公望, 倪瓒, 和王蒙一起叫初唐四杰. 吴镇喜欢研究其他画家的画,比方说巨然的画给他灵感.他特别喜欢画渔民在他的山水画里面.

我喜欢这张画因为我觉得这张画又安静又美.我看了那两个人坐在石头和树林的中间. 看起来他们像在聊天也像在打坐. 看见树和高山让我想到世界很大!我不知道为什么他们去那里,也不知道他们说什么,但是我觉得他们又舒服又轻松。

This landscape painting by Wu Zhen is called “ Greenery in Distant Mountain”. There are tall mountains and different kind of trees in the painting. There are two people sitting in the bottom of the painting. They seem to be talking. The tallest mountain is very far, and there are a lot of trees on top of mountain.  I also saw a river to the left side of the painting. Behind the two people are two large stones. This painting uses black and white, and also a little brown. Wu Zhen was born at Zhe Jiang during the Yuan Dynasty 1280. He also goes by another name: ZhongGui. He is a very painter. He along with Huang Gong Wang, Ni Zan, and Wang Meng are together called the Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty. Wu Zhen liked to research other artist’s painting. For example Ju Ran (another painter) gave him inspiration. He especially liked to draw fishermen in his paintings. I like this painting because I feel this painting is very quiet and beautiful. I look at those two people sitting between the stones and the forest. They seem like they are talking or also doing meditation. Seeing the trees and the tall mountains make me think of how big the world is! I don’t know why they (those people) went there, and I also don’t know what they are saying, but I feel like they are very comfortable and relaxed.

Hsu Dao-Ning

Fisherman on a Mountain Stream 

 金美美 Hsu Dao-Ning




I fear this landscape by Xu Daoning. In painting, there are a lot high mountains, a long and river, and some tree. Most of the painting is done in red and brown, but some mountains have a mixture of green. Because the mountain is surrounded by fog, the atmosphere is a little mysterious. The strokes in this painting are very sharp and dark. The outline of the mountain is painted black, and the mountain fog appears mysteriously.

During the Song Dynasty, the painter Xu Daoning lived in Kaifeng and Changan. He distributed prescriptions. Along with this job, he also painted natural sceneries. He was famous; he painted the frescoes of the aristocracy. I chose this painting because the mood is horrifying, and it seems very sad. I think this is an interesting picture.

As soon as you see this painting, this painting seems dark. In fact, this place is hell. The strokes on the mountain and the fog that surrounds the mountain are there because of fire. Mountain trees are dead. The water is a sticky without life. If I were put in this painting, I would want to die. I will pray for God to save me. This would be a terrible experience!


Austin A. Fitzpatrick


Appreciation of Fine Classical Chinese Painting — Mountains and Waters.

临戴进谢安东山图 绢本设色 170.7*89.8厘米 美私人藏。





Carrie E. Stachura




1632 年,明朝王翚出生在江苏。他是一位山水画的名家,也是清朝四位王姓山水画家之一。王翚,王时敏,王建,王原祁是四王。王时敏和王建教王翚画山水。从1691到1698,王翚管理很多画山水的康熙帝南巡图。我选这张画因为细节很漂亮很有意思,我也喜欢这张画的颜色。


Wang Hui of this landscape is beautiful. Painting, the two recorded the color of themountain, the mountain is so high, from the mountains, rivers, there are some small building, a wide variety of tree. You understand the weather is bad, because on theFangshan Yun. Next to the surface water there is a person, I think he is now fishing.Painting more than half are recorded in color, but some mountains in the stone a littleorange. Small building between the mountains.
In 1632, the Ming Wang Hui was born in Jiangsu Province. He is a landscape paintingof the famous, but also a four surnamed Wang of the Qing Dynasty landscape painters.Wang Hui and Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, Wang Yuan Qi is four king. Wang Shimin andWang Jian, Wang Hui, teach painting landscapes. From 1691 to 1698, painting landscapes in the management of Wang Hui Emperor Kangxi southern tour map. I chose this painting because the details are very beautiful and very interesting, I also likethe color of this painting.
Usually I like nature. Wang Hui painted and drew a lot of life. In Walking give me peacein Samly. I want to get on that road also smell the water of the waterfall and the smell ofthe trees. I know what floor, not a hotel, but I like to think it is. In this way, I can stay.