Author Archives: Erica Schipper

Applied Epidemiology ORISE Fellowship in Data Analysis, CDC Malaria Branch

Category : Alumni

Job Description 

The CDC’s Malaria Branch is pleased to list two (2) ORISE fellowship positions which will focus in training and analysis of large malaria datasets for epidemiological estimates. Field surveys which have collected large amounts of data on individual, community-level, and ecological variables are of great value for determining the incidence and prevalence of malaria in a population. The ORISE position will involve the analysis of these large datasets which have been combined with data from laboratory assays. The fellow will focus on the multivariate and spatial components of these analyses, and will work to prepare manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals.

Appointment Period

One year from start (in summer 2022).

Preferred qualifications

Graduation in the previous five years with a degree in epidemiology, biostatistics, or equivalent. Candidates with experience in analysis of large datasets, spatial analysis, and scientific writing will be most competitive.

Pay range

MPH: $56,292/annum

PhD/DrPH: $68,112/annum

Degree completion plus additional work experience has potential for salary negotiation.

Healthcare plans available.  

Application deadline and mechanism

Applications will consist of a CV and inclusion of a brief statement of why the applicant feels they would be a good choice for this position. Letters of recommendation are not required, but will also be accepted. Applications can be emailed directly to erogier [at] cdc [dot] gov. This ORISE position is seeking to be filled as soon as possible.   


Multiple Permanent Positions, FDA/CFSAN Risk Analysis Branch

Category : Alumni

The FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Analytics and Outreach, Division of Risk and Decision Analysis, Risk Analysis Branch is anticipating several federal permanent positions to become available for research scientists in the coming weeks, specifically:

Biology (Risk Analyst), GS-0401-13
Statistician (Risk Modeler), GS-1520-13
Operations Research (Risk Analyst), GS-1515-13

The scientists selected will become members of a talented scientific team whose work focuses on analyzing and integrating diverse data streams to provide new insights and information that maximize the public health impact of FDA’s actions. The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition informs Agency, consumer, and stakeholder decisions with risk assessments and decision analyses.  They create models, new approaches and methodology, and develop new strategies to answer critical and complex public health questions. They leverage state-of-the art computational methods and create interactive analytical tools.  

Their portfolio is broad. Some of the FDA initiatives they support include the following.

Food Safety Modernization Act Foundational Rules and Guidance
Closer to Zero: Action Plan for Baby Foods
Leafy Greens STEC Action Plan
21 Forward
FDA Food Code

The Division of Risk and Decision Analysis and Risk Assessment Branch currently includes biologists, engineers, statisticians, food scientists, environmental scientists, physical scientists, toxicologists, nutritionists, and veterinarians. They welcome creative scientists with varied backgrounds who are driven to tackle critical public health questions, who want to implement and expand their skills and knowledge, and who want to be a part of a vibrant collaborative team.

For more information about the Division of Risk and Decision Analysis, please contact Jane Van Doren, jane [dot] vandoren [at] fda [dot] hhs [dot] gov

Additional information about position announcements and applying:

Each position will be advertised separately on and will be open for five days. Please note that the government can close the window for applications earlier when a sufficient number of applications have been received. As a result, interested applicants are encouraged to set up notifications for jobs of interest and to prepare their application materials ahead of any announcement so that they can submit them as soon as the advertisement appears. General requirements for each job series are available from


Updated Certificate Application Information: ID, SDOH, and GME

Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ID) Certificate

  • Application will be open from August 1 through August 19.  
  • The link to the application will be on the website page on August 1st.
  • Decisions will be made prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
  • If you applied and have been accepted, you will receive a congratulations letter as well as an invitation to the certificate Canvas site. 
  • At that time, you will be enrolled in EPI 512 as that is the first required course for the Certificate.  Please be sure to leave the class time slot open when making your schedule.  EPI 512 is offered this fall on Fridays at 1:00-1:50 PM.
  • Be sure to register for EPI 517 this Fall as well.  There are no registration blocks on that course so you should be able to register with no issues during summer registration.  
  • When you are meeting with your advisor this summer to register for the fall, be sure to let your advisor know that you plan to apply to the ID Certificate.
  • If you have any questions, you may contact Brenda Hardy at Brenda [dot] l [dot] hardy [at] emory [dot] edu.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Certificate

  • Application will be open from August 1 through August 19.  
  • The link to the application will be on our website page on August 1st.
  • Decisions will be made prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
  • If you applied and have been accepted, you will receive a congratulations letter as well as an invitation to the certificate Canvas site.
  • When you are meeting with your advisor this summer to register for the fall, be sure to let your advisor know that you plan to apply to the SDOH Certificate.
  • Be sure to register this summer for EPI 511 which will be offered Tuesday, 9:00-9:50 AM.
  • If you have any questions, you may contact Brenda Hardy at Brenda [dot] l [dot] hardy [at] emory [dot] edu

Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology (GME) Certificate

  • Application will be open from August 15 through September 15. 
  • The link to the application will be on the certificate website page on August 15th.
  • Decisions will be made by September 30.
  • If you applied and have been accepted, you will receive a congratulations letter as well as an invitation to the Canvas site.
  • If  you are interested in the GME Certificate, you should take EPI 510 Introduction to Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology, Friday 3:00-3:50 for 1 credit hour.
  • If you have any questions, you may contact Brenda Hardy at Brenda [dot] l [dot] hardy [at] emory [dot] edu.


GRAD 700: Pandemic Reflections Fall 2022 Course Offering

This fall semester, Dr. Jodie Guest will be teaching a 3 credit course open to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.

CFDE University Course – Fall 2022

Pandemic Reflections 

Tuesday 1-4pm

Course Convener: Dr. Jodie Guest

Course Description: 

Often discussions of pandemics focus on infectious diseases, public health outreach and communication, and perhaps even vaccine development and roll out. But pandemics are also like mirrors. They offer a reflection of both who we are and who we can be as a global community. What can they teach us about ourselves, our society, and even our world?  

This course will focus on the HIV/AIDS and Covid-19 pandemics as two (ongoing) events that have taught us about science and disease. But they have also brought a sharper focus on issues surrounding stigma, religion, communication, inequity, and politics. Drawing on these two pandemics, we will begin to ponder how they help explore our current context more deeply and shape our responses to future pandemics.   What were our lessons learned? How might we carry them forward? 

Space is limited in this course, not all that apply are guaranteed a place in the course. 

To apply for the course, please fill out this form: 

BSHES 560R: Firearm Injury Theory & Prevention Course Offering

The Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences at Rollins will offer an elective course (BSHES 560R) in Firearm Injury Theory & Prevention this fall. 

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the concept of firearm-related injury and death as a public health crisis and focuses on the social, structural, and behavioral aspects of interpersonal and self-directed violence. From theory to practice, students will integrate basic and comprehensive public health concepts with data to influence novel violence prevention strategies and policies. 

Course Instructors:

Dr. Randi Smith: Dr. Smith received her MD degree from the University of California San Francisco, and her MPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She completed her general surgery residency at the University of California San Francisco – East Bay, and her fellowship in trauma and critical care surgery at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Smith serves as a trauma surgeon and surgical ICU doctor at Grady Memorial Hospital. Her special interests include violence prevention, clinical outcomes with a focus on understanding the social determinate of health that lead to trauma and health disparities. 

In 2017, Dr. Smith joined the Violence Prevention Task Force, based out of the Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory (IPRCE), and became a core faculty member. She spearheads many community outreach efforts and has gained a national reputation for her involvement in hospital-based violence prevention strategies. 

Dr. Lauren Hudak: Lauren Hudak, MD, MPH is an attending physician of Emergency Medicine at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA, and an Assistant Professor at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Hudak’s clinical interests include the care of trauma and injury patients with a focus on victims off sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and firearm injured patients. Her research interests include the impact of violence and injury on mental health and the community, as well as firearm injury prevention in the clinical environment. She is the Assistant Director of the Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory (IPRCE) where she is the Co-Chair of the Violence Prevention Task Force collaborating with multiple Atlanta area research and community organizations. 

Dr. Haduk serves as the Emergency Medicines Sexual Violence curriculum director, coordinating training for the sexual assault forensic examination as well as comprehensive advocacy focused clinical care. Her current research projects include examining the effectiveness of firearm safety discussions with patients as well as assessing firearm injury trends, risk and protective factors, and hospital based violence intervention in the healthcare setting. 


Upcoming Events

  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 6, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series; HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSON Online Location: HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSONEvent Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: Håvard Rue, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomHåvard Rue, PhD, Distinguished Professor,King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)Seminar Title: Cross-validation for Dependent Data
  • GCDTR Seminar-Redefining Glucose Monitoring: AI-Powered Non-Invasive Innovations for Diabetes Management February 18, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture;… Online Location: Type: Guest LectureSeries: GCDTR SeminarsSpeaker: Maria Valero de Clemente, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: with Maria Valero De Clemente, PhD, Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Software Engineering, Department of Information Technology at Kennesaw State University (KSU) and Director of IoT as Service Research Group
  • EGDRC Seminar - Access to Medicines: At Home and Around the World February 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACPContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R205Link: talk by Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACP, Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Associate Professor, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health; Firm Chief, SLA3, Yale New Haven Hospital

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