Program Coordinator, Emory’s Office for RACE
Category : Alumni Student Opportunities
Dissertating Grad Students:
Interested in exploring Alt-Ac careers? Not ready to go on the TT job-market? Looking to further engage and support students of color (grad and undergrad) in higher ed? Emory’s Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement (RACE) is hiring!
The Office for RACE Program Coordinator is a full-time, benefits eligible, 2-year position that assists the office professional staff with the organization and logistics of various programs and initiatives. This includes support for the office’s identity spaces (Emory Black Student Union, Centro Latinx, and the Asian Student Center), pre-orientation and orientation programs, heritage months, commencement ceremonies, and more. The Office for RACE also works frequently with other offices in Belonging and Community Justice (Center for Women and Office of LGBT Life), a unit of Emory Campus Life that supports student inclusion, identity development, and equity.
See more info here.
Questions? Contact Taína Figueroa (tfiguer [at] emory [dot] edu).