Category Archives: News/Events

Epidemiology Elective Session, 10/16

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Join the Epidemiology department for an overview of the Epi elective courses on Wednesday, October 16th from 12-12:50pm.

First Year Pre-Registration, 10/17

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Join the Epidemiology department for an advising session for first year pre-registration on Thursday October 17th from 12-12:50pm.

International Student and Scholar Advising, 10/9

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Join Matt Davidson international student advising on Wednesday October 9 at 1pm.

Epidemiology Bagel Breakfast, 10/10

Category : GLEPI News/Events

The Epidemiology Department will be holding Bagel Breakfast Thursday, October 10th from 8am-10am.

Recent Publications Page

Category : News/Events

Check out the updated lists of publications from the Epidemiology Department on the Recent Publications page!

Student Loan Repayment Seminar, 9/30

Category : News/Events

Do you know how you are going to repay your student loans? Get your questions answered on income-based repayment, consolidation, public service loan forgiveness, deferment & forbearance and more!

Student Opportunities > GLEPI

Category : GLEPI News/Events

Are you a GLEPI student looking for news, events, and opportunities specifically related to global health? Now, these posts will be collected under the GLEPI menu item for extra quick access! Simply hover over the Student Opportunities menu, and click GLEPI in the dropdown. 

Let us know what you think!

Pathways to Public Health, 10/17

Category : GLEPI News/Events

On Thursday, October 17, two of Rollins alumni will be returning to campus to speak at Pathways to Public Health. Alexa Morse is a 2017 BSHE graduate and currently working at the Global Center for Medical Innovation. Liz Hannapel is a 2012 EPI alumna and works with the GA Department of Public Health. Come hear about their pathway to public health and explore a variety of career options!

Intro to APE/ILE, 10/7

Category : News/Events

Join the Epidemiology Department for the Introduction to APE/ILE on October 7 from 5-6:30pm.

Opioid Epidemic and Policy: Where have we been and where are we now?, 9/23

Category : News/Events

Training Description
Systems thinking, especially with simulation models, facilitates understanding of complex health policy problems. Using a simulation model to educate legislators, public health experts, and education leaders about the policies that have the greatest short- and long-term impact on childhood obesity can encourage strategic investment in low-cost, high-return policies. This webinar will feature the Georgia childhood obesity model created by and for legislators and other stakeholders to support dialogue on policy interventions designed to reduce childhood obesity (specifically, BMI for age percentiles). Participants will have the opportunity to explore the model and understand how policies and evidence-based interventions can impact obesity prevalence and costs over time.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the history, policy response, and context of the opioid epidemic and relevance to current and future response.
  2. Explain the policy response to the opioid epidemic, and how the SUPPORT Act is guiding the current response.
  3. Identify how response to the opioid epidemic as a public health crisis has immediate and broader effects, including both intended and unintended effects from a systems perspective.

To register, click HERE.

Upcoming Events

  • GCDTR Seminar-Redefining Glucose Monitoring: AI-Powered Non-Invasive Innovations for Diabetes Management February 18, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture;… Online Location: Type: Guest LectureSeries: GCDTR SeminarsSpeaker: Maria Valero de Clemente, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: with Maria Valero De Clemente, PhD, Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Software Engineering, Department of Information Technology at Kennesaw State University (KSU) and Director of IoT as Service Research Group
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series Event Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: Xiaoming Huo, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomA Uniform Concentration Inequality for Kernel-Based Two-Sample Statistics
  • EGDRC Seminar - Access to Medicines: At Home and Around the World February 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACPContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R205Link: talk by Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACP, Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Associate Professor, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health; Firm Chief, SLA3, Yale New Haven Hospital

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