Category Archives: GLEPI

Data Visualization Hackathon, CGDV

The Center for Global Data Visualization (CGDV) invites you to join an international data visualization hackathon! In this hackathon, we will provide you with data sets and the opportunity to visualize global, regional or country specific data related to refugees and displaced populations. You will have the opportunity to perform exploratory analysis and provide insights that can have a real impact to help refugees. Prizes will be provided for the winning visuals, and  you can Register here to sign up. The Hackathon will take place from October 19 through the 26th. 

Student Opportunities > GLEPI

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Are you a GLEPI student looking for news, events, and opportunities specifically related to global health? Now, these posts will be collected under the GLEPI menu item for extra quick access! Simply hover over the Student Opportunities menu, and click GLEPI in the dropdown. 

Let us know what you think!

Pathways to Public Health, 10/17

Category : GLEPI News/Events

On Thursday, October 17, two of Rollins alumni will be returning to campus to speak at Pathways to Public Health. Alexa Morse is a 2017 BSHE graduate and currently working at the Global Center for Medical Innovation. Liz Hannapel is a 2012 EPI alumna and works with the GA Department of Public Health. Come hear about their pathway to public health and explore a variety of career options!

Global Field Experience Financial Award, 10/17

Bring your lunch and learn about a funding opportunity to support field work in low- and middle- income countries! 

Behind the Manuscript, 9/24

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Join the Epidemiology department and Dr. Michael Goodman in a seminar sharing the insights to the research process behind the manuscript “Cross-sex hormones and acute cardiovascular events in transgender persons”

Please RSVP by clicking HERE.

Chair’s Chat 10/2, Please RSVP

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Join the Epidemiology Department for pizza and a conversation with peers and Dr. Timothy Lash and Dr. Lauren Christiansen-Lindquist on 10/2 at 12 pm. Please RSVP whether you plan to attend or not by clicking HERE.

TEPHINET, Hilton Fellow, The Task Force for Global Health

The Task Force for Global Health is offering a fellowship opportunity to a Hilton Prize Coalition (HPC) Fellow starting in September 2019 for a minimum of three months part-time.

The HPC Fellow will have an opportunity to:

• Work as part of an ongoing Task Force program

• Become acquainted with TEPHINET’s operations and strategic work areas

• Interact with technical experts in field epidemiology and learning, and public health leaders

• Become familiar with working with coalitions and collaborative concepts

• Assist in advancing a new priority work area for the program

• Otherwise contribute to strengthen technical capacity at TEPHINET


The Task Force for Global Health is an Emory University affiliate located in Decatur, GA. Its programs focus on building robust public health systems that serve all people. Program areas include neglected tropical diseases, vaccines, and health systems strengthening. The Task Force for Global Health was recognized for its extraordinary contributions to alleviating human suffering with the 2016 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize, the world’s largest award of its kind. The Task Force is ranked among the largest nonprofits in the United States due to in-kind contributions of medicines and vaccines from major pharmaceutical companies valued at billions of dollars annually.


Training Programs in Epidemiology & Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) is a global network of field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) founded in June 1997 with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Foundation Merieux. With a secretariat based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, TEPHINET is the only global network of field epidemiology training programs, spanning multiple regional networks, sub-regional programs, and national programs around the world. Overall, TEPHINET comprises 71 programs in more than 100 countries. Currently, there are more than 12,000 FETP graduates around the world. For more information, visit TEPHINET’s website:


The HPC Fellow will support TEPHINET in creating and implementing a continuous learning strategy as it relates to their mission goals. TEPHINET’s vision for the learning strategy is to:

1. Create a robust and sustainable learning platform able to host educational resources and training materials relevant to the global FETP community 2. Strengthen TEPHINET’s learning support, coordination, and interaction role to amplify the effectiveness of field epidemiologists within the network 3. Generate both internal and external (e.g., academic and research institutions) opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange


The HPC Fellow will focus primarily on supporting technical aspects of TEPHINET as it pertains to two of its strategic work areas: continuous learning and knowledge exchange. These include:

• Convening meetings of technical experts to discuss current learning gaps and emergent needs and compiling inputs for inclusion into a draft strategy document

• Performing targeted collaborative strategic activities with knowledge exchange and learning teams

The fellow will primarily be supporting TEPHINET learning activities, such as, but not limited to:

• FETP Learning Advisory Council coordination and development activities

• Learning Strategy creation and validation

• Other priority learning activities that result from the above two tasks

This position will focus primarily on supporting continued implementation of Objectives 1 and 2, and to a lesser degree Objectives 3 and 4, from the TEPHINET Learning Strategy Development and Implementation initiative:

• Objective 1: Formalize the creation of a network-wide learning advisory board

▪ Update working agenda and coordinate activities

▪ Identification of a larger network of learning focal points from key stakeholder groups, for support to this board and initiative, as needed

• Objective 2: TEPHINET Learning Strategy is finalized and validated by the learning advisory board (FLAC), FETP Program Directors, and other key stakeholders Activities:

▪ Begin organizing components of draft strategy from meeting inputs and outputs

• Liaison with a strategy development SME contractor to have a first draft of the strategy ready for presentation to the Program Directors in late October 2019

▪ Coordinate formation and convening of functional sub-working groups as identified, whose aim is to develop criteria and action plans for key components of the strategy and its implementation

• Objective 3: By 31 August 2020, select new Learning Management System (LMS) for the TEPHINET Secretariat to manage and share with the global network.

▪ Assist with planning of Sub-Objective 3.1 tasks – Conduct Collaborative Requirements Development Methodology (needs assessment for business processes and technology requirements)

• Objective 4: Starting in May 2020 through 31 August 2020, begin dissemination and implementation of TEPHINET Continuous Learning Strategy (TEPHINET will be concurrently working on some priority activities while developing the strategy.)

▪ As identified by the FLAC, assist in coordination and drafting of action plans for key activities such as: (continued) development, use and maintenance of technology platforms and tools; creation of collaboration and knowledge sharing tools/spaces for FETP curriculum standardization, FETP curriculum/course customization and innovations; review of existing learning materials and resources; identification and incorporation of new learning materials for programs and graduates (continuing education, etc), harmonizing between levels (national, regional, global); and others as determined by the strategy


• Participates fully as a member of the Task Force for Global Health and TEPHINET by contributing, assisting and participating in projects, activities, and initiatives as requested by management.

• Complete a Disaster Ready training administered by Hilton.

The fellowship will provide compensation to the fellow in the form of a $5,000 stipend paid on a bi-weekly basis.


Fellowship applicants should meet the following qualifications:

• Be enrolled in a master’s degree program in public health with a focus in epidemiology, global health, or a learning-focused degree or concentration OR have demonstrable experience (2-5 years or 5+ years) with learning related initiatives, ideally learning activity cycle beginning to end (design to evaluation) and/or strategy development and action planning

• Experience with development/management of virtual collaboration technology tools

• Be familiar with data management, survey development and basic data analysis

• Have an interest in strengthening public health capacity


• A cover letter stating the applicant’s area of interest in public health that includes an overview or summary of related projects, experiences, or publications produced by the applicant (maximum one page)

To apply, click HERE.

Internship: Epidemiologist, Khayelitsha project MSF South Africa


The MSF Khayelitsha project provides support to HIV, TB, and DR TB programmes being run by local government in the sub-district. Part of this support involves piloting innovative strategies to promote virologic suppression, long term retention in care, and support for high risk groups of HIV positive patients. The HIV data team is responsible for data collection, monitoring, evaluation, and supporting operational research around MSF Khayelitsha project’s HIV-related pilots. The aim is to disseminate key findings and advocacy messages through conferences, publications, and interactions with the local and national Department of Health.

The epidemiologist intern will report to Dr. Ingrid Katz (Harvard Medical School, Harvard Global Health Institute), Dr. Bethany Hedt-Gauthier (Harvard Medical School), and the HIV epidemiologist of MSF Khayelitsha. The epidemiologist intern will be part of a team that includes two medical data processing officers, a data supervisor, and the HIV epidemiologist. They will work be required to work closely with all data team members, and cooperate with all other staff in the Khayelitsha office. This unpaid internship would provide academic opportunities, including mentorship for Masters and Doctoral-level students and potential publication opportunities.


The HIV epidemiologist will work with the intern epidemiologist to devise a work plan that balances the development of the intern epidemiologist and their contribution to the project. This could involve delegation of entire pilots to the intern epidemiologist or a focus on specific types of tasks.

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

The epidemiologist intern will assist the HIV epidemiologist with the organization, data management, and quarterly reporting of the M&E of MSF pilot projects, specifically: Outreach Initiation Model, 6-months ARV supply study, PrEP, Postnatal Clubs and a ‘Welcome back services’. This may include development and maintenance of M&E tools for new and ongoing projects, and ad hoc data requests to inform ongoing or planned pilots. Where appropriate, they will also support the capacity building of the data team staff.

Operational research

The intern epidemiologist will be involved in all stages of operational research. This includes:

· Maintenance of an MSF Khayelitsha HIV operational research agenda

· Development of study protocols and analysis plans

· Ethics submissions (new, routine reporting, amendments) to both University of Cape Town Human Research Ethics Committee, and MSF’s Ethics Review Board

· Interim data analyses

· Preparation of conference submissions and potentially manuscripts for journals.

· The intern epidemiologist may have opportunities to get involved in other analyses as capacity allows.


Required qualifications and skills

· Masters in Public Health or MSc Epidemiology, or other related masters in a scientific discipline

· Experience in data cleaning, management and analysis

· Previous training and experience using Stata software.

· Previous experience of data collection software, e.g. REDCap (preferred) or mobile data collection

The ideal candidate would be flexible and willing to adapt to team needs. They should have an interest in improving the health outcomes of people living with HIV, and be committed to balancing research integrity and pragmatic implementation needs.

Annual Open House, The Center for Global Safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (CGSW) 9/24

Category : GLEPI News/Events

The Center for Global Safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (CGSW) conducts applied research, evaluation, and training to promote global health equity through universal access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions for the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Please join our faculty, staff and partners to learn more about The Center for Global Safe WASH Presentations will include an overview of the CGSW, current faculty research projects, the WASH Certificate program and upcoming GFE opportunities!

Inside APE: Alejandra Alvarez & World Water Relief

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI GLEPI

This week for #InsideAPE, we sat down with Alejandra Alvarez, rising 2nd year EPI MPH student to talk about her work this summer with San Rafael Verano Ocupado: Art and WASH Summer Camp at World Water Relief (WWR) in San Rafael de Barahona, Dominican Republic.

Tell us about your APE project.

The main goal of my APE is to implement a WASH themed summer camp for the youth in San Rafael.  I am in charge of making lesson plans which include the activities and discussion questions that will engage the youth in WASH topics that directly affect them. For example, one week we talked about pollution in the oceans and rivers and the effect on human health. They were able to discuss the types of pollution they see, how they imagine the pollution can be prevented, and how the pollution affects them because San Rafael sits right on the beach and a river.

WWR also does WASH education and monitoring throughout the school year in other communities in the southwestern region of the Dominican Republic. My other responsibility for the summer is to look through the logs and see how WASH behaviors and attitudes, such as how often school children wash their hands and whether or not a school bathroom has soap, changes throughout the school year.

How did you find your APE project?

I found WWR by looking through an interactive map on the APE website. I knew I wanted to complete a WASH APE and I wanted to work in a Latin American country so the map was very helpful in finding an organization where Rollins students previously completed their APEs. After reaching out to WWR and explaining my previous experience and learning objectives, my site supervisor and I agreed on a summer camp where the youth of the community can learn WASH concepts through fun activities and discussions while also doing art. Dr. Christine Moe also helped guide me through the GFEFA application and work through my objectives and methods.

What has the experience been like so far?

Since I am teaching and living in the small town of San Rafael, a big part of my time has been getting to know the community and seeing my students outside the classroom setting. I’ve had a lot of fun seeing the kids at the beach and river, having them come over and playing with my host family, and picking up trash with me at a community beach clean-up.  I look forward to seeing the youth in and outside the classroom for the rest of the summer.

One happy surprise that came about from the summer camp is that the girls wanted to be part of a group where we would talk about issues that deal with growing up. So far we have talked about the menstrual cycle and feminine hygiene. They are really enthusiastic about the group and gave suggestions for future topics such as how to support friends, healthy relationships, and intimate partner violence. While I enjoy the WASH component of this APE, I am most excited about what comes about from this girls group.

Alejandra Alvarez is a rising 2nd year EPI MPH student with research interests related to infectious disease and waterborne diseases. 

Upcoming Events

  • EGDRC Seminar - Ancestry-related Differences in Insulin Secretory Rate and Insulin Sensitivity February 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Darko Stefanovski, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: talk by Darko Stefanovski, PhD, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Pediatrics, Section Chief of Population Medicine, Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series Event Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: F. DuBois Bowman, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomExcellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series February 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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